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I think I'll chime in here. I think that self nomination should not be a problem as some have already said. I believe that people will not litter a submission period with several of their own sims for fear of being ignored and I believe it should be rule that if you are to self nominate, then it should ONLY be one sim. In this way you nip the other possibilities or overwhelming the competition. I believe that someone from each ship should be appointed to take care of the TOP SIMS from their own ship. Or even better a committee of a few people from one ship to pay attention to the sims of their own ship and nominate them. A list of who these people are could be kept. I know, sadly, with the Indria not many people use the forums, which is why there hasn't been many submissions from the Indria over the past 4 to 5 months. I think it is really up to the Captains to either encourage their own crew to participate or have someone to submit the sims from their own ship. Then again, the ship that does have more participation on the forums usually winds up dominating the contests. And this is why some of my crew says its rigged. I don't agree with that and I have said that it only means that more people from each ship should participate. I have mentioned the TOP SIMS to my crew on the ooc list a number of times. I wil try to do it more so over the next year and with Della's help, we should get more the Indria crew involved. I mean, it's been like pulling teeth to get people to submit posts to our own Indria thread on this forums let alone any other threads. . ::Grabs frying pans.:: When the going gets tough, the tough get frying pans! (kidding) Anyone who know me knows about the frying pans. lolhehehe
[2008: MAR-APR] Writing Challenge Discussion
Cura1 replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Hello Everyone Thanks for all your help. I "tried" to add a reply to my entry to put the arrow on it. Hopefully it's there. If not could someone direct me on how to do it right in the future. Well, looking at it, I think there may be some confusion. In my deparate attempts to find the right icon, I think there may be a heart and a arrow now, but I'm clueless. It's supposed to be an arrow. Boy do I feel like a screw ball! LOL hehehehe -
I didn't know how to add the arrow or the heart so I'm adding it here so I can be included in the challenge.
((Holodeck - Starbase 118 Ops)) :: Gliding with grace and ease through the simulated waters of Argelius II, Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone swam to the sandy shores of a small isle. Reaching a point where she could stand in the water, Cura began walking towards shore, the water splashing and thrashing as she walked out.. She brushed her hair back with her hands and sighed as it dripped down her back. For a brief, uninterrupted moment, she looked back towards the water and beyond to the mainland of Acura City, where she was born. Eventhough it was all a simulation, the sights, sounds and smells made it feel real and thus theraputic for her. She looked on at the House of Sakara, a palace which could be seen from miles. It's white walls built right into the Northern Mountain range had often been part of her most joyous dreams. She had grown up here as a young girl. All the memories were welcomed and the positive always drove away any negative thoughts.:: :: Argelius II always grounded her, centered her and made her believe everything was alright. When she was a child, she believed it, so now was no different. This is what she needed now, as Lt. Sharee, the stations counselor had suggested for her to take care of herself. Sitting down in the sand, she leaned back on her arms, propping her into a sitting position.:: :: She let all the bad things that had happened go, the attacks on the stations one after another, her husband's silence and her recent misjudgements with one of her crew members. Fleet Captain Rocar had been right. She should have not returned the blow on Lt. Geeva after she had struck her. It was a mistake and she had learned from it. It would not happen again. In addition, her feelings for Tash were definately reaching a level she had not expected. At least this relationship was not keeping her from making the right decision concerning her duties. Yet, within herself, she sensed a conflict. As she thought of John Stone and Tash Zubowskivich she wondered seriously what she should do. She was married to John, so there really should be no question. Yet, she could not deny that she loved Tash. Then, it became clear what she should do. Yet part of her didn't want to give up on John. But, what choice had she. Not to mention that recently Tash had expressed things that gave her the impression that this relationship was not going to last. She certainly couldn't continue with the way things were.:: :: Cura closed her eyes, letting the constant ebb and flow of the waves on the sandy shore sooth her soul. The sounds of the sea hawks, crying above as they soared through the sky and the heat of the twin suns beaming down on her. With her eyes still closed, a familiar figure appeared that she had not seen in a very long time.:: Zelda: My child, you look so radiant and yet your mind is so very troubled Cura: Zelda :: Cura smiled with her eyes still closed.:: It's been...years Zelda: For you, yes. Years have come and gone but I still watch over my niece. Cura, there is something you must do for the good of our world. Cura: ::sighing:: I know. Zelda: A queen is often faced with difficult choices. Which one to choose is hard to decide. But you know what's best...don't you? Cura: What's best for whom? ::Cura placed her hand on her abdomen.:: What's best for my baby? Me? Argelius II? ::shaking her head.:: I....It's hard Zee Zelda: Of course is hard. Our people have always left such hard decisions for others to make, but no more can we allow that. The child you carry, Cura will one day rule this land you call home. It is unfortunate but this child's father is but lost to it...lost to you. There are things you don't know, Cura...things that can't be undone. You must look at the current situation and make a decision, based on the facts you have and your true feelings. This Tash character, if it is his choice to let go of this relationship between you two, don't fight such. Let it go. And then, you will find yourself standing strong, not just for yourself but for your child. This path is not easy, but it is...golden. :: Tears ran down Cura's face her eyes fluttered open as she wiped them. The figure that had been whispering things to her soul was now gone, but the wisdom of the words remained in her mind, her heart and soul.:: :: She stayed and watched the last of the twin suns setting behind the mountains in the distance. What a brilliant sight it was. The large, orange fireball slowly descending, slowly retiring to sleep. The sky, filled with irredescent rays a kalidescope of color, splashing against the redish and pink clouds soon faded into grey. Cura rose to her feet, watching the last golden rays disappear into darkness. As she looked on, she remember her Aunt Zelda's words... Zelda: ...This path is not easy, but it is...golden :: Cura smiled, nodded her head in agreement to it.:: Cura; Computer, end program Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone First Officer Starbase 118 Ops
Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea Starbase 118 Ops. Historian and Archaeological Officer ((Hanger Bay - Executor )) :: The tour continued. The group now stood amidst a massive deck bustling with activity. Several fighter craft were up on lifts getting an oil change… or whatever it was that maintenance crews did, thought T'Lea.:: Cura: Fascinating. They look fast and agile. Boy, I'd love to take a spin in one of those. :: T'Lea's eyebrow sure was getting a workout today. Strolling over to a fighter that was sitting on deck, she and the others circled it, appreciated it, and examined it closely. The Romu-Vulc even climbed up the short ladder to the [...]pit and took a look inside.:: Alexander: These are the latest fighters modern technology can put together. Designation WMVII. We like to call them Wraiths. Disruptors, phasers, and photonic missiles. Each of them are equiped with a small warp engine. We have about 200 hundred fighters onboard. T'Lea: I see that even your smaller craft have multi-cultural technology integrated into the systems. Impressive. I'm surprised you haven't assimilated the Borg yet. Your R&D department must be busy. :: She climbed back down the ladder, glancing at Cura as she climbed up for a look-see.:: Alexader: We got a few other projects back home developing single man crafts like these and others. T'Lea: Tell me, do you have cloaking technology on board? :: Blunt, but maybe her straight forward question would earn a straight forward answer. Truthfully, she was getting a little restless, or was it tired… both? Anyway, the need for a meditation was creeping up on her, which is why her last two comments had been on the verge of snarky.:: Alexander: The Principality isnt part of the Federation. We dont abide by some of the treaties. That doesn't mean I'll tell you everything we have in the closet. ::That didn't answer T'lea's question, but that was the point.:: :: As Cura bombarded the Admiral with questions, the Romu-Vulc took the opportunity to step over to Lt. Jacen Fanel. He'd been observing and listening as a Starfleet Officer. She wondered just how Starfleet he would be once they left the station. At least she could count on Adarnis to have her back if anything should happen… and probably her front too.:: T'Lea: ::to Jacen:: Lt. you look as amazed as we do. Shouldn't you be used to all this… ::waving her hand around, indicating the ship:: … by now? Fanel: I've never been on a ship like this. It's my first time seeing something like this. It's pretty big. I've been on plenty of ships, but nothing like this. It seems very familiar, but very alien all the same. T'Lea: By the looks of things your family name has been busy building an empire. ::Jacen doesn't want to call what his family built an empire, but that would be the best word to call them if any. They control an entire system with their firm beliefs and with powerful technology and lots of guns, they seem very imposing, yet it doesn't take them away from their noblity.:: Fanel: My family's done much, that I'll admit. T'Lea: ::quieter:: Has the Admiral given you any indication as to why you've been recalled home? Fanel: No, Alex hasnt said anything. I guess he doesn't want to share with me until we reach Gaia. T'Lea: I'm curious, Lt. Why would you leave all this and join Starfleet? I mean, you would probably be captaining this ship by now. Fanel: I dont see myself as a Captain of a ship. Too much responsibility on my hand. A crew that looks up to you, being lonely at the top like that, every decision you make affects the ship and your crew. I dont think of myself as captain material. :: The Romu-Vulc nodded and listened to Jacen, but she was also watching the others as they examined the fighters sitting on deck. His answer was humble enough, although she thought she detected a hint of fear in him. Perhaps that's why he ran away from all this and now hides in Starfleet, she wondered. Of course, she didn't know the man that well and could be completely wrong about him, which is why she kept listening.:: Fanel: A lot of my family joined the Federation, leaving the home system because they were recommended to. To spread around the galaxy instead of being shealtered like others. I joined the military of Earth and Starfleet because I felt like it. I didn't want to be under the weight of my own people. The pressure can sometimes be a little big. :: Ah, there it was in his last comment, a hint that maybe her intuition was correct. The pressure got to him and he ran from it. Then again, maybe he just had a rebellious streak in him. Maybe defying the King gave him pleasure -- opposing daddy gave him strength. She was familiar with those concepts of a rebellious nature and what it could do.:: T'Lea: Your people don't practice isolationism. That is good to hear. ::pause:: But is it possible that you've isolated yourself from Gaia? :: She shook her head at herself. Suddenly she was a frellin' counselor? An easier question was due.:: T'Lea: Don't you miss it there? Fanel: I never thought much of home, but seeing something like this coming out of the cloud, it makes me wonder what the direction of my House. The warrior motto is always prepare for battle even in times of peace... T'Lea: Then when do you ever truly have peace if your mind is always preparing for war? :: She decided to play devil's advocate just to hear his response. She understood the philosophy behind the motto, even agreed with it to some extent, but the Vulcan in her also saw the danger in it as well. That was a new outlook she hadn't expected.:: Fanel: Well, as history tells us, there will always be battle. It's the order of things. And with that, the need for...all of this.::Jacen waves his arms around.:: It's natural for all races to develop weapons, ships, ways to fight better, to kill better. T'Lea: To protect better. ::she added to make a point.:: History also has a way of glorifying the battle. Few are interested reading about the peace that came before and after. But perhaps if people listened to the sound of peace more often they would be able to speak the language and prevent conflicts from erupting into war. Fanel: I dont support war or fighting, but I believe that it is needed...progression only happens through conflict. Tranquility is just a pause break from another battle. There's an old saying from old warriors of Earth called the Samurai. They say "When the battle ends, tighten the straps on your helmet." :: T'Lea's brow spiked at him. The debate had told her much. She hoped that it was just that… a debate, otherwise this trip had the potential to get really ugly, really fast.:: Fanel: It means you shouldn't relax after a battle. There is always something else that might get you the moment you drop your guard. T'Lea: ::a slight grin:: That sounds positively exhausting, Lt. :: Unfortunately, she knew all too well how exhausting it could be. Her past had encompassed everything Fanel was telling her now. Battle, power, killing, paranoia… somehow though that force of hatred didn't seem to drive her like it used to. Maybe she'd mellowed.:: T'Lea: Do you think it would be rude if I parted from the tour and headed back to my quarters to rest? Fanel: If you are tired, T'lea, then get some rest, we have a journey ahead. You can explore more when you are more rested. T'Lea: We should be getting underway fairly soon, correct? Fanel: I think so, but it looks like Cura is going to take awhile, especially with that fighter over there. T'Lea: Then perhaps I'll see you in the lounge later. Give my regards to Cmdr. Stone, if you can pry her away from that fighter craft over there. Fanel: Heh, yeah I will. I'm going to go check on them now. :: She gave him a soft nod and headed out. Finding her way back to her quarters would be tricky. Luckily a guard pointed her the right way.:: ::Jacen walked back to the group to see Cura inside one of the fighters. He hasnt seen much of any new technology that his home had built. Everytime he would come home or encounter people from home, they always seem to have more fancy stuff. He looked up at the figher Cura was now sitting in and wondered again. What is the direction of his House. Where is it going with all this?: TAGS Lieutenant Jacen Fanel Chief Tactical Officer Starbase 118 OPS