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Best Starship Destruction Scene


What was the best starship destruction scene. I mean, it really surprised you, or got to you emotionally.  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What was the best starship destruction scene. I mean, it really surprised you, or got to you emotionally.

    • Star Trek III TSFS
    • The Yamato in TNG
    • Enterprise D Generations
    • Enterprise E Nemesis
    • That galaxy class in DS9

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There are lots others, but I just cant't remember them all off the top of my head. Please remind us if you can of any other gut wrenching (or cool :devil: ) destroyed ships in ST.

Oh well, for me it was the Enterprise in Star Trek III. It was like the end of something. And the way the saucer section slowly blew to pieces and the engineering section flying through the sky...well, kinda brought a tear to the eye.

Kirk "My God, Bones! What have I done?"

McCoy "What you had to do. What you always do. Turned death into a fighting chance to live."

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Great poll!

Oh well, for me it was the Enterprise in Star Trek III. It was like the end of something. And the way the saucer section slowly blew to pieces and the engineering section flying through the sky...well, kinda brought a tear to the eye.

Kirk "My God, Bones! What have I done?"

McCoy "What you had to do. What you always do. Turned death into a fighting chance to live."

Yeah, this was a great one. Always tugs on my heartstrings.

I'd say my favorite is probably ENT-D destruction in Generations. Really dramatic!

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I would have to say the destuction of the Defiant stunned me. But the best in my view was when the ENT-C does back into battle knowing it is doomed, although you don't get to see it be destroyed, it is a great scene.

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I voted for the Ent-D in Generations. I just thought it was the end of a great ship. Even though I'm somewhat sad when any of the Enterprises are destroyed, that one just sticks out the most.

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I voted for E. I mean come on it was great. Well maybe it is just me, but i think the crash into the reman ship was fantantic. And Sinzon shouting that order as they where hit and it was his last. Maybe i just like dramatics and if you watch the extras then it shows you how simple the shot was but how effective it was.

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I voted for E. I mean come on it was great. Well maybe it is just me, but i think the crash into the reman ship was fantantic. And Sinzon shouting that order as they where hit and it was his last. Maybe i just like dramatics and if you watch the extras then it shows you how simple the shot was but how effective it was.

Just another tidbit

It looked to me like the crewman who flew into space was the tall guy from the Drew Carey show.

Was it him? Forgot his name.

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Great poll, but the Enterprise-E wasn't destroyed. Heavily damaged, yes, but they showed her in spacedock getting refitted at the end of Nemesis. The Sovereign lives on!

I voted for the ST3 one. If you think about it, that ship had the longest history of them all. It was the oldest ship (at over 40 years old), the ship that launched the original series, and was the source of so much adventure and imagination throughout the years. The death of NCC-1701 and watching it plummet into the atmosphere of Genesis in a fireball was just heart-wrenching.

We ran the canon history of NCC-1701 down in this thread:


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Ahh my vote was with the Odyssey from the DS9 episode "Jem'hadar". The Galaxy class vessel that had such a powerful actor for a captain and you began to feel for the crew. Was this the other side to the fleet? The grass roots that we don't see with Picard around?

Then the brave fight begins. We will get our people back. Shock, the shields aren't effective but continue fighting. The battle seems to be turning just slightly. There's a chance to run.

Suicide run. End ex. The vessel is lost.

It didn't have a poor female driver. It didn't have a mass weapon to stop. Just one ship, in an unknown Quadrant trying to do the right thing and falling to fanatics.

The stuff classics are made from.

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Personally, any chance to see a Galaxy-class blow up is entertainment for me. I hate that class. ;)

Loved the TNG episode where the Enterprise-D was stuck in the time loop and kept getting hit by the Soyuz (sp?) class ship.


5 minutes later....


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Got to agree, i love the ep and i hate the galaxy class, because you can't land it with out it being destoryed. It was a rubish ship. Good canon fodder, i mean looking at it how man galaxy ships where destory in the dom war? And how many miranda classes where destory? Not sure if it's fair juddgment but i think the galaxies should only be used how i said. And d should of been destoryed by the romulan war birds that it came in contact with in its 7 year running

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I would think since they were in all out war, the children and civilians would have been transfered to relative safety.

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Yeah, they never really covered that angle. Same with the Yamato. Although she, unfortunately, wasn't aware of the danger so she was probably still family-full. :(

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I rewatched that destruction scene in Generations and came to these conclusions.

The saucer held up pretty well after being shot up, caught in an Antimatter explosion's shockwave, going through the atmosphere at high speed and finally crashing on a planet and eradicating 10 km of forest.

As far as I could tell in the crash landing scene there were two window faliures, that is all. The bridge dome and a single forward window shattered. Seeing as most did not and the ones that slammed through the rock didn't shatter, that would indicate that these two window sets had defects. Given how many windows were on the entire ship, this isn't entirely unreasonable. Just means the Federation needs to stop putting so many windows on their ships.

Conclusion. For a hull that is so thin and has so many windows, it is remakarbly tough.

As for the children. I'm not so sure they'd leave them off the ship. Many times Picard and company went charging into immenent danger (i.e. the Romulan Neutral Zone) with the children still on board.

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Seeing as how that Galaxy class in DS9 is winning in the polls. I decided to rewatch that episode yesterday. The ship is the Oddessy, and its the second season finale called "Jem'Hadar".

The first time I watched it was years ago and I just found it cool as to how cruel the Jem'hadar actually were to make a suicide run at the Oddessy as they limp back to the wormhole. This was something I thought I'd never see in Trek. However, now that I am older and wiser? I watched it in a different way and was let down by a few things.

First of all, the Oddessy fired phasers only. No torpedos. And only fired twice. This surprised me seeing that Keough seemed to be much more military minded than other starship captains I have seen in the shows. So why only two phaser shots? Was there something wrong with his ship before going to battle? I find that difficult to belive. They went through the wormhole not for diplomatic purposes. The Galaxy class is able to fire continuous blasts of both phasers and torpedos. This was seen against the Hushnok and the Q-Who episodes. This ship should have beat those three Jem'Hadar ships, or at least given them a much better fight. But this lack of using this type of defence was a direct result that led to the situation seen in Generations.

Second of all, why did the Dominion only send three ships? If they wanted to send a message to the Alpha Quadrant, they should have sent a lot more than three ships.

Lastly, I don't understand what the purpose of that suicide run was? It would have hurt the moralle of the Feds moerso if the Oddessy would have gone back, defeated, with a gaping hole in its hull, after 10 minutes in the Gamma Quadrant.

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With "working" shields, judging from other DS9 eps such as "sacrifice of angels" and "all that you leave behind" a galaxy would have taken out the three Jem Hadar ships. without shields they might have disabled the torpedo launchers and damaged the phaser array.

the three ships might have been all that was close by at the time.

The fact that it did not return after 10 mins in the gamma quadrant would probably hurt just that little but more. the suicide run proves a point not to mention gives a good kill ratio. the point is to show what lengths the dominion will go to get the job done.

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My personal theory is that knowing the seriously bad situation they were probably heading into the Odyssey probably left the civvies on DS9.

I have that ep and Dax tells the captain to offload the civs onto the station. As for Galaxy class ships, although i dont like the look they are without dought soild, reliable ships and good in combat. With is my all new ships are messered against the Galaxy class in terms of power.

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NCC-1701, no A, B, C, D or E.

Oh, and the Soyuz class USS Bozeman hitting the Enterprise-D mentioned earlier is the Episode "Cause and Effect". Captain Bateson (?) of the Bozeman is played by the same person who played Fraiser in the series of the same name and Cheers.

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Kelsey Grammer (sp?) .

And, after thinking about the Enterprise-D crashing on Viridian III, the same question comes to mind...why don't they ever put seatbelts on the bridge? :P

The closest they ever came was in Star Trek I when they had the arms of the Captain's chair close over the thighs.

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...and an alternative ending to Nemesis where the captains chair does get fitted with seatbelts

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When Captain Picard charged the Enterprise E into Shinzons' ship, the Scimitar, that was amazing. He did not know what the repercussions would be other then disabling the powerful ship. Captain Picard stood and faced the enemy in the eye and attacked him head on even when the odds were against him. That is why I chose the Enterprise E destruction scene as the best.


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