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About Darkforce

  • Birthday 04/16/1989

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  • Location
    The Netherlands
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  • Current Vessel
    USS Steadfast
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Sci-Fi Groupie

Sci-Fi Groupie (15/28)



  1. I find Archer the most fun to watch, but Picard is a better captain. And Janeway is a good admiral.
  2. It's even hard to find one stupid enough to do it.
  3. It just stays weird. I want the smillies back, I really miss them.
  4. This is creapy now I'm getting 2 for the price of one.
  5. Admiral Wolf is working on it, and they will return ASAP indeed. I knew it..I'm a Psychic.
  6. Admiral Wolf is working on it, and they will return ASAP indeed. I knew it..I'm a Psychic.
  7. I have to agree with that. By the way does anyone now when the smilies will probaly back up? ASAP I guess.
  8. See people, Janeway wasn't the best.
  9. Aren't they
  10. I only talk to my cats and they talk back. But I don't talk against other lifeless things(exept of humans of course) :lol:
  11. Who was the worst Starfleet captain? J.T. Esteban - USS Grissom - Star Trek III John Harriman - USS Enterpise-B - Star Trek Generations Rudolph Ransom - USS Equinox - Equinox (VOY) Edward Jellico - USS Cairo - Chains of Command (TNG) Wow :blink: did I missed something?
  12. Alright Picards comes second
  13. He is the best :lol: Kirk maybe a bit more personal but I don't find him a good captain.
  14. Janeway is great but Picard is better
  15. Archer is a fine captain. I never liked Benjamin Sisko anyway, but that's my point of view :unsure:
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