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FallFest Badge Awarded

StarBase 118 Staff

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FallFest 2015 a great success!

This year marked the fifth annual ‘OngoingWorlds Fall Festival‘, known casually as ‘FallFest‘. It is an event that brings together the entire simming community to discuss various aspects of role playing, play trivia games and role play together. We put on the longest running FallFest in the event’s history and packed the schedule full of lots of exciting events and our dedicated radio DJs kept everyone entertained with music and updates from the chat rooms throughout.

We had a huge turnout with over 50 people attending the event! I’ve had emails from several people thanking us for what we put on and telling me how much they enjoyed themselves! Everyone in the wider simming community knows that we know how to put on an outstanding party and I know they’ll be talking about this event in years to come. This is what Charles Star had to say:

The entire team from host club 
UFOP: StarBase 118
put on another world-class show, just as they did two years ago at FallFest III.  I’d like to personally thank everyone who took some part in making it all happen:  those who hosted events, those who promoted & advertised, those who played a technical role whether it was graphic design or setting up chatrooms, and those who simply invited a friend to join in on the fun.  Thank you all! – Charles Star, in his OngoingWorlds article “
The Ongoing Worlds Community Honor now has two more Laureates

Without the help and support of everyone who put themselves forward – be it providing graphics, helping with research or publicity tasks, hosting a chat session or being  radio DJ we simply wouldn’t have pulled it off. We’re really lucky and proud to have such an outstanding support team. To everyone who helped out and everyone who turned up to support us: Thank you so much!

FallFest Helper Badge presented to a great team!

It is my great pleasure to present the FallFest Helper badge to the many people who supported us in organising and running a highly successful FallFest.

  • Captain Renos
  • Fleet Admiral Wolf
  • Fleet Captain E. Manno (Aka Aaron Kells)
  • Captain Nugra
  • Captain Jalana Rajel
  • Commander Sal Taybrim
  • Lieutenant Commander Roshanara Rahman
  • Lieutenant Commander T’Mar
  • Lieutenant Commander Kaitlyn Falcon
  • Lieutenant Commander Tristam Core
  • Lieutenant Commander Tsuki Kazeyama
  • Major Ben Edwards
  • Lieutenant JG Lilavati Chandur
  • Ensign Jansen Orrey

Why not head down to the forums today and join me in showing appreciation for everyone’s hard work?

Did you miss FallFest this year? Want to know what all the fuss is about?

We kept transcripts so you can read (or re-read) your favourite sessions again and again! You can get pretty close to the real experience by listening to a recording of our wonderful radio show, which is also available for anyone who wants to listen in.

Transcripts: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxECK-TtzP2CUXdka01ZRTFtZlU&usp=sharing

Radio Show: https://www.spreaker.com/show/starbase-118-radio

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