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Award nominations open for 2020 ceremony

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Every year, we take time to celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of our members. This is a core tradition that was started in 1996, just two years after our group was founded, and has continued every year since then.

Here’s how it works: You nominate your fellow community members for awards that will honor their hard work and achievements in simming and OOC participation over the last year. Members of the staff will review your nominations and select the best ones for the ceremony. In late June, we’ll start our annual awards ceremony, a multi-day event to present the awards to the winners and recognize all of their hard work.

Ready to get started? Click here to open the award nomination panel. You’ll find full instructions, including a link to a list of all the awards and their descriptions.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about nominations:

  • Duty Post, Special, and Staff awards are given to only one officer per year in the entire fleet.
  • Only one person per crew can receive each of the General awards in each ceremony.
  • You can find a list of past recipients on the wiki in the Hall of Honor. Remember that some awards were created relatively recently, so there may be only a few recipients for those awards.
  • Don’t forget that your Commanding Officer also does a lot of hard work behind the scenes to keep the fleet and the community running. Our staff are not paid for their work, and it is their endless hours of devotion that keep things going smoothing. Keep this in mind as you are submitting your nominations and consider nominating your Commanding Officer for an award as well!

We rely on each and every member of the fleet to submit nominations so we can recognize the best members of our community who are putting in the time and effort to make this a fun place to be. So we need your help! If you don’t nominate your peers and mentors for awards, they won’t get recognized. We want to encourage everyone to be really free with their nominations – there’s no penalty in putting in a nomination that doesn’t ultimately get the award. But ships that have fewer nominations tend to end up having fewer award winners – so don’t be shy! Multiple nominations from members of a ship for any given award can help send a signal to reviewers that a certain person is really deserving, but also one really great nomination can be the deciding factor for someone to win an award.

If you have any questions, talk to your Commanding Officer or First Officer, or head into the chatroom’s #awards2020 channel to ask other members.

Click here to start your award nominations now! Nominations close on Wednesday, June 10 at 11:45pm Pacific time.

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