Sedrin Belasi Posted September 28, 2012 Share Posted September 28, 2012 ((USS Tiger-A - Bridge))Delores: lloann iumnahna? I believe I heard that word before...::Tracey turned towards the Tactical officer who had just spoken. There wasa pause before the Vulcan Science Officer spoke also in Romulan.::T'Mihn: ::Looking over at Tracy, ::In a very surprised tone. :: rhannessuaj khla, riov. ( I understand you commander) Idh iumnahna. (- (they areVery desparate.)Delores: Captain, maybe we should contact some other ships in theFederation, because it seems that we are in a desperate situation.::Tracey nodded. She agreed with the idea of the tactical officer. Furtherinformation would be key.::<Responses>::After a long moment Sidney looked up from where she sat thinking. Herbright green eyes were fixated on the viewscreen.::Riley: Agreed Lieutenant Delores. I will be...::The look of surprise on those she was facing forced Tracey to revert herattention forward. Looking up at the main viewscreen, the Klingon vesselhad disappeared, to be replaced by just a star field.::Wilde: Cloak and Run? ::scoffing:: Not very Klingon!Riley: We're going to need to track it...Clack: That might be hard to do...Wilde: I'm sure we can extrapolate their heading?Riley: I have a feeling I know where they are going...Townson: ::turning back towards the Captain with a quizical look. Traceyknew that the Captain was not telepathic.:: Where to, Captain?Anyone: <Response>Riley: Well, there is only one Romulan Colony in the Ithassa Region...::Shelooked over at Townson and then Clack...after a very longpause.::....Bilire IV.....Clack: Bilire.... ::he paused:: Somehow I knew we would be going back there.Clark: That makes sense.::Tracey slowly turned back in her seat as her thoughts once again went tothe past. But this time more recent events, and events in this universe.The idea of returning to Bilire was not one Tracey was looking forward toas she let out a sigh of memories incurred from that mission.::((Bilire IV - Year ago))::Tracey ran. She ran as fast as she could. With each footfall to the muddyground, Tracey counted the seconds. She knew she would not make it to theconference on time, and being late was never Tracey's way. But Tracey had asecond chance, to right a wrong she did years earlier. Even if it meant apoor mark on her service record, Tracey was not about to do once again whatshe did years earlier.::((Time-Warp - City of Solius - Romulus - Otherverse - Years Ago))Tal'Aura: Beautiful evening, isn't it?::Tracey had just finished work at the office and she was sitting at anoutdoor terrasse at a Romulan version of a cafe. All day, Tracey had seenthe sunlight beat in through her office window, and she knew that after herday of work, she wanted to relax. The Romulan Cafe was just on the groundlevel of the offices she worked at. Tracey was sitting, enjoying thesetting sun of this alien planet as the Romulan soldiers patrolled thestreets. This was a bustling, military city, where 90 percent of thesoldiers were Romulan. The other 10 percent was made up of a mix ofdifferent alien species, with her being one of them. Humans who wereassigned to Romulus were dispersed all over the planet. Since her arrival,Tracey only counted a handful of humans assigned to the city of Solius. Andonly about three times that amount who were members of starfleet.::::Looking up from her PADD, Tracey squinted through the setting sun overthe man's back. Placing her hand over her brow to protect her eyes, Traceylooked up and smiled.::Townson: Why yes it is. ::gesturing towards a seat opposite from her::Would you care to join me, Commander?Tal'Aura: Why thank you Cadet. ::pulling out the chair and sitting down::::Tal'Aura ordered a drink and when it arrived, he took a sip.::Tal'Aura: Still working I see. ::gesturing towards Tracey's PADD::Townson: Just studying, Commander.::Tracey watched as the well-built Romulan sitting across from her tookanother sip. Tracey found him to be quite handsome, and if her situationwould have been different, if Tracey was not with Jaxx, Tracey would haveprobably tried her luck. But She also knew it was completely inappropriateto think the way she did. But her loneliness of being away from herBetazoid boyfriend for so long, and the lack of any relationships in herenvironment, Tracey found herself to be flirting with her superior officer.To Tracey, it was as if there was an internal battle between her brain andher body. And up until today, her brain had won out. But all that was aboutto change.::Tal'Aura: Very good, Cadet. I am very proud of your progress thus far.Townson: Thank you, Commander.Tal'Aura: Please, Cadet. In there, ::referring to the office building theyboth worked in:: my name is Commander Tal'Aura. Out here, my name is Hvaid.::smiling::Townson: ::placing her PADD on the table in front of her and looking at theRomulan with a mischievous smile:: Thats very unprofessional of you,Commander.Tal'Aura: ::feigning a broken heart by holding his hands to his chest:: My,my. Are you going to report me, Cadet?Townson: ::smiling:: Only to say that you are one of the best teachers I'veever had. And only if you stop calling me Cadet.Tal'Aura: ::taking one last sip then putting his empty glass on the smallround table.:: Then we have an agreement. We call each other by our firstnames.::Tal'Aura looked around the landscape of the city before returning hisgaze on Tracey.::Tal'Aura: Have you had the chance to tour this city, yet, Tracey?Townson: ::nodding:: I took the primary tour upon arrival and I have walkedaround the center core near my place. Why do you ask?Tal'Aura: Well I know this city very well. My grandmother used to livehere. I used to visit quite often as a child. I know places here the tourguides would never show you.Townson: Is that so, Hvaid.Tal'Aura: Would you like me to show you?Townson: ::smiling:: Yes. Since I've come to Romulus I find it all to bequite enchanting. I would very much like to see the rest of the city.::And with that, the two stood up and left the little table at the cafe andwalked. The two walked for hours throughout the evening, as soldiers woundpast them at every turn. They went into various shops and tried differentlocal treats. Tracey practiced her Romulan with each shop they'd enter andlook around in. The two laughed and spoke the whole evening through,despite the ever present backdrop of the familiar war-zone they both livedin. Several hours later, the two found themselves on top of a mountain onthe edge of the city, looking down at the city lights, while sitting on abench.::Townson: Thats it! ::pointing to building in the distance::Tal'Aura: No, no! Thats it! ::pointing to another building close to the oneTracey was pointing to:: I'll bet you dinner thats it.Townson: No...Look at the markings on the roof. Thats our office building.Tal'Aura: Oh...yeah. I guess you are right. ::smiling and looking atTracey.:: It looks like I owe you dinner.Townson: ::looking up at Tal'Aura and smiling:: Yes you do.::On the bench next to theirs, a young Romulan couple were embrasing oneanother.::Tal'Aura: Young love.Townson: ::looking towards the shadowed couple then back to the citylights:: Yes.Tal'Aura: How is Jaxx?Townson: ::without averting her eyes from the lights below:: Far away.Tal'Aura: You miss him.::Tracey just nodded.::Townson: I hate this war.Tal'Aura: Don't we all. It makes us all very lonely, and we could all dietomorrow.Townson: ::turning to look at Tal'Aura:: Is there someone special in yourlife, Hvaid?Tal'Aura: ::shaking his head and looking down to the ground:: I have placedall my efforts into the military. I had no time for much else. I had towork hard to earn the rank of Commander at such a young age. Plus with thewar...::trailing off::Townson: I know.::The couple at the opposite bench stood up and walked away hand in hand asTracey and Tal'Aura watched them leave. Tal'Aura turned to look at Traceyand their eyes locked for a minute. Tal'Aura gently took Tracey's hands inhers and Tracey didn't pull back. She knew what would happen next, and forthe first time in years, Tracey allowed her body to overrun what was goingon in her head. Tracey took a deep breath, and the two embraced.::((Later))::A light misty rain was coming down over the city of Solius, as Tracey anTal'Aura were walking down a laneway, hand in hand, leading to Tracey'stemporary home. When they arrived, the two stopped.::Townson: Thank you...for a wonderful evening Hvaid.Tal'Aura: And thank you too, Tracey. ::pause:: Back to work tomorrow.Townson: Yes. Back to work tomorrow.::The two kissed one last time, and then Tal'Aura started walking away.Tracey watched as the man became a shadow under the lights and then amessage came through her PADD that drew her attention. Tracey quicklyscanned the message which said she was being recalled from Romulus in themorning. Tracey looked up at the retreating Tal'Aura in the distance andopened her mouth to shout something. But before she did, she closed it andwatched the man disappear into the night of this alien city. Tracey neversaw Commander Tal'Aura again.::((Bilire VI - Present))::Tal'Aura had been reading and the more he read, the more he wasfascinated by this Starfleet Officer. The tales of battles and near deathexperiences were quite extraordinary. This one was not afraid ofconfrontation. Tal'Aura would look up from his reading once in awhile,hearing the moans of agony coming from the hospital, and he cringed eachtime and look towards the drawer wher the cure to the disease lay. And hewould fight himself to not just take the hyposyringe and walk over to thehospital himself and cure all those suffering. But he knew Arrhae wouldkill him. Literally. He was under the watchful eye of the Tal'Shiarcontinuously. He was the chosen one to infiltrate Starfleet and introducethe "wrath". But so far, it was the Romulans who were dying. And Tal'Aurawas tornman.::::Tal'Aura was interrupted by a knock on the door. He quickly hid hisreading material and went to the door fully expecting Arrhae to be on theother side. But to his surprise, it was not.::::Huffing and puffing, Tracey found the door to her former superiorofficer's abode. She quietly chided herself for being so out of shape,despite the fact that running through mud was quite physically demanding.Tracey quickly caught her breath and knocked on the door.::::The door opened and Tal'Aura stood and looked down to the petite humanstanding in front of him. She was dirty and muddy and appeared to becatching her breath.::Townson: Hvaid. I've been ordered back to the ship.::Tal'Aura just nodded.::Townson: I didn't want to just leave again without telling you.Tal'Aura: Well thank you.::Tal'Aura was curious as to why the human used his first name.::Townson: I never told anyone. I...I tried to forget. It would have beenimpossible.Tal'Aura: ::with no clue what the human female was talking about, butnodding nevertheless:: I know.Townson: Then you are not angry?Tal'Aura: If I was, I would have told you last night.Townson: ::smiling:: Thank you, Commander.Tal'Aura: Return to your duties, Commander. Dismissed.Townson: Aye Commander.::Just as Tracey was about to leave the doorway, she became very weak andher world began to fade. Tracey then passed out as blood trickled out ofher mouth. But she was once again caught by the Romulan and kept fromfalling. Tal'Aura then brought her inside and lay her down on his smallcouch, and placed a small saucer under her mouth to collect the blood. Hethen stood and looked over her unconscious body and recalled all theadversity this human had gone through in her short life. Despite her tinyframe, there was an obvious strength to the human that he admired. Besides,from the short conversation at the doorway, there appeared to be more goingon than what was written in the Medical logs. Tal'Aura was just a minorCenturion in this universe and he was finally given the chance to besomeone by helping in this mission. He grabbed it at the time, just to getout of the doldrums of life. But from the readings of the human lying infront of him, Tal'Aura knew he could be more, without having to kill.Without having to watch people suffer. Without thinking, Tal'Aura went tothe drawer where the hypospray with the antidote rested, opened it, removedit and headed to the couch where Tracey lay. He pushed asside her long,black hair and pressed the hypospray to her neck. The audible hiss soundemerged and Tal'Aura returned the device to the drawer and then washed theblood from the human's mouth and waited till she came back toconsciousness.::::Tracey sat up and looked up at Tal'Aura.::Townson: I...what happened, Hvaid?Tal'Aura: ::smiling:: I believe you may be overworked, Tracey. You shouldget some rest as soon as you get the chance.Townson: That's never happened to me before.::sitting up:: How long was Iout for?Tal'Aura: There's always a first time. You were only out for about fiveminutes. I gave you some smelling salts to revive you. So are you going tofollow my order or not?Townson: Hvaid?Tal'Aura: Your dismissed. ::smiling::::Tracey stood, came to attention in front of the Romulan for a moment,then turned and headed to the door. But just before leaving, Tracey turnedback to face the Romulan.::Townson: Thank you once again, Commander. I will be back.Tal'Aura: I am looking forward to it, Commander.Townson: This colony is lucky to have someone like you here. They couldlearn alot from you. You have always been the best teacher.::smiling::Tal'Aura: oO As have you, Lieutenant Commander Tracey Townson, and that iswhy I could not let you die. Oo You are wearing out your stay, Commander.::smiling::Townson: ::tappinhg her com-badge with her prosthetic hand:: Townson toIndependence. One to beam up.::Tracey took one last look at Tal'Aura then took a deep breath, closed hereyes and waited for the transporter beam to envelop her.::::Tal'Aura stood in the doorway looking at the spot where Tracey wasstanding seconds earlier, with a smile, then a look of shock overcame hisface as he felt the blade enter his back. Then nothingness.::((Present - USS Tiger-A - Bridge))::But that decision to return to say goodbye to the man Tracey was led tobelieve was the same as that from her universe of origin, turned out to bea ruse. A plant. But for what purposes, Tracey would never know. One thingwas certain, however. Going back to say goodbye that day certainly camewith a cost. For she was late to a conference. And that tardiness, toTracey's surprise, led to her demotion a few days later.::((Lt. Commander Karynn Brice's Office - USS Independence-A - year ago))::The Haliian First Officer was expecting her at any moment. She had askedthe human Chief of Operations to come to her office to discuss anunresolved issue: the woman’s tardiness to Karynn’s meeting. Karynn hadbeen able to give the whole situation some thought since their discussionafter the briefing and had come to a few decisions.::::Tracey hobbled to the door of the First Officer’s office. She had no ideawhat to expect from the Halian, but she figured that it had something to dowith her tardiness to the conference.::::Tracey figured she would probably just get a slap on the wrist. Shefigured that conferences in this universe were free for alls in any case,what with the drinking and the smoking, that what could be so bad aboutshowing up a few minutes late?::::So Tracey walked up to the First Officer’s door and pressed the chime.::::Karynn looked up.::K. Brice: Come.::The doors opened to reveal a medium sized room, and Tracey stepped in. Itwas decorated in a spartan fashion, and Tracey was curious as to why. TheHaliian seemed to Tracey to be a lot more of the type who might collectobjects as treasures. Emotional keepsakes, if you will. She was after all aformer Counselor. And how many people actually had the opportunity to visitthe worlds that the First Officer of a Starship could? But asking questionsalong this line was not the reason Tracey was here. She knew why she washere, but decided to askin any case. She wanted to be sure of her gut feelings.::Townson: ::standing at the doorway and at attention once the doors opened::You asked to see me, Commander?::The Haliian rose, her bright green eyes studying the human woman in frontof her. She nodded slowly, indicating a chair across the desk from herown.::K. Brice: Yes. Please come in, Lieutenant Commander Townson. Have a seat.Can I get you something to drink?::Tracey shook her head and gave a slight smile, as she entered the room.::Townson: No thank you, Commander. But thank you.::She approached the chair offered and winced a little as she sat. Shemaintained her posture while in the seat and looked across the desk at theFirst Officer.::Townson: How may of assistance?::The Haliian sat after the other woman did, settling back in her seat. Sheclasped her hands in front of her and smiled ever so slightly.::K. Brice: I wanted to discuss what happened at and after the meeting.::Tracey held back a smile. She knew this moment would come, and she hadthe feeling it would be now. What Tracey was curious about, was what herpunishment would be. Tracey knew that if it was her on the other side ofthat desk, she would not have treated herself anywhere nearly as polite asthe Halian was doing this moment. It would have been over and done with ina matter of seconds, and not precious minutes that could be used for betterpurposes.::Townson: I understand Commander. And I am prepared to deal with theconsequences of my actions.::The green-eyed first officer nodded slowly.::K. Brice: Good. ::pausing:: As you know, I found your actions to bedisrespectful of both the crew and the chain of command, particularly forthe reasons given. A personal matter, simply stated as that, is no reasonto ignore a commanding officer’s orders.Townson: I fully understand, Commander. And if I were in your position, Itoo would be...disappointed. I don’t expect to be treated differently thanany other crew member who would do such a thing as I did. Not only did Idisrespect you and my fellow crew members, I showed a poor example to thejunior officers.K. Brice: ::Nodding:: Only a few hours later, our counselor was traipsingabout the ship blatantly ignoring my orders. I can’t help but feel theincident was related.Townson: ::Looking down in front of her at the top of the desk for asecond, then looking back up at the First Officer:: I’m aware of thesituation. However, if I had to do it again, I probably would. The benefitto myself, and to my well-being...I had to right a wrong, Commander.Something I did in my youth. I never thought I’d have thisopportunity again, especially with my coming to this...peaceful universe.I...I don’t expect you to understand.::The Haliian tightened her lips slightly, in thought. She’d had a fewwrongs she would have liked to right in her life... but that didn’t changethe severity of the situation. And the fact that the woman would do it allover again. That itself was serious. She took a deep breath in.::K. Brice: On one level I can understand, but I can’t allow this action togo unpunished. I’m disappointed that you would repeat it given anotheropportunity. ::she cleared her throat:: As such, I’ll be placing anofficial reprimand in your file.::Tracey stared at the woman in front of her and showed no emotion. AVulcan would have been proud.::Townson: I fully understand Commander. It was a matter of poor timing. Iwas in a no win situation and I chose to salvage one that was of personalbenefit to me. It was selfish of me, and I fully understand yourresponsibility. I chose to place my personal feelings above those of mycrew and responsibility, something I was drilled for years tonever do. But my heart pulled me away from that, and for a fleeting moment,I figured if I could just steal myself away from everything, and do what Iknew in my heart was the right thing to do, then perhaps the universe, atleast mine, would be just a little more comfortable to live in, despite theprice I knew I’d pay.::The Haliian almost felt sad about what she was going to do next. But shedidn’t really feel as though she had much choice in the matter either. Inall logic she did - it was her choice. But it was a necessary action shehad to take. The effects had been too serious.::K. Brice: I’m not without sympathy. I can understand your motivations. Butthere’s more. Because others followed your example, and you’ve expressedthe intention to do it again if given the opportunity... I hereby demoteyou to the rank of Lieutenant. ::she paused, letting out a sad sigh beforerising and holding out her hand.:: Please hand me your half pip.::Tracey’s mouth opened a little and she showed a little surprise. But shequickly closed it and returned to her previous form. Tracey had no ideathat this would happen. It was one thing having a mark on her permanentrecord, but it was quite another losing a rank. For goodness sake, shethought, she was only fifteen minutes late. Would she be drummed out ofStarfleet if she was on hour or an hour and a half late? Whatever it was,Tracey considered this to be overkill, but she was not in charge and shereached for her pip with her prosthetic hand, felt for the one at the topof her collar and removed it as it fell into her palm. She then, for afleeting moment, considered crushing it in her palm, but chose otherwise,letting it fall onto the desk in front of her.::Townson: ::looking at the pip in front of her, then back up at the HalianFirst Officer with a slight smile on her face:: I knew this day would come.I’m not cut out for command in this universe. I never was, and probablynever will be. If I had to do what you just did, I would have just askedfor the pip to begin with. No questions asked. Or send a notice to saidofficer of his or her demotion and to remove a stripe. I am actually happyin a way. Thank you Commander.::Tracey was lying through her teeth, but she did not want the FirstOfficer to know how she truly felt. Tracey figured she didn’t deserve thatknowledge.::Townson: ::standing:: If that is all, Commander ::coming to attention::K. Brice: ::hesitating:: Lieutenant... I believe that you have muchpotential for command, even in this universe. I have no doubt that you willreturn from this setback soon, and more prepared for command.Townson: Perhaps, Commander.::Tracey couldn’t help but see a genuine look of, was it regret? on theCommander’s face. It appeared that she too was learning the ropes of thehardships of Command. The decisions that had to be taken no matter onespersonal feelings. Decisions for the greater good. Tracey was beginning tounderstand this Halian better and she was beginning to see that her rolewas hard for her as well. In a different way, mind you. But difficultnonetheless.::Townson: Permission to speak freely, Commander.K. Brice: Permission granted, Lieutenant.Townson: ::relaxing her posture just a bit:: As a former Counselor, I amhoping you would understand that I find it very difficult in this place.Doctor Huff once told me that I may never really come to terms with where Iam, but I must live in it. For my own sanity and for my own peace of mind.I just wanted to tell you the same, Commander. I am sure that you have nothad many people counsel you in your career. I just wanted to let you knowthat I admire and respect you. I may not agree with you at all timeshowever. ::smiling::::The Haliian rose, standing in a relaxed position. Her stern, slightly sadexpression relaxed, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.::K. Brice: Thank you. ::pause:: I think its rare for any officer to alwaysagree with everything their superior officers do.Townson: ::standing back at full attention, despite the sudden bout of painfrom her recent surgery:: I wouldn’t know. I’ve not been here long enough.But I plan to learn, Commander. I plan to endeavor to be the best I couldbe. Starfleet keeps me alive and sane. My work allows me to forget all Ilost. And this extra time may be whats best for me. At least, I hope so.::pause:: Permission to be dismissed, Commander.K. Brice: ::nodding:: Permission granted, Lieutenant. ::smiling slightly::Heal soon...::Tracey nodded and with that, turned and left the room. Once she exitedthe room and watched the doors close behind her she noticed the crewlooking at her as they walked by. She reached, with her good hand to hercollar and felt her two remaining pips. She forced a stern, military lookonto her face as she took off quickly back to herquarters where she knew she would cry for hours. But there was no way she’dallow anyone to notice her weakness. She was a soldier and an officer. Shewouldn’t allow her emotions to affect anyone else again. She lived andwould die for Starfleet, and it was her emotions that caused her to almostlose it all. She’d never allow that to happen again.::((USS Tiger-A - Bridge - Present))Townson: Never again. ::mumbling the words as the Captain stood.::Riley: Mister Clark, set course for Bilire IV, Warp 5.Clark: Ummmmmm............. The warp core is offline, Captain. It wasshutdown by the engineering crew.Riley: Commander Clack, I need an estimated repair time from engineeringand a casualty report from sickbay.Clack: Very well.::Sidney then addressed the entire bridge.::Riley: I will be in my ready room reviewing files and finding out moreinformation. ::She looked back at her FO.:: Commander Clack, you have thebridge, oh and....there will be a field promotion ceremony in theconference room in an hour.Clark: Understood, sir!::The bridge fell quiet for a little while as the crew busied themselves.Commander Wilde's voice broke the silence.::Wilde: There's one thing I don't get.::He said to no one in particular.::Townson: What would that be, Commander?<Responses>Wilde: Why not simply invade when Romulus was lost? The Romulans were neverin a weaker position than then, yet the Klingons did nothing. TheFederation gave them aid, helped them resettle some people. Now, once theRomulan Government is stronger and they are picking up the pieces, theKlingons attack.Townson: ::shaking her head:: Red tape?Anyone: <Response>Wilde: Well the trouble with Klingons is their stubborn belief in honour.::He turned to Clack.::Wilde: No offense.Clack: <Response>Wilde: Even they don't succeed in conquering the Romulan Empire, many greatsongs will be sung of the fallen warriors who tried. In that respect, whocares who wins and who loses?Townson: No one, Commander, wins in war. ::turning back towards her consoleand work as she recalled her encounter with the reaper in sickbay daysbefore her demotion.:: In war, Commander, even angels lose their souls.((Sickbay - USS Independence-A - year ago))Townson: Do it Lieutenant! Shoot! That's an order! ::At that moment, anEnsign in gold uniform entered the Sick Bay who also drew his phaser andaimed it in the direction of the threatening Reaper.::Shryker: With me, after three, fire at the one with the yellow eyes, fullstun!Reaper W’tine: No, don’t do it *Lieutenant*. Do as I tell you! Kill him!::pointing at the real W’tine.::Real W’tine: Don’t listen to him Shryker, stun him now.::Tracey looked up quickly towards the second W'tine, then back to the onewith the glowing, yellow eyes. There was no doubt which W'tine was real andwhich was not, and Tracey was curious how those in sickbay could havemissed it.::Finnegan : On your word, sir.Shryker: Three! ::They fired full stun at the creature, now looking lessand less Star Fleet and more and more the stuff of nightmares. It fell tothe ground.::::Tracey watched the creature slump and looked more like she remembered itfrom the bridge. Tracey turned towards Shryker and pointed behind hertowards where the creature was.::Townson: I want it confined. I don't care where. I just want it out of mysight and somewhere where it could cause no damage.Shryker: Don’t worry Sir, I’ve got it covered.Finnegan: I think his “brother” is in a cage in the cargo bay. I'm surethey could throw together a second one.::Tracey spun on her bare feet and began to head back to the room fromwhere she came, while she ignored what the creature had to say. Tracey washappy that a creature as strong as it was, apparently had the level ofintelligence of a flea.::Reaper W’tine: You foolish girl. Couldn’t you see, he is the REAL danger tothis ship, not me!Z'Leah: ::Weakly.:: No!::Tracey continued walking while snickering. But her smile quickly fadedwhen she heard a sound of something dropping to the floor. Tracey spunquickly and watched in horror, for a second, as the creature grabbedLieutenant Shryker by the leg, as her phaser was lying precariously closeto the creature.::Reaper: YYEEEESSS!! You are MINE!!!Shryker: No, I _ am _NOT YOURS! Get away _ from me. ::break:: Some helphere?::Tracey took off towards the creature in a run as she noticed others doingthe same in her now sharpened peripheral vision, due to her sudden rush ofadrenaline.::Real W’tine: Jade, I’m coming! ::Eyas tried to move to help her but he juststumbled forward down onto all fours.::::Tracey could feel her newly knitted bones and flesh coming undone at theseams as she dove and quickly snatched up the weapon off the floor with hergood hand and grabbed onto the extremity of the creature which was grippingShryker by the leg, with her prosthetic hand.::Reaper: Muwahahaha!!!::Tracey increased the phaser level to the highest kill setting as she laythere with reopened suture wounds, and blood stains on the floor and on herhospital gown. Tracey then placed the phaser at the creature's head as shegripped the creature so hard, she could hear the crunching of bones and abrownish fluid began seeping out frombetween her prosthetic hand's fingers.::::With anger in her voice and staring at the Reaper closely at its yelloweyes with her own tiger-like yellow eyes, and with an evil smile on herface.::Townson: You make a poor changeling. You have no idea who you're dealingwith. ::as she strengthened her grip::Reaper: I may make a poor changeling, but you my dear would make anexcellent Reaper. You are wasted here amongst these rodents. We would begood together!Townson: I don't care. Let go of the female, and I may let you live.Without your magic toys, you're nothing.Reaper W'tine: And what would you be without your robot hand and gun, eh? Icould kill you all if I wished. But if you kill me, your pythron officer'ssoul will die too.Townson: Your threats are meaningless now. The Starfleet Officer,Lieutenant W'tine, would make such a sacrifice if it meant saving his shipand crew, and he would understand if I killed you now. But I am giving youa choice. ::as blood started flowing down the side of her mouth as shemaintained her wicked smile:: You let go of the femaleand return whatever you have the belongs to Lieutenant W'tine, and I letyou live to see another day, or I turn your whole body into goo like I'mdoing to your limb. You have ten seconds to decide. ::spitting out blood::((USS Tiger-A - Bridge - Present))::Recalling that painful day with vivid clarity, Tracey recalled herfeelings at the moment that Reaper died on the sickbay floor. Tracey feltsadness. But not due to its death, but because she could no longer tortureit. That feeling on that day haunted Tracey to this day, whether thatfeeling was placed into her consciousness by the reaper, or by her owninternal demons, was something Tracey will probably never know. Butsomething that scared Tracey nevertheless.::Wilde/Anyone: RESPONSE-TBC-Lt. Commander Tracey TownsonChief of OperationsUSS Tiger-A 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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