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A'ern Zerxes

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A'ern Zerxes last won the day on March 11 2014

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    USS Vigilant
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  1. It was a pleasure to work with you all in training. I'm excited to see where your careers go from here! I hope we get to serve together at some point.
  2. Great job in training to all three of you. I look forward to writing with you again!
  3. Great job this week, Ensigns! Can't wait to see how your careers progress. I hope we get to write together again.
  4. I don't know if the iron will ever be hotter than it is right now. The sci-fi genre is trendy again with all of the Marvel/DC comics stuff going on and the Trek brand is back in play with the movies. This would seem like the ideal time for something to happen, but obviously it will have a lot to do with the quality of what Dorn brings to the table.
  5. Good points, Sky. Just because CBS doesn't want it I don't see that as a major deterrent. A new Trek show provides an instant fanbase that has revitalized market potential from the movies. NBC is desperate right now and ABC has been trying to land a sci-fi hit for a while since "LOST" went off the air. They might jump on it. Obviously SyFy would jump all over it if they can provide the budget to make it work ("Defiance" tell me they can). I could even see BBCA doing it based on the success of their TNG reruns. I doubt they'd really name it "Captain Worf" once it got greenlit. That's probably just an in-production title. I think a female CoS makes perfect sense as a contrast to Word as captain. I have a feeling that's exactly the way they'd go, too. It'd be very interesting to see the kind of ship, and with that the kind of missions, that Worf's crew would have. Obviously we think of Worf as a warrior and a combat-heavy show would make sense, especially if he was still in charge of a Defiant-class as we saw in "First Contact." To make that work, though, you'd have to introduce a pretty major conflict into the Trek universe. One idea would be to really dive into a new Federation-Klingon alliance with Chancellor Martok. Perhaps the Klingons allow the Federation to establish some colonies and exploration stations deep in the Beta Quadrant on the outskirts of their space. Worf would be a perfect person to send out there for Klingon relations.
  6. How have I not heard about this yet? Did we never discuss this on our forums? http://blogs.canoe.ca/rabbitears/television/star-trek-captain-worf-is-on-the-horizon/
  7. Welcome to the fleet, Ensigns Corbin and Makoto. I enjoyed watching your work in the training class and can't wait to see how your careers unfold!
  8. All three of you are going to make great additions to the fleet. I'm excited to see how you progress! Welcome!
  9. I think it's accepted canon (according to Memory Alpha) that the El-Aurians from Generations were refugees from the Borg attack. I've always assumed that meant their homeworld was in the Delta Quadrant as the Borg were supposedly drawn to the Alpha Quadrant due to Q's transporting the Enterprise there in "Q Who," though the Borg were supposedly the ones who were attacking outposts in the earlier episode, "The Neutral Zone." It's funny trying to go back after the fact and add continuity to stuff that really wasn't written with that in mind.
  10. On a side note, the "Samuel Clemens" character in these episodes may be the most annoying thing ever portrayed on Star Trek.
  11. Okay, so I was watching the "Time's Arrow" two-parter this weekend and it had Guinan in the late 1800s of Earth. But if you remember in the "Generations" movie, she was on the ship full of El-Aurians escaping the assimilation of their homeworld by the Borg. That would have been about 500 years later. So are we to believe that the El-Aurians had the technological capacity to get all the way from the Delta Quadrant (assuming that's where their homeworld was) to Earth in the 1800s, and yet they've had an almost invisible presence in the outworking of the galaxy during that time? Seems kinda hinky.
  12. The Borg is an awesome pick. You really can make a case for them for a variety of reasons. They were the centerpiece for one of the feature films ("First Contact"), were involved in multiple episodes of more than one series, and the "Best of Both Worlds" two=-parter is widely considered the best single episodes of any Trek series. Much like Kirk's feud with Kahn is the defining moment for that character, Picard's transformation to Locutus and his subsequent Borg issues was his biggest arc. Good call!
  13. We know Kirk recently traveled back in time to talk to Seth McFarlane. Maybe that's part of the new movie?
  14. Good ones! I don't know if I'd put either of them on Kahn/Q level in terms of defining roles, but they were great villains. Lore was great because, liked you said, it let Spiner show off. The guy I really felt bad about leaving out was Gul Dukat. He was such a huge part of DS9 but fluctuated so much in terms of good/bad/other. There were times where you were genuinely rooting for him, which I don't know was ever true for Q. Even when Q lost his powers you were more amused by him, but not supporting him.
  15. Kahn is a big topic again in Trek circles with the ongoing mystery about Benedict Cumberbatch's character in "Star Trek: Into Darkness." Some still hold on to the idea that he's playing a version of Kahn, while others dismiss it. Either way, the fervor makes it clear that Kahn perhaps the most important villain in Trek history. Similarly impactful, in my opinion, was Q. Like Kahn's rivalry with Jim Kirk, Q's relationship with Picard was the defining thread of that series and even provided the bookends to TNG's premiere and finale. He even showed up in cameos for DS9 and Voyager, easily making him the most recurring villain in Trek history. That said, Q never appeared in any of the feature films. Many hold "Wrath of Kahn" to be the best of any of the Trek movies thanks largely to Ricardo Montalban's work. Also, unlike Q, Kahn never flirted with moments of heroism or altruism. He was a pure villian, whereas for some Q may not even qualify. I thought this would be a fun debate/discussion. If you think someone else belongs in the mix, feel free to nominate them. I feel pretty confident that for most of us, though, one of these two guys would be our answer.
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