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March/April 2012 Writing Challenge


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Welcome to the March/April round of the Writing Challenge! Please read this post carefully for guidelines on entering your submissions! Following in challenge traditions, the March/April round uses an object chosen by the previous round's winner to decide its theme.

Joining us on the judging panel for this round is the March/April winner, Lieutenant (jg) Velana, who has decided on the following topic for this round:

"The Storm"

With such a powerful image at the heart of this round's challenge, the judging team is eagerly anticipating the chance to read your interpretation and the story you create. We've seen literal and figurative interpretations of themes in previous rounds, so how you work the topic into your entry is up to you!

Also, a new regular feature of these posts is the running score for the year to date in the fleetwide competition! With a winner from the Tiger-A and a runner up from the Mercury, it's Tiger-3, Mercury-1! Which of the other ships will respond this time?

Guidelines: To participate, create a new thread. The subject of the thread must be the title of your story. Use the drop-down "topic prefix" box to add "MAR/APR" in order for your entry to be considered for judging. If it is a Work In Progress, denote that at the top of the post itself (in the body text, not in the thread title). As with last round it will be the final draft posted in your topic that will be read and taken into consideration. Any unfinished entries marked as Work In Progress will not be considered for judging and will be moved to the "Character Cafe" forum at the end of the contest. Your work must be entirely your own. No co-authoring. You are welcome to create any character you so desire, but they must be from the Star Trek universe. No "canon" characters allowed. (i.e.- No one who has been on a show.)

Also, please remember to sign your final draft as you would a post on your own ship.

Length: No more than 3000 words and no less than 300 words accepted.

Beginning Date: Tuesday, March 6th

Ending Date: Saturday, April 22nd

See Also: the Writing Challenge Website

Challenge: “The Storm”

Good luck to all competitiors! Get scribbling!

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