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Flash NOva

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Everything posted by Flash NOva

  1. Lol. I forgot it was April fool's.
  2. This is pulled from Star Trek's news, I'm a little turned off by it... 04.01.2005 Enterprise Saved ... With Strings Attached With Star Trek: Enterprise hanging by a veritable thread the last two years, a new direction for the show has recently been unveiled that is being hailed both as a triumph of corporate synergy for the Viacom-owned Paramount Pictures, and a way to keep the show on the air. If you recall news reports from last year, UPN agreed to renew Enterprise for a fourth season in exchange for substantially lowering the license fee it pays to Paramount for the show. In order to remain on the network for a fifth season, the license fee would have to be reduced even more — to a level at which, under normal circumstances, the sci-fi show would be impossible to produce. Enter the darlings of Viacom-owned Comedy Central, Star Trek fans Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park. Parker and Stone, you may recall, also made Paramount's "Team America: World Police," which ran in theaters last year and comes out on DVD in May. The movie grossed only $50 million worldwide, but it turned a profit for the studio due to its low production budget. "The pieces fall together brilliantly," said a top Viacom spokesperson. "Matt and Trey take over Enterprise, and it's all done with marionettes! It's like Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet all over. Gerry Anderson, watch out." The retooled show, under the new name Team Enterprise, will still feature the voice talents of Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, and most of the original cast. (Those who are not invited back to voice their character parts due to budget constraints will be invited to write an episode as compensation.) The actors are excited about the prospect of continuing the show without the hassle of costumes, makeup and 16-hour workdays. "Now I won't have to get to work super early in the morning and sit in a chair for hours and hours getting appliances glued to my face before going on set," said Linda Park. John Billingsley, who was standing nearby, interrupted and pointed out that it was in fact he, not she, who had to suffer that particular indignity. Another actor requested the producers install a high-speed internet connection and a microphone at her house so she could just phone in her performance. Parker and Stone have already started making a shooting model of the Enterprise NX-01, thus reviving an old Star Trek tradition. "We prefer the look of physical, tangible models over CGI ships any day," Parker said. "Of course, we have no visual effects budget whatsoever, so we won't be painting out the strings. You'll get used to it. Still trying to figure out where to put the propeller." "We're also gonna re-do the opening title sequence," Stone revealed. "Record a new theme — something bombastic, action-oriented. Y'know, something that isn't, like, totally gay." These ambitions may put the squeeze on an already bare-bones budget. But the new Trek producers can cut corners by utilizing existing props and sets from "Team America." So don't be surprised if Captain Archer looks suspiciously like Alec Baldwin, Trip Tucker like Matt Damon, Travis Mayweather like Samuel L. Jackson, T'Pol like Janeane Garofalo, and Malcolm Reed like Susan Sarandon. But it's all in good fun and shouldn't cause any more harm to the continuity of Star Trek. Parker and Stone are looking forward to revealing, once and for all, the identity of "Future Guy": Kim Jong-Il. And interesting aswell, BBC has purchased rights in order to do a remake of the original series, a British version of Star Trek.
  3. birth of the federation is a fantastic game.. though i doubt it can be purchased anymore. as long as you turn off borg
  4. They were actually hinting an Noonian Soong and his creations (Data, Lore, etc.) Soong is the grand something or other of the Data's creator.
  5. I like the Starfleet Command ones
  6. You're in Europe I presume?
  7. October 9th I believe.
  8. The planes used to shoot down the shuttle (The mustangs) weren't used for homeland defence. Yah. There's today's random fact. Predictions for season 4 I think the dog will mysteriouslly become female and have puppies... *cough* Data's cat *cough* I think the Enterprise will boldy go where everyone has gone before.... I think Reed will finally become a tough sailor.. I thought he was going to be the best character, but alas, no.... They'll meet Captain Kirk.. and he'll die, then come back, then die, then come back... Sam will Quantum leap.. leaving Enterprise and moving to the next assignment
  9. Garak did that with the bomb didn't he? Sisko was the one that offended the Romulans with the fake disk thing and almost brought them in on the wrong side.
  10. Shouldn't they think about resolving Enterprise's plot before creating a movie that would be affected by the show? If someone in the cast decides to leave later... that would mess up the space time continuum... or something... uh.. yah... anyways. I could see a crossover between DS9 and Voyager/Enterprise (either or) because there's a lot of unresolved plots. (Sisko, the maquis, etc, etc.) I was hoping that Voyager would return home a few episodes before the end so that they could tell us what happens.
  11. Captain: Kirk (Space cowboy) FO: Riker (Even without the beard) CEO: Scotty (Who else?) ACEO: Tucker (cool guy) JANITOR: Wesley (Loser) HCO: Mayweather (He's the best) TAC: O'Brien (He's the only one that is actually a soldier) SEC: Odo (Come on.. he can change shape) DOC: Mccoy (someone has to announce they're dead) Counselor: Ezri (The not annoying one) SCI: Spock (yah) Victim in a red shirt: Troi
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