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About Denari

Personal information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Psychology, Forensics, Criminal Behavior, Martial Arts, kick boxing, racquet ball, hand ball, extreme sports

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Discovery
  • Current Post

Denari's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (18/28)



  1. Congratulations, Toni & Ben. Well done.
  2. Congrats everyone. Now the fun really begins.
  3. I've been posted to SB118 Ops.
  4. Thanks Seph and well okay you too Ajescent.
  5. I have the entire TNG DVD Set, The Undiscovered Country, First Contact, Generations and Nemisis.
  6. I've actually met him and he is a pompous jerk. I agree with T'Lara. It just needs time off. The fan base is too large to let it just die.
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