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Captains Council observer
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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Hey . . . Where did you go? Did you suddenly drop out of the ship?

  2. What. Did. You. Make. Him. DO??

    I think I'll take you up on that: For all I know, Sky might need a lesson on Dream Walking

  3. Is it me? Or was that an extremely small class . . .? Welcome back to the fleet!

    1. Reen Sullivan

      Reen Sullivan

      And a very happy Easter to you too, Deliera!

    2. Blake


      You too, Dee! I'll be spending this weekend out in the middle of nowhere! I'm glad I brought my laptop and internet, cause I've got nothing else to do!

  5. Thank you! I think I managed to catch up - maybe a little argument with deMarc here and there! lol. I think I should be right from here.
  6. Yeah, Challenger A. But don't worry now; everything's been set out for me. And I haven't been able to post my side of the transmission yet: I have to wait for a good time.

  7. I think I preferred it at the academy. I've been kind of ignored, and I honestly don't know what's going on on my ship. I really couldn't tell you what we are doing!
  8. I'm confused. I've been kind of left out on my ship, and I know nothing of what or who is going on. Help?

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