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Everything posted by Aquiss

  1. "copy of a younger pichard" But alas, why have a print when you can adore the master?? A.
  2. "but if janeway hadn't met him then the Equinox might of made it home." See, she is not only a bad Cpt, she's ebil too. I rest my case. A.
  3. That joke SO doesn`t work in text alone on so many levels... A.
  4. ::Mumbles something about hand and butt then smiles:: Hey you ever seen sooty in the nude?? ::Does hand gestures:: A.
  5. Shoot the muppet then!!! A.
  6. And Janeway didn`t even make the list?? Pfftt.... A.
  7. Has to be Picard, 110% percent. His leadership values, morals and sense of worth for himself plus crew members!! A.
  8. I'm still the old Video tape watcher <G> The excitement of getting those every week, banging them in and watching TWO eps!!!! Each Thursday the postman would knock and give them to me and Thursday night would be DS9 night for me! Just watch "The Wire" from Season Two and you'll know why DS9 is the best of all trek A.
  9. So hard to exactly say WHICH is best. Cardi appeared in all seasons so I was just a really happy bunny. I`ll say start with One and go from there, otherwise you won`t really have a clue who is who and what makes the different characters tick. A.
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