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  1. (( 1900, Counseling Office )) :: CD took a breath and relaxed as he rang the chime. Due to the amount of stress he was under, Gabi had ensured he had at least a sandwich to go with his tea. He was relieved when she was the one to suggest they reschedule the date they had made for this evening. Now, he was wearing the standard issue Starfleet Teal, because he was the acting boss. :: Moonsong: Come in! ::she was finishing up some notes on her padd:: :: He entered with a smile. :: Skyfire: Things got busy. Apologies. Moonsong: ::lifted her head to smile at him but it didn’t quite reach her eyes:: No problem. I heard it was something of a madhouse over there. ::she sets the padd down.:: If you don’t mind, I'd like to cover a couple things with you first. ::gestures toward the chair in front of her desk:: :: He nodded faintly and had a seat. He tried to relax a little, but all of the last several hours ranging from his promotion to not having performed the host transfer had him a bit on edge. :: Skyfire: Dare I ask? Moonsong: ::sets aside the padd she was using. She folded her hands on the desk top, her face a calm, serene mask, a faint smile touching her lips:: Yes, you may ask. Skyfire: What sort of things were you hoping to cover before we start? Moonsong: ::pulled up the file on her desktop device:: Nothing to be nervous about, Doctor Skyfire. We didn't get a chance to cover some of the details of your file. Skyfire: Alright. Where did you want to start? Moonsong: You have seen a number of counselors since you've gained the ability. I was wondering if you could tell me why you think that is? ::she knew why this was thanks to the message from Taybrim, but she wanted his side of the situation.:: :: Skyfire sighed heavily and lay back in his chair. He didn't know how to answer for a few seconds. :: Skyfire: I've technically seen four. Ensign Riverview. Last known posting: Excalibur. Not helpful because we only had one session. Lt. Taybrim, last known posting: Columbia, which was recently launched, as I understand. He was helping me learn how to control it. Lt. Collim, though an Intelligence officer, had previously been a counselor. Her last known was also the Excalibur. Said we would work on my shields, though also only one session. :: Pause. :: If you count the informal one I had with Pritzker, which happened during breakfast about 10 minutes before I met you. Moonsong: ::she frowned slightly:: You do have the option of continuing with Pritzker. As far as I know, he’s not due for a transfer? :: The doc ran a hand along his face, thinking for a long moment before speaking. :: Skyfire: I...I don’t feel that he has a good enough grasp on telepathic and empathic stuff to fully understand my situation. Moonsong: ::she was silent a moment and then nodded:: I have a reason for asking. It is important that you feel comfortable with me. This isn't something that will only take a couple sessions to fix. This requires a long term commitment, and you will need to trust me to be here for you and to help you come to terms with your gift. :: He nodded faintly as he took another breath. oO Curse. Oo :: Skyfire: I understand. Moonsong: So the question is, do you wish to proceed with me? ::she leaned forward slightly:: I feel it is important that we commit to a long term plan. Skyfire: Yes. Lt. Taybrim hinted if I didn't get it under control that I may become a liability. Moonsong: ::she decided to be blunt:: You could go insane from the constant barrage of information. :: The doc raised an eyebrow. :: Skyfire: He must've left that part out when he was talking about it. Alright. Where do we start? Moonsong: ::rises from her desk and gestures to the two comfortable chairs to the side:: Make yourself comfortable. :: He got up and stretched before removing his uniform jacket, underneath wearing a teal tank top that said "I work for Starfleet" in black lettering. As he sat down, he took the cup of tea from her and took a slow inhale of its aroma. :: :: While he was getting settled, Raissa went to the replicator and ordered a cup of tea in a large earthenware mug, then she handed it to him. She couldn’t help but smile faintly at the message on his shirt. That meant a sense of humor existed somewhere in the man.:: Moonsong: ::She sat down in the chair opposite him.:: That is a blend I developed. It's to help you relax. ::she settled with her own cup:: Let me know what do you think of the taste. :: Chythar's body seemed to relax as he inhaled, his eyes closed as he exhaled. Then he slowly took a sip and pondered over it as he savored the flavor. Upon swallowing, he gave his reply. :: Skyfire: Tasty. Like...kind of a darjeeling and a oolong combined. Similar to one I use. Moonsong: I’d like you to finish drinking it. Take your time and let your body relax. ::she paused:: You can talk about anything or not speak. :: He pondered over that for a moment. He needed to trust her, including with things that might seem insignificant. Or majorly significant. He didn’t know what the deal was with either of his moments he had today, but thought that he could use this time to make those moments clear to him. :: Skyfire: Well, to start with...do you know why today was a madhouse? Moonsong: I know you have injured, but I don’t know specifics. Skyfire: Commander Tan collapsed. I...haven’t dealt with a Trill symbiont before, and had to find a new host for him in a hurry. Moonsong: ::she looked surprised:: He didn’t look well during the last mission. I hadn’t heard that it was that serious. Will he…. they… be all right? Skyfire:I did try to keep it quiet. Far as I know, they are fine for the moment. Both are in stasis, which is the best I can do on short notice. Moonsong: ::frowns with real concern. If he had to find another host for Tan….:: What will happen to Alleran? Skyfire: :: took a breath. :: Symbiotic rejection is a serious business. The host has a week, at best. Maybe longer if stasis modules are used. Moonsong: ::she looked down at her own cup, her expression troubled:: He’s going to die, isn’t he? Skyfire: Likely, yes. There was one case in which a host was joined to a symbiont, experienced symbiotic rejection and the original host was reunited with the symbiont that was removed. Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax. Moonsong: Did the host survive? Skyfire: No. Moonsong: I… I am saddened to hear that… On the bridge… ::she shook her head.:: I’m sorry… It’s just a little hard to hear. ::Raissa struggled to push down the emotions that had risen. She didn’t know the navigator well, but after what they had shared on the bridge during the last mission, she knew she would miss him. His occasional light comments had gone a long way to help her control the fear she was feeling:: :: He nodded faintly in understanding, then took a breath. He had something else to add. :: Skyfire: I also had a moment during this crisis in which the captain called me up to her office. To promote me to lieutenant. And the host transfer is still incomplete. Moonsong: ::she could seriously relate. Her fingers absently reached up to touch the new pip on her collar. :: Apparently she sees something in you that helped her make that decision. :: Skyfire nodded faintly, and bit his lip. :: Skyfire: She also said I...have to become less arrogant and dismissive. Once that asserts itself, then my appointment to permanent CMO will be complete. Moonsong: ::There was a telling pause:: I see…. We can work on that as well if you like. :: He just nodded and had another sip of his tea. :: Skyfire: Not now, though. :: and finished up the last of it, setting the cup down. :: Moonsong: ::nods:: Now I want you to close your eyes and take some breaths. Slowly, in and out. Listen to the sound of my voice. :: He followed her instructions and closed his eyes once more. He tried to concentrate only on her words and feel the relaxation. :: Moonsong: ::her voice was soft and pitched to a soothing caress:: How do you feel...? :: Skyfire's voice sounded almost distant, as though he was 20 light years from the room. :: Skyfire: Strange...empty, almost. Moonsong: ::she frowned slightly. It seemed odd that he shifted perception so quickly:: Just flow with it... Our minds gives us images that are symbols.... what do you see? ::she planned to use visualization therapy, but she wanted to see what images came to him first instead of just imposing something on him:: :: He tried to stay relaxed, his body tensing slightly as he attempted to interpret what was in his mind :: Skyfire: My meditation blocks. Teacups. Lt. Taybrim. Moonsong: ::she leaned forward to touch his hand and stopped herself. It was instinctive to touch people to help them but she was learning that it was not a good idea anymore.:: I want you to think of a place you are comfortable. oO Don’t do it, girl. You’ve barely got control of yourself here. Focus on your patient. Oo :: He nodded faintly, imagining his little mountaintop with the roaring waves below. There was no Ensign Skyfire to share his space, which he was grateful for.. :: Moonsong: Tell me what it looks like... Skyfire: Terran sunset. The sky is sort of purple, orange and blue. I'm on a jetty which has rocks of smooth stone, a beach like setting. Beneath me, the waves crash against the cliff face, a deepish sort of purple and blue. Moonsong: ::she frowned slightly:: Do you feel safe there? Skyfire: Yes. Moonsong: ::she found it odd that he considered such an image safe, but she would find a way to work with it:: All right.... continue to breath... in and out.... now…. come back to me... :: It took him several minutes to comply, as though he was nearly reluctant to leave the beach and his solitude. When his eyes opened, that is when he began to perspire with the effort. :: Moonsong: You did really great. ::smiling:: A lot of people have trouble reaching their center the first few times. Skyfire: It seemed harder for me to pull myself back this time. Moonsong: You'll soon get the knack of moving in and out at will. Now I just want you to relax. :: His eyes closed again as he attempted to comply. After a few seconds, he forced himself to relax completely. :: Moonsong: ::she leaned back:: How are you feeling? Skyfire: A little drained. :: He felt too weak to tense up. He didn’t like that question, and hoped it wasn’t obvious that he hated counselors that much. He still had his scorecard packed away in his bag from the Excalibur. :: Moonsong: I hope you'll eventually learn to be honest with me. You tense up every time I ask you how you feel. ::she made a few notes on the padd:: What do you hope we can accomplish in these sessions? :: He wasn't at all eased by her words, and tried not to let it show through. When he spoke again, he forced calm into his voice. :: Skyfire: Develop some level of control over my abilities. oO Curse. Oo Moonsong: What do you think of your abilities. ::pauses:: Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Tell me the truth. :: His eyes opened slowly, and he tried to keep his cool. :: Skyfire: I think it's a curse. I want to make it not a curse, and a useful tool; but until I learn how to control it, it's a curse. Moonsong: ::she nodded understanding.:: I think we did well today. You accomplished more than I expected and that is a good sign. Skyfire: Then...why does it feel like I'm still on square one? Moonsong: It's important to define what square one is. It's different for different people. Knowing what it is, is the first step in moving forward and helps me figure out the best way to proceed that is tailored to your needs. :: The words 'define square one' made him almost as uncomfortable as 'How do you feel?' Each question seemed like a trap. And he knew that both questions were not meant as traps, but given his turnover rate for counselors, they felt like a trap. :: Skyfire: Alright...? Moonsong: Dr. Skyfire, in order to help you, you have to trust me. Trust takes time. Eventually you'll get to the point you are comfortable enough to tell me what you are really thinking. Right now you're guarded and that is normal. That is why it we are starting slow. ::She paused and then straightened her shoulders:: You'll do fine. :: He nodded faintly, forcing a smile onto his face in kind. He wanted to be able to trust counselors, and wanted to overcome his hatred of them. But he stayed quiet. :: Moonsong: You should be aware that your body language tells me a great deal. Skyfire: I'm aware. Moonsong: I'm not offended, so don't worry about that. ::she set her padd on her lap:: Would you like to make another appointment? :: He stood slowly and grabbed his uniform jacket, then nodded. :: Skyfire: Yes. Moonsong: Daily? or would you like time between? It can be exhausting as you've noticed. Skyfire: Daily is good. Mission or no mission, I would like to get a handle on my cur-- :: pause. He was going to say 'curse.' Poor word choice. :: ...current abilities and not be driven insane by them. If that makes sense. Moonsong: ::rose to her feet:: Of course, Doctor. I'll see you tomorrow. I'd like you to stay on the inhibitors for now. We'll start lowering the dosage as you get comfortable with the basics. ::she smiled although it seemed a touch forced:: Skyfire: Stay on them? :: he looked a bit curious. :: Then again, it’s shore leave. I can afford to be useless for a bit. Moonsong: ::Her expression was serious:: Until you are drilled in the basics, you would be even more useless if you are comatose. Of course the choice is yours. :: That thought frightened him. He'd been sedated before just to deal with the effects. Twice. And it wasn't a fun experience. So soon after the meld, his brain nearly exploded. And he tensed up as the unbidden thought came to him. And just once, he was hoping that he’d be able to meet a counselor who didn’t bear the same no-smiles-policy as his brother did. :: Skyfire: I see your point. Moonsong: Like your other senses it can be overwhelmed. I can help, but it will require work on your part and it will take time. There is no short cut. :: He nodded grimly as he tugged the uniform shirt into position. :: Skyfire: Understood. Moonsong: I'll see you sometime tomorrow, then. ::smiles slightly:: Skyfire: Right. :: and headed out the door. What he craved more than anything was control over his abilities. And it was, for now, beyond his reach. :: ::Raissa sighed as he walked out. He had taken a big step, but until he learned to stop fighting his ability, his progress would be slow. She returned to her desk. It all boiled down to trust:. It was not just his ability he was fighting. He was fighting her. He may not have said anything, but his body language screamed at her. In a sense, she was the enemy. On a purely personal level it hurt a little, but there was no quick fix to that either. :: === Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire Acting Chief Medical Officer USS Garuda NCC 73809 Lieutenant JG Raissa Moonsong Counselor USS Garuda
  2. ((Rathos Prime, idyllic site by the lake)) ::Tosz and Vanessa sat there and just watched the sky showing thousands upon thousands of little, sparkling lights… each of those representing the vastness and sheer magnitude of the universe.:: Driscoll: This star… over there… ::Her voice was now nothing more than a whisper almost drowned now by the light and gentle breeze that could be felt coming from the lake. Tosz followed the direction of her finger before her hand almost fell back. Vanessa’s strength had gone. It had vanished rapidly in these last few hours. Now she even seemed to have difficulties keeping her eyes open, but she was trying. Still fighting the deadly illness till the last minute.:: Driscoll: D’you see it?... The small one next to those three… They almost form a …perfect square. Tosz: ::nodding as he now knew which star she was talking about:: Yes, I can see it. Driscoll: That’s my home…. where my brother lives. Tosz: ::looking at the small light:: Yes. This is just amazing. There are so many. Driscoll: Indeed… and that’s why I always wanted to… travel to them. See what is out there. ::They both kept looking in silence for a moment.:: Driscoll: Do you… believe in a life… after death, Tosz? ::He kept his eyes on the stars, but felt the questioning look of Vanessa.:: Tosz: Our people believe in a life after death, yes. Driscoll: What about you? Do … you believe in it? ::That was indeed a good quation. He had never been that religious, but this whole Armageddon that his pople and his world was facing had somehow changed something inside him. It would have been enough for many people to lose their faith, buit for Tosz it somehow caused the opposite to happen.:: Tosz: Yes, I do… This is such a vast and… wondrous universe. And I tend to believe that there must be something awaiting us. ::Tosz looked at Vanessa giving her a reassuring look. He didn’t just say it to comfort a person who was dying. Tosz really believed in what he was saying.:: Driscoll: I… hope that… you ::Another heave cough attack followed. When it was over there was again blood so Tosz wiped it off and gave her another dose of the painkiller. It still worked and he could see that Vanessa felt slightly better again. The pain she had to go through was unimaginable, but she was still brave. She was looking at Tosz and her eyes clearly reflected the thankfulness she felt for the man she hadn’t even known a few hours ago. Now he stayed with her as he had promised. He kept his promise and Vanessa didn’t have to be here alone, dying alone on a planet without her friends near.:: Driscoll: Thank … you… Tosz: Don’t mention it. ::pause:: You know, you somehow remind me of my wife. She… she died a few weeks ago, but I didn’t have the chance to be with her when… when it happened. ::Tosz looked at the calm and serene lake lying before him:: Tosz: I was trying to get help, find a doctor who would come to us and help her, but no one would come. Some didn’t even care or open their doors for me. They were afraid of getting infected as well. Can you imagine this? Doctors! ::One could still hear the anger and deep sadness that had almost broken this man.:: Tosz: When I came home, she was already dead and because they had been afraid of getting infected as well, they had burned their body… I wasn’t even able to say goodbye to her ::beat:: Then my daughter became ill. And she was shot by the police force when I tried to reach that hpsital. Again I was not able to say good bye. ::Tosz looked at Vanessa who was still looking directly at him. :: Tosz: When I saw you in the lab, I knew you were infected. And all that because you were here to help us. Our own doctors didn’t come, our own police shot us dead, but you – an outworlder – came here to our planet to try to help us. And then you had to pay the price. ::Tosz took a deep breath as he felt his anger coming up again – an anger which he didn’t want to feel now that he was here to stay with a young woman who was about to die.:: Tosz: It is the least I can do for you. The least I can do to honour you and what you tried to do to help us. ::Vanessa smiled at him, but she was not saying anything. She tried to keep her eyes open, but eventually failed. Tosz saw that she tried to reach him with her hand, but she was too weak, so he took her hand and held it. He looked at her and watched her chest as it slowly went up and down again… One more breath… and one more… He still watched her as she did her last breath. It was almost like falling asleep. But he still kept sitting there, holding her hand looking up towards the stars and to the one sparkling light she had shown to him earlier. ::As the sun slowly started to light up the scene, Tosz was standing there in silence. He was speaking an old traditional prayer to the Gods he had almost forgotten. Tosz had never been a religious man, but now it felt right to say at least one of those old prayers that his grandmother had taught him. In front of him there was a pile of rocks he had gathered the whole night to cover the grave of Vanessa Driscoll. She wasn’t able to go home again – not even her remains. And Tosz was not able to leave her body lying here due to the wild animals. So he had buried her. This would be the place where she would rest and as long as he was here and alive, he would be coming here and visit her every now and then. As he had finished saying his prayers, he put a little flower on the pile of stones. Then he grabbed the only thing that was still here – Vanessa’s communicator. He had used it to contact the authorities of Rathos Prime. They had been surprised to be hailed via a Strafleet signal and then being greeted by a Rathosian. Tosz had asked them to send a message to the Gemini and they had agreed. The message was simple and plain: --Your crewmate Vanessa Driscoll died this night – peacefully and quiet she just fell asleep. Tosz – ::Then Tosz put the communicator on the top stone and turned round to leave. He had kept his promise.:: END ======== Lieutenant JG Vanessa Driscoll Science officer USS Gemini
  3. I know Jeremy already submitted part 3, but I wanted to submit all three parts as one sim because as sad and well written as part three is, the whole closing chapter of the character of Vanessa Driscoll is heart breaking and touching and well worth the read as a complete short story. ((Rathos Prime, an idyllic spot)) :: As the whirling, blueish particle stream of the beaming process was slowly replaced with normal sight again, Vanessa took a look around. On her right there was a small river, which was peacefully burbling its way towards a lake on which the light of the sun was sparkling like thousand little stars. On her left there was just wood. No one could be seen or heard from her position. The only thing reminding her of civilisation and her Starfleet colleagues was some Starfleet emergency equipment that they had beamed there. This was really a nice spot. The first thing now that she was alone was to get rid of her EVA suit. The science officer would not need it any more. At least not now that the sun was shining so nice and warm from the Rathosian sky. Vanessa looked for a nice spot to sit down as she felt a little weak. Not far from the place she had been beamed to was a nice big tree, right beside the little river. This was the spot she chose, so she sat down and leaned against the tree. Its bark was warm and Vanessa closed her eyes for a moment just concentrating on the bubbling water from the river. She had always liked to listen to water. It reminded her of her home planet Toral IV, the colony where she had grown-up and where she had spent hours playing and sitting next to a little river not far from her family’s home. Only the thought of it, the pure memory of those precious little moments of her past made her feel lighter and warmer inside, as she could feel the warm sun on her face and body. Those moments were precious, very precious to her as she would never be able to go back there again and as she would not be able to see her brother again. Vanessa had to cough again. Doctor Frankenstein had scanned her earlier and had told her that the pathogen had attacked her lungs. 24 hours… that was the number which echoed in her mind. That would be about the time she had left. She could feel her body as it became weaker due to the infection. Breathing was becoming harder and harder and she had already had several cough attacks. But the worst thing about the infection was the terrible pain. She had taken some painkillers before beaming out, so right now she was feeling quite well, given the circumstances. Right next to her she kept a hypo that they had handed her with more painkillers. Vanessa wondered what would happen if she administered herself all the doses at once. Would she just fall asleep and… drift away without any pain? Would it even be enough to do that? She looked at her left side. There was the phaser that T’Mar had given her earlier to defend herself. But perhaps she could also use it for a different purpose, if she wasn’t able to bear the pain anymore? Right after that thought had crossed her mind, she shook her head. She didn’t feel like taking her own life. It still seemed wrong to her. But even now as she tried to convince herself that this was not a way she would choose, there was a little spark of doubt deep inside her. Who could tell how she would think about it when the painkillers wouldn’t work anymore. The fear was there – fear of not knowing how her last hours would be like and how hard her fight with the illness and eventually death would be. She really didn’t want to be alone then. Vanessa looked around and hoped that Tosz, the Rathosian civilian who had promised to stay with her till the bitter end, would be able to find her here. He had been given the coordinates. Hopefully he would be able to get away from the lab safely. Then as she closed her eyes again and listened to the water, she thought of her crewmates who had hopefully made it back to the ship somewhere up there in orbit – and the friends she would not be able to see again. Vanessa didn’t know how long they would remain in orbit or if they would leave as soon as possible. :: Driscoll: Godspeed, Gemini. :: She said looking towards the sky with tears in her eyes. :: :: Suddenly, Vanessa awoke as she had heard a noise coming from the woods. She must have fallen asleep in the warm sun. No wonder as she was feeling very weak as well. The illness had clearly left its mark on Vanessa. She grabbed her phaser, just in case it was a wild animal or some Rathosian mob who had managed to find her. Then she was able to see a figure coming out of the woods that seemed familiar. :: Tosz: Ah, thank the Gods. I found you. :: Vanessa put her phaser down and smiled. :: Driscoll: Tosz. You… made it. :: Surprised how deeply relieved she felt now that she didn’t have to be alone anymore, she beckoned the Rathosian over. As Tosz came nearer he looked at her before he sat down next to her. The young woman was already ravaged by the disease, but Tosz didn’t want to show any sadness. He was here to give her strength for her last hours – and because he felt he had to do it out of personal reasons. :: Tosz: This is really an idyllic spot. The right spot to… :: He paused to search for the right words :: Driscoll: No false modesty… a nice spot to die. :: Tosz looked at the Starfleet officer. Her eyes showed a severe and frank expression. :: Tosz: A nice spot to … spend a few hours with you. :: Vanessa looked at him then she smiled. :: Driscoll: I am really glad that you made it here. :: This was indeed more than strange. A few hours ago they hadn’t even known each other. Vanessa had come down to the planet to help the Rathosians and find a cure for the disease. Tosz had fought against police forces – and his inner anger and demons. Now they were both sitting at a picturesque spot somewhere in the nature preserve – far away from the problems, the government, the anger and fights. At least it seemed that way. :: Tosz: I promised you to come and I keep my promises. No one should be alone in such a situation. :: Vanessa nodded. That was indeed true. She knew that no one of her colleagues could be here and stay with her. And she was not able to go back to them or to the ship that had become home for her although she had not been on board that long. Her brother was light years away and wouldn’t even know what she had to face now. But this unknown alien would stay with her. :: Driscoll: Did you get out without problems? Tosz: :: nodding :: I waited a moment and used the chance to escape as your friends left. They all made it out safely, Vanessa. Then I sneaked out the back door you could say. It seemed the other Rathosians were in panic and no one really kept an eye on the others. With the coordinates your friends sent me, I was able to find you here… even though. :: He paused waiting for the questioning look of Vanessa:: Tosz: Even though I had to make my way through all sort of vegetation and thorny bushes and I almost fell into a little stream not far from here. The stones were quite slippery. :: They both laughed. It was great to see Vanessa laugh. It reminded Tosz of his daughter. Whenever his daughter had been depressed or didn’t feel good, he had been able to make her laugh… even though those moments became rare towards the end. The rarer they got, the more precious they were. :: Driscoll: I knew I was better off lying here in the sun waiting for you. :: It was good to see that she hadn’t lost her humour either. :: Tosz: Do you want something to drink? Driscoll: That would be great. Tosz: Alright, let me see if your friends left us something here. Although I guess, I won’t be able to bring you a [...]tail to add some perfection to your sunbath there. Driscoll: I knew there was a catch. :: They both laughed again until Vanessa got another spasm of coughing. She was holding her chest as it seemed as if her lungs were going up in flames. With two big jumps, Tosz was over there again next to Vanessa, holding her as she leaned forward. Slowly, she recovered from her cough attack, but the hand she had held in front of her mouth was red… She had coughed blood. :: Tosz: Did they leave you anything to fight the pain? :: Vanessa just nodded and pointed to the hypospray. Tosz took it and looked at it. It was quite similar to the injections he knew. He handed her the hypo and Vanessa injected herself a painkiller. Then she closed her eyes, leaning back against the tree again. :: :: She took a deep breath, but Tosz could hear a gurgling sound accompanying every breath that hadn’t been there earlier. It seemed that Vanessa wouldn’t have as much time left as he had hoped. When she opened her eyes again, she was able to see the sun just over the horizon. A long, red-orange reflection was showing on the calm water of the lake as the sun slowly set. :: They both just sat there, as Vanessa watched what was very likely to be her last sunset. :: :: They both kept looking in silence for a moment. :: Driscoll: Do you… believe in a life… after death, Tosz? :: He kept his eyes on the stars, but felt the questioning look of Vanessa. :: Tosz: Our people believe in a life after death, yes. Driscoll: What about you? Do … you believe in it? :: That was indeed a good question. He had never been that religious, but this whole Armageddon that his people and his world was facing had somehow changed something inside him. It would have been enough for many people to lose their faith, but for Tosz it somehow caused the opposite to happen. :: Tosz: Yes, I do… This is such a vast and… wondrous universe. And I tend to believe that there must be something awaiting us. :: Tosz looked at Vanessa giving her a reassuring look. He didn’t just say it to comfort a person who was dying. Tosz really believed in what he was saying. :: Driscoll: I… hope that… you :: Another heave cough attack followed. When it was over there was again blood so Tosz wiped it off and gave her another dose of the painkiller. It still worked and he could see that Vanessa felt slightly better again. The pain she had to go through was unimaginable, but she was still brave. She was looking at Tosz and her eyes clearly reflected the thankfulness she felt for the man she hadn’t even known a few hours ago. Now he stayed with her as he had promised. He kept his promise and Vanessa didn’t have to be here alone, dying alone on a planet without her friends near. :: Driscoll: Thank … you… Tosz: Don’t mention it. :: pause :: You know, you somehow remind me of my wife. She… she died a few weeks ago, but I didn’t have the chance to be with her when… when it happened. :: Tosz looked at the calm and serene lake lying before him. :: Tosz: I was trying to get help, find a doctor who would come to us and help her, but no one would come. Some didn’t even care or open their doors for me. They were afraid of getting infected as well. Can you imagine this? Doctors! : :One could still hear the anger and deep sadness that had almost broken this man. :: Tosz: When I came home, she was already dead and because they had been afraid of getting infected as well, they had burned their body… I wasn’t even able to say goodbye to her. :: beat. :: Then my daughter became ill. And she was shot by the police force when I tried to reach that hospital. Again I was not able to say good bye. :: Tosz looked at Vanessa who was still looking directly at him. :: Tosz: When I saw you in the lab, I knew you were infected, and all that because you were here to help us. Our own doctors didn’t come, our own police shot us dead, but you – an outworlder – came here to our planet to try to help us. And then you had to pay the price. :: Tosz took a deep breath as he felt his anger coming up again – an anger which he didn’t want to feel now that he was here to stay with a young woman who was about to die. :: Tosz: It is the least I can do for you. The least I can do to honour you and what you tried to do to help us. :: Vanessa smiled at him, but she was not saying anything. She tried to keep her eyes open, but eventually failed. Tosz saw that she tried to reach him with her hand, but she was too weak, so he took her hand and held it. He looked at her and watched her chest as it slowly went up and down again… One more breath… and one more… He still watched her as she did her last breath. It was almost like falling asleep. But he still kept sitting there, holding her hand looking up towards the stars and to the one sparkling light she had shown to him earlier. :: As the sun slowly started to light up the scene, Tosz was standing there in silence. He was speaking an old traditional prayer to the Gods he had almost forgotten. Tosz had never been a religious man, but now it felt right to say at least one of those old prayers that his grandmother had taught him. In front of him there was a pile of rocks he had gathered the whole night to cover the grave of Vanessa Driscoll. She wasn’t able to go home again – not even her remains. And Tosz was not able to leave her body lying here due to the wild animals. So he had buried her. This would be the place where she would rest and as long as he was here and alive, he would be coming here and visit her every now and then. As he had finished saying his prayers, he put a little flower on the pile of stones. Then he grabbed the only thing that was still here – Vanessa’s communicator. He had used it to contact the authorities of Rathos Prime. They had been surprised to be hailed via a Starfleet signal and then being greeted by a Rathosian. Tosz had asked them to send a message to the Gemini and they had agreed. The message was simple and plain: --Your crewmate Vanessa Driscoll died this night – peacefully and quiet she just fell asleep. Tosz – :: Then Tosz put the communicator on the top stone and turned round to leave. He had kept his promise. :: END
  4. (( Sickbay, USS Garuda )) :: A light chemical push. Alleran felt it as a real, physical thing; an intrusion into his sleep, forcing him awake. Forcing him to live. Open his eyes. :: :: It wasn't truly living with half a mind -- unjoined Trills were perfectly capable at any task they set their minds to, really -- but after years of having two brains, it certainly felt that way. The world was sluggish, dull, and had a strange unrealness to it; as though the dream, and the Otherplace was the reality. :: :: A shadowy figure stood above him. Alleran's eyes had not yet adjusted to the light. :: Alleran: Mum? Reynolds: Not quite. :: Oh. Through the fog came emotions; strong and raw. Embarrassment was one of them. :: Alleran: Hey. ::Perched on a stool by his bedside, she smiled at him, an expression worn and ragged around the edges. She looked pale and tired, strands of mousy brown hair falling limply about her face.:: Reynolds: How are you doing? Alleran: Oh... you know. Stuff. ::he managed a lopsided smile:: Dying. ::She tried to reply, but there seemed no words to express what she was feeling. Instead, she breathed a deep sigh, and nodded.:: Alleran: It's not so bad, really. I dunno. I'd always imagined I'd go in a... some kind of crash. Something dramatic. Lots of fire. Not like this. I don't think anyone really imagines it this way either. Just sort of... slowly fading away, and then one day, falling right over. Not everyone gets a dramatic send-off, I suppose. Reynolds: ::Quietly,:: No, they don't. :: He smiled -- strongly, more genuinely now. :: Alleran: I'm glad you're here. From the academy to the end, huh. There's a... pleasant symmetry to all this. I like symmetry. Reynolds: It's symmetrical for you, Alleran. Me, I just get to watch another friend die. ::Her voice cracked toward the end, and she looked away, taking a slow, deep breath. Yeah. He had buried friends too. It was never easy. :: Alleran: Yeah. ::She shook her head, looking back at him and forcing a smile.:: Reynolds: I'm going to miss you. :: That felt good. To know he was going to be missed. :: Alleran: I’m going to miss you too. A lot. ::a pause:: And I mean, well... I’ll still be here. Kind of. It’s complicated. Reynolds:: :She nodded.::I can imagine. I have a hard enough time just dealing with my own crap, let alone a couple of extra lifetime's worth from other people. Alleran: It would depend on the wants and desires of the new host, although it won’t be just up to them. There’s a whole host of emotions and feelings in there all mixed in together. Sometimes there’s a really desperate need to reconnect with the past host’s life -- something that’s very problematic and fraught with all manner of risk -- and sometimes... well. Sometimes they just want to get away from it all. I can’t promise anything. Reynolds: Is there anything you need? Anyone I can contact for you? :: It sounded really stupid, but Alleran had really only one request. :: Alleran: Make sure you come to my funeral. It sounds stupid, but Marlee -- my previous host -- well, she was something of a bitter workaholic misanthrope, which is easy for me to say now that she’s killing me. Accordingly, well, it was pretty empty when they put her in the ground. Couple of her old students. Some distant family members there because that was expected of them, just boredly waiting for the service to end. :: She winced. He reconsidered. :: Alleran: Actually, hell with that. No service. Just a big party. Lots of booze. Fun. Reynolds: One drunken wake on short notice. I'm sure I can organise that. :: He managed a little laugh. :: Alleran: Thanks. I’ll be kicking around for a while yet. Couple of days, maybe, on the outside. :: She nodded, her gaze dropping. He seemed to remember something. :: Alleran: Oh. And if the new host gets here, make sure that you check that they’re not crazy first. Who knows who they’ll send this far out. They might not have that many options. Reynolds: You might not want me vetting potential hosts. ::Her smile briefly returned.:: I suspect none of them would be good enough. :: That actually made him feel really, so much better about the whole thing. Just the idea that someone was going to look out for him. :: Alleran: Okay. I know you’re busy. I think I’m good here. Biobed’s nice and comfy. ::he smiled:: Take care, okay? I’ll be back soon... more or less. Reynolds: Call me, if you need anything. Anything at all, alright? Alleran: Yeah. Will do, for sure. ::She tried to say something else as she slid off the stool -- a goodbye, perhaps -- but for the second time in short while, words failed her. Instead, her hand found his, and after a brief, firm squeeze, she was on her way.:: -- Captain Quinn Reynolds Director of Intelligence USS Garuda & Lt. Commander Tan Chief of Navigation USS Garuda
  5. ((Chief Science Officer’s Office, USS Gemini)) :: Ensign Riel was walking through the corridors of deck 6, feeling better. The meditation had soothed his nerves for a while, and the drugs started wearing off. The latter being, on the flipside, the reason why walking past the CSO's office felt like the empathic equivalent of a punch in the gut. The pain was almost physical, enough to make Lan's eyes water. Lan sighed. Apparently, his star-crossed lunch break with Lieutenant Rejoh was once more thwarted by the imperious call of duty. Composing himself, he pushed the door chime button. :: Richards: Enter. :: Normally Alexander would have found the sight of a counsellor in front of him imposing. For the first time in his life however, he welcomed the intrusion. He had a lot on his mind and could really use the company. Perhaps the Ensign would be able to help clear his mind. :: :: At the Commander's invitation, Ensign Riel made his way inside the room, and respectfully nodded to Richards. :: Riel: Commander. Richards: Ensign Riel. Please take a seat. Would you like me to fetch you anything from the replicator? Riel: :: Taking the offered seat :: Actually that was part of the purpose of my visit, Sir: I made my rounds to see if someone was up for dinner. :: He managed a half-smile; that was technically true. :: Richards: oO Dinner. Now there is a thought. With all that has been going on I haven’t eaten since. Well, I don’t recall eating at all today. Oo :: Alexander turned his chair and headed for the replicator half expectant that the next words out of the Ensigns mouth would be what he wanted to eat. :: Riel: After all, it's part of my job to make sure that the crew doesn't go mad-hungry and start devouring each other. :: Under normal circumstances, Alexander may have found the joke funny. However these were not normal circumstances and he wasn’t much in the mood for fun and games either. :: Richards: :: In a calm, almost pleasant manner. :: Funnily enough, with how busy I have been on this double shift Ensign, I completely forgot to eat anything today. Your timing is impeccable. I assume you have not eaten either, what with being stuck on the bridge for most of the shift since the away team went to the surface? Riel: Indeed, Sir, skipping meals seems to be in fashion. Actually, I don't think I've seen the mess since I arrived, which may very well have been yesterday or a lifetime ago. :: Alexander hadn’t seen the mess either since joining the crew of the USS Gemini all those months ago. In his mind he justified this fact by claiming that he had just been far too busy to socialise during meal times. :: Richards: Neither have I if I’m honest Ensign. What can I get you? Riel: Catfish sandwich, if you please. :: That was a very Terran dish for a non human to order. Alex smiled to himself internally before ordering the Ensigns sandwich and his own cheese and pickle sandwich. He was hungry, but right now he felt that his choice was all he would be able to stomach. With both dishes placed carefully on his chair, he turned and returned to his desk, happy that he would be able to socialise whilst eating rather than go mad with the pain of the suggestion he had made to the captain. :: Richards: Here you go Ensign. Enjoy your meal. I must say, that a catfish sandwich is a rather odd choice for a non human, any particular reason for the choice? Riel: Thank you, Sir, enjoy yours. Comes with the job description, I think: a counsellor is also a diplomat, and you have to keep a very open mind when it comes to food when making contact with alien species. That being said Earth food is quite pleasant, especially the spicy kind. :: Cue a bite into the fried fish and vegetables, and an approving nod. :: :: Noticing the Ensign bite into his own sandwich, Alexander began on his. Unlike the coffee the replicator tended to produce, the sandwich was quite palatable. It wasn’t quite the same as biting into the real deal but it had managed to capture the essence of a good mature cheddar cheese and the sweet, yet tart flavour of a good sandwich pickle. :: Riel: Mmm. Anyway, besides the lunch, I had come to talk, if you have some time to spare, Sir. I have barely had time to say hello to everyone since I arrived, and I thought it'd be nice to get acquainted a bit, wouldn't it? Richards: Well, as of about five minutes ago, I am officially off shift so I do indeed have some time to spare Ensign. What made you choose me over someone else. According to my own wife, I’m not exactly known for being good dinner company. Riel: Well, honestly, it was between you and Lieutenant Rejoh, since I owe her a lunch. But you have the higher rank, and your door was closest. :: He smiled, half-apologetically. Again, technically true. :: :: That response sounded almost forced to Alexander’s untrained ear. Almost as if the Ensign had an ulterior motive for calling on his door, especially when considering both were now off duty. :: Riel: That, and the fact that the whole situation with Lieutenant Driscoll has hit you hard enough that you're broadcasting pain and grieving through all the deck, Sir. :: Alexander very nearly choked on the mouthful of the cheese and pickle sandwich he had been chewing at that statement. His mind had to do a double take just comprehend what had just been said. Had it been any other officer he probably would have evicted them from his office immediately. :: Richards: :: With a raised tone to his voice. :: I beg your pardon Ensign! Riel: My apologies, Sir. I plead Betazoid cultural bluntness and a firm belief that a hard, clean truth does less long-term damage than a sweet poisonous lie, Sir. :: Alexander had half a mind to terminate the conversation right there and then. However a little voice in the back of his head told him just how bad an idea that would have been. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking again. :: Richards: :: Slightly calmer. :: I hadn’t realized that I had taken down my mental blocks so much during this crisis. Normally I am very good at keeping things from telepaths. Anyway, I thought you were supposed to be off duty now? Riel: Heh. I'm a counsellor, Commander. There's no real 'off' to my duty, you are a person I'd like to know more, as a human being as well as a patient, and this catfish sandwich is delicious, so I don't mind mixing business and pleasure as long as there is pleasure. :: He reclined a bit in his seat, making himself comfortable. In all honesty, the famed Betazoid bluntness in him had been mostly tamed during his long hours of diplomacy lessons at the Academy. However, as a counsellor, he had discovered it could be a fantastic tool. It put people off-balance, and forced them to think. Or even better, it caused mild irritation, which was a stimulant not to be overused, but an excellent stimulant nonetheless. And right now, Richards needed it. Lan just hoped he'd be able to mend the fences afterwards. :: Richards: oO Pleasure! There was pleasure until you interrupted proceedings with that statement. Oo :: It was taking all of Alexander’s strength to remain calm. It seemed that this counsellor, like most others, had the innate ability to get under his skin and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like sharing his thoughts and feelings with others. They were private, intimate, his own. Then again, he was now in for a penny so he may have well gone in for the pound. :: Riel: I guess Lieutenant Driscoll and you were more than just colleagues for her predicament to hurt you like that. Would you mind telling me about her a bit, Sir? Richards: :: Being deliberately obtuse. :: You’re a counsellor. You have access to everyone’s records. You don’t need me to tell you about her. Hell, if you really want to get to know her, she is only on the other end of the communications line, slowly dying for a species we’ve only just met! :: Alexander was furious. It was one thing to have someone to talk to, it was quite another to have one’s mind picked apart by a medical professional one hardly knew. He tried to keep his defences up but he knew that with enough probing they would all fall away. The truth of it was, he was now stuck between the rock and the proverbial hard place. Either he terminated the discussion and faced the almost certain probability of being relieved of duty or, he continued it and bore his soul to the Ensign. :: :: Yeah, that was understandable, which doesn't mean that it should be allowed to stand in their way. :: Riel: Well, as I said, I didn't have the time to see everyone, and I don't think I even saw the Lieutenant in person before she went dirt side. I reckon she'll be a major subject in my counselling sessions soon, and I'd hate to talk about her as an abstraction. One in a billion, you know? I think I owe her that. :: Admittedly, his catfish had suddenly gained a faint aftertaste of emotional blackmail, but that was for the greater good. :: :: The conversation just took a nasty turn. If there was one thing Alexander hated more than his mind being probed, it was being blackmailed, emotionally or otherwise. Taking another bite of his sandwich he chewed it slowly, methodically as he formulated his next response to the ‘good’ Ensign. :: Richards: Lieutenant Driscoll was. :: He paused, realizing that his own acceptance of her fate had caused him to think of her in the past tense. :: Sorry, is an incredible woman able to apply her scientific mind to any problem thrown at her in almost any situation. She came to my department from tactical/security and immediately began applying herself to the task at hand. I lucked out when she found her way to my department and she very quickly became one of the ships greatest assets. Riel: Yellow to blue, that's a huge shift. How did she adjust? Richards: Like any member of Starfleet. She applied herself to her new role with both feet forward, asking questions when she did not understand things and following orders. What made her stand out was that she did all this whilst suffering from a great loss. Riel: Wow, that's harsh. How did she get over it? :: Not 'did she', but 'how did she'. Lieutenant Driscoll seemed to be the kind to adapt and overcome. :: :: The truth of the matter was, Alexander did not believe that she was over it. That did not mean that she had not dealt with her sorrow and pain, just that it still followed her like a heavy suitcase over loaded with clothes and souvenirs. :: Richards: She didn’t. Lieutenant Driscoll just learned to live with it and carry on moving forward. I don’t think anyone ever gets over the loss of a loved one, which in its own way is a good thing. I mean after all if we continue to mourn for those we have lost, are we not continuing to carry a part of them around with us? But I digress. Vanessa Driscoll had the strength of character to get past her sorrow and perform her tasks to the best of her abilities. I really couldn’t have asked for more from a subordinate, and a friend. :: This was hard going. The more the Ensign questioned him about Vanessa, the harder it was for him to avoid having a breakdown there and then. His mind was racing, trying to keep up with the probing. Each second that passed chipped away another of the last vestiges of armour he was able to keep around his own mind. :: :: Richard's admiration and friendship was almost palpable. And incidentally, hearing the Commander talk about someone else's qualities was a pretty good way for Lan to learn about him. :: Riel: ... Amazing, I really hope I'll have the opportunity to know her more. Well, so does everyone, I guess. :: Blind hope. The last desperate attempt of a person to cling to the chance that everything might turn out all right. He had passed that point several hours ago. He was more than aware that his CO had as well. Why else would Liam be considering his assisted suicide option unless he too had accepted that Vanessa wasn’t coming back. :: Richards: Sometimes all we have in life is hope. It lights the darkest nights and the foggiest of days, guiding us on towards a safe tomorrow. :: Richards was cold but not cold enough to dash the hopes of either the Ensign or the rest of the crew. Holding on to hope was certainly good for morale although it did mean that when the inevitable happened, the fall back to reality would be hard and fast. :: :: That had been heart-warming, and recollection seemed to have eased Richard's pain by the slightest margin. At times like this, Lan really hated his job, but it was time for the next banderilla. :: Riel: I beg your pardon, Commander, but there's still something that doesn't click, if you don't mind enlightening me some more... Richards: In for a penny, in for a pound Ensign. Riel: Well, I wouldn't sound cold about it, but Lieutenant Driscoll volunteered for this mission, and losing friends and crewmates to acts of selfless heroism in the line of duty is more or less in the job description. I understand it hurts, I really do, but I can't see what you could do about it. So where does that guilt of yours come from? Richards: oO Guilt? Where the hell has he pulled that from. There was no way my guilt has been plastered on my sleeve with my heart. That feeling of guilt is something I keep locked in the very back of my mind along with the self doubt and fear. Oo :: Alexander was furious and you did not need to be a mind reader to see it. This! This was the reason he had a deep routed fear and hatred of telepaths. Their innate ability to look into your mind, probe your darkest thoughts, fears and feelings. To probe the deepest recesses of your mind and use what they found as evidence against you or a way to obtain information. Worse still was that the fresh faced ensign had dared to mention the loss of friends and crewmates was almost a part of the job description, none more than Alexander and now Vanessa knew the risks of wearing the uniform. If he could have stood, he would have done. Instead he launched the plate bearing the other round of his cheese and pickle sandwich off of his desk, hearing it smash on the floor. :: Richards: :: With gusto. :: Don’t you dare presume to lecture me on life in Starfleet Ensign. Look at me! I know more than anybody else on this ship just what is meant by risk whilst wearing the uniform. I was clinically dead for at least five minutes owing to an accident in the line of duty, an accident that has left me confined to this chair when not sleeping, showering or going to the toilet. I can never give my wife the joy of having a second child. I will more than likely never be able to rock again. For the longest time following my accident, I held on to the hope that it was only temporary. Just prior to joining this vessel, that hope was completely destroyed. :: Alexander angrily snatched the glass of water from the table and gulped it down in a matter of seconds. Slamming it back on his desk, he once again focused his attention and anger on the Ensign. :: Richards: So why the guilt you asked Ensign? The guilt is because I knew this would happen. I even stated as much during a heated discussion in the initial briefing. Worse still, I later added my support to putting the mobile lab on the surface of this God forsaken backwater rock knowing [...]ed well that the likelihood of something like this happening was nigh on 100%! You are right about one insinuation. Risk is a part of being in this uniform. That risk however is supposed to be an acceptable risk. Here we have a situation where that does not apply. I’m guilty Ensign because when Vanessa volunteered to go to the surface, I failed to stress to her just how much of an unacceptable risk this actually was. Speaking of guilt, how is yours feeling. Last I checked, reading someone’s thoughts without their permission was a crime!? :: Finally Alexander had an outlet. Somewhere and someone he could vent is own ager and personal frustration towards. This had been building for a very long time and poor Lan was right in Alexander’s sights! :: :: Aah, yes, Lan had forgotten to quote the bit in the Book o'Words about ethical uses of mind-reading, and had pushed his interlocutor to the brink to boot. Way to go, Ensign, you got what you deserve. He snapped as close to attention as you could while sitting with the last bit of a catfish sandwich in hand, and replied in the most professional voice he could muster, trying not to let his feelings show. :: Riel: With all due respect, I didn't, Sir. And that kind of thing is written down as 'mind rape' in my book, just to give you an idea of where it sits on my moral values scale. But I believe I'm a quite decent counsellor and a [...] good interrogator, Sir, if I'm allowed to say so, and it doesn't take mind reading to see that all over you. But if you don't want to talk about it, Sir, please accept my apologies. I won't trouble you any further. Richards: My world fell apart the moment I had my accident Ensign. Every [...]ed time that I get close to having any semblance of a normal life fate throws a great big obstacle in the way throwing me all the way back to the start. Sometimes, even further! You want the honest core of my guilt over this? If I still had full use of my legs and did not have this [...]ed fatal virus locked in them, it would be me on the surface of that rock now and not her! :: And there it was, laid out as bare as a stone in a fast flowing river slowly, over the aeons, turning to sand. After his rant, Alexander was exhausted. He was caught completely off guard by the Ensigns next statement. :: :: Lan instantly softened. That was... all too familiar. Ironically, he had been struggling for years with similar feelings, and still was for a large part. How he could help someone when he couldn't help himself was beyond him, but Deities willing he'd do his best. :: Riel: I know how you feel, Commander. Richards: :: Quizzically. :: How on Earth can you know how I feel Ensign? Riel: :: With a sad smile :: Sir, empathy means that my 'I know how you feel's are usually literal. And I've grown up with a reading disability in a family where telepathic prowess was considered the true measure of a person's worth. So I can somehow relate. Richards: :: Unusually calm given the situation. :: C’est la Vie Ensign, and ‘la vie’ hasn’t exactly been kind to either of us. :: Alexander’s mind was a complete mess. In the space of one conversation he had gone from pensive, to sorrow, to anger and back again. The Ensign had completely broken down Alexander and it was beginning to show. Despite everything the Ensign had throw at him, Alexander hadn’t quite come to his wits end though he was rather close. The slightest misstep by the counsellor would be likely to tip him over the edge. :: :: Yes, it was all too easy to feel that way, and Lan knew it firsthand. He could have pointed out that some among the crew were stuck on that ship without any knowledge that could help the aliens and crewmates in danger or dying just below them, but self-pity contests were usually not the most productive activities. Maybe it was time for another little push. He just prayed to all the Protectors that the result didn't blow in his face. :: Riel: Permission to speak frankly, Commander? Richards: Granted, but watch your step Ensign. With the freedom to speak frankly comes great responsibility. Push the wrong button and I am highly likely to end this session. :: Riel took the time to finish his sandwich, clean his fingers, and switch his combadge pin from the left to the right side of his uniform, before tenting his fingers, leaning towards the Commander and taking a big breath. :: :: Tented fingers. No matter where you were in the universe, no matter what the situation, that was never a sign of anything good. Alexander braced himself for the next torrent of probing and quite frankly, what he considered to be abuse of position by the counsellor. :: Riel: Commander, next time you want to employ the lexical field of powerlessness, uselessness, or you mean to use the word 'cripple' in a self-demeaning way, can I respectfully suggest you don an EVA suit first? Richards: :: Through gritted teeth. :: I beg your pardon Ensign? Riel: Because that would be deserving of the kind of therapeutic kick in the aft-deck that would require you hitch a ride on a comet to come back, Sir, with all due respect. Richards: oO The nerve of the man. He doesn’t know me. The struggles I’ve faced, the looks, the probing eyes. Oo :: The gloves were off. :: Two things ensign. First of all, never, ever insult a person’s intelligence, state of mind or mental faculties and close with ‘with all due respect. :: With gusto and in a fevered tone. :: And never, ever stab a man in the back with words or otherwise. :: Now through gritted teeth and seething with rage. :: How dare you! :: This had now moved in Richard’s mind from an impromptu counselling session to an inquisition. He was seething with anger and quite frankly, despite the current damage to his hands wanted to do nothing more than reach across the table and smack the Ensign with his fists. :: :: Yes, he supposed it was a bit of overkill. Lan Rennan Riel's; ‘Famous Last Charge’. Do or die. But it was worth the brig if he could help Richards, because he could do much more for the mission than Lan could ever hope to. Calmly, he put the pin back into place, and carried on seemingly unfazed. :: Riel: Hear me out, Commander. I'm sorry for the way I treat you, I really am. And I'd wish I wouldn't have to. Richards: :: Without a single thought. :: Out! Get out now! :: He was done. The line had been crossed and for now he would play no more of the counsellor’s games. Even though the Ensign may have had Alexander’s best interests at heart, he was not prepared to continue. Suggesting assisted suicide to Liam had been one thing but facing the Spanish inquisition was quite another. Yes, he had made up his mind. This meeting was over. :: :: He winced internally. Maybe he had been too tainted by his Intel training. He would have to work hard on that. :: Riel: Sorry, Sir, I didn't intend to sound that way. But I need you, and Driscoll needs you, to realize that your disability isn't relevant here. This disease is not something you can outrun, or kick or shoulder away. We need science to beat it, and when I entered, I distinctly remember a CSO label next to your door. I don't know if someone can save that day, Sir, but you're on the shortlist. What I can do is keep you angry, focused and reasonably sane. By any means necessary. Richards: The sooner you wake up and realize that despite all our technology we have no chance of finding a cure, thus no way to save Vanessa, the sooner you will be able to prepare yourself for the £$%^&*( !%”£ that will be this ship’s crew when she dies, starting with the captain. :: He took a very long pause and started grinding his teeth before finally continuing. The anger in his tone clear as day. :: Richards: :: Sarcastically. :: Thank you Ensign. :: Now with gusto. :: Now get the hell out of my office! :: Alexander watched as the Ensign gathered his thoughts and proceeded to leave. Once again in his mind, Alexander mused on just how much he loathed counsellors, especially telepaths. As the adrenaline drained from his body, he once again found himself weeping, staring at the mess he had created when he forcibly removed his plate from his desk. :: -END- Lieutenant Commander Alexander Richards Chief Science Officer USS Gemini & Ensign Lan Riel Counsellor USS Gemini
  6. (Shuttlebay Exit- USS Atlantis) ::Mitchell sat near the aft edge of the Atlantis’s shuttle bay exit. The only thing between him and the cold vacuum of space was the mag-con field that kept the atmosphere inside when the doors were open. He had the area to himself since the ship only had a skeleton crew aboard, just an in-port watch was aboard and anyone who hadn’t gone on leave.:: oO And I’m probably the only one who made that choice. Oo ::He volunteered to take the in-port watch since he didn’t feel much like celebrating or ruining anyone’s else good time. Plus he could do the whole brooding thing on the ship without affecting much since the in-port watch was mostly caretaker items, such as checking in crew reporting to the ship, or going on leave. And could be done from a console at the airlock just as well as on the bridge.:: oO Plus that white jacket just isn’t me. Oo ::But he had been down here for a couple of hours now, staring out into space, letting his thoughts play out. Long enough to go from standing to sitting with his back and head against the wall. The past two years had seen some significant changes in his life, especially the past few months. Leaving the Discovery for the Shipyard, then her being declared missing and that desperate search. The return of the ship, then the mission on the Odyssey. Then Tyr’s retirement and the decommissioning of the Discovery. and then the reassignment to the Atlantis and the new sector.:: oO Maybe I should stayed gone….not have come back... Maybe I should have be lost with the Discovery went she went missing… Maybe I should just hang it up….Oo ::He shifted position slightly, and got to his feet to stretch his back.:: oO I feel like hitting something, but can’t exactly punch a forcefield. Enough momentum and my fist would go right through this field. Its designed to hold atmosphere in here, but still allow shuttles through, so I could pass through it with enough momentum. It’d probably take a running start, but I could…Oo ::But the concept of simply stepping out into raw space after all his encounters with it just didn’t seem right. It almost seemed like it would be betraying the memories of all those in head, the lost and the departed. :: oO I’ve nearly died at least twice from the effects of being exposed to raw space as part of the consequences of wrecking two fighters and several shuttles. Guess I’ve gotten sloppy or slow over the years. Oo ::As his thoughts turned to all the years he spent flying fighters, there was one memory he still had to face. The memory really. He reached into his pocket and removed a box. Naturally, he thumbed it open to look at the contents.:: oO These were supposed to be the things that held us together. But in the end, they were never used. Oo ::A pair of rings sat inside the box, the first custom fitted for the ring finger on Perin Anders’ left hand, the other for his. They were actually part of a set of three, machined out of pieces from a wrecked fighter. But the third, the engagement ring, was gone now. The last time he’d seen it, it had been on Perin’s hand where he had put it before he left her on the surface of Ba’ku.:: oO I always intended to go back for her…to pick up where we left off when her memories returned. Or to start anew if they didn’t. But that option’s gone now. She’s gone…Oo ::He’d come down here to make peace with himself, but he hadn’t really solved much. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be much good to the ship and crew. Just he hadn’t been for the last three months he’d worked on the Delta Bravo project. Only the loss of the Discovery had drug him out of the funk. Then all the other events happened and he’d ended up right back in this funk.:: oO Guess there’s really only thing left to do…Plus, I know she’d approve of us drifting through the galaxy together. Oo ::He flipped the box closed, brought his arm back and whipped forward in a pitching motion. This is what made a mag-con field different from a standard force field. It would let items in motion with momentum pass through. The box left his hand and passed through the field and out into raw space.:: oO Just like my name sake did in that movie. Space is just my ocean. Oo ::He took a deep breathe and let him mentally struggling subside as he watched the box drift away. A few minutes, the small black box would be lost to sight, and simply be one more piece of cosmic debris drifting through space.:: oO Good bye Perin. Oo ::He closed his eyes to let the moment pass. Then it was done. That was all he could do. Now to return to his duty and get on with his life.:: tbc Commander Rode Mitchell USS Atlantis NCC-74682
  7. ​((Chief Science Officer’s Office, USS Gemini)) :: Rest. Normally that would bring a sense of relief to Alexander. That wasn’t the case this time around. All he had in his head was a sense of dread looming over him, lieutenant Driscoll, and the captain. Scratch that! It hung over the entire ship like a dark storm cloud ready to unleash its massive store of energy via thunderbolts and very heavy rain. If they only had more time they might have been able to formulate a cure, some simple way of saving Vanessa’s life and the Rathosian people. They would return triumphant heroes and be bestowed with medals. :: Alas, reality was a lot more fickle than that. The truth was the mission was an abject failure and through no fault of anyone directly involved they had not stood a chance since the start. Failure had always been inevitable and lieutenant Driscoll was going to pay the ultimate price for it. The only small glimmer of hope, a tiny ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark and cloudy night was that the lieutenant’s death might, just might, lead to a potential vaccine. The one caveat was that neither Rathos nor the Gemini had the capability to mass produce such a product. :: :: During this whole thought process since the line to the captain had closed, Alexander had been unable to cease his crying. Over the months since the Gemini had left the fleet yard above his Lunar home he had become quite attached to the yellow shirt that had transferred to his department. He had been impressed with the way she adapted so quickly to her new role and just how much of an asset she had become to the department. Her analytical mind reminded him a lot of his wife Marissa and her dedication to duty had been second to none. Even more so when one considered just how much emotional pain she had suffered following the loss of a loved one. He liked to think that she had become a friend over their short time together, someone he could rely on and confide in when on the long jaunts away from his family home. :: :: He would miss her warm glowing smile, her almost angelic presence and her ability to always see the bright side of a dark, dangerous situation. He really would miss her. It was almost as if her death was ripping out a part of his soul. Something he once thought only the death of his wife, son or parents would be able to do. :: :: Alexander finally stopped ‘leaking water from his eyes’ as his former colleague on Star Base One Eighteen, Pandora, would have put it. He took several large breaths and rubbed his red, fiery eyes before turning his chair and moving to the replicator. Ordering himself and tall jug of water and a glass to decant it too he found himself pausing to consider the ramifications of the option he had placed on the table in front of his CO. His history in Starfleet wasn’t exactly the shining example you would expect from a department head. He was the kind of person to stick it to the man if he felt the situation warranted it. :: :: Hell, all those years ago on the USS Tiger he had walked away from Starfleet after Intelligence had run him and his crew mates through the ringer in a holodeck simulation to ascertain their loyalties to Starfleet, a simulation that had led him to believe that his family were in very real peril. Then, when he returned owing to the Klingon crisis he found himself in a situation on a God forsaken rock somewhere up past the Cardassian border where he illegally initiated a fire fight without orders knowing that if he had not the entirety of the away team, including himself, could have been killed. That decision had led him to where he was today. His CO at the time rather than punishing him gave him command of one of the most advanced science departments in the fleet. He hadn’t looked back since. :: :: There had been many times where he had reason to question his ability to lead. Taking command of the USS Mercury whilst the senior staff went off on a black ops mission to rescue his good friend Eyas Wulfantine’s mother was one example, whilst taking up station on the bridge during the Gemini’s last mission during an intense standoff was another that remained most prominent in his mind. Both times he had felt completely inadequate and had almost collapsed under the pressure. :: :: This however, this was different. Now he really was inadequate, powerless, and there was no person or being in the universe that would be able to calm or encourage him. He was a department head and he was directly responsible for those underneath him. Vanessa was going to die on his watch and there wasn’t a [...]ed thing he could do for her save the suggestion he had just made to his CO. A suggestion he had mulled over in his mind had the ethical and moral argument and decided that in this case the ethics and morals were wrong. By rights, Liam could have had Alexander thrown in the brig. The fact that he hadn’t done this suggested the Commander was seriously considering the option. :: :: Before retiring for the day, Alexander felt it prudent that he leave an encrypted personal log for the records detailing his decisions and his reasoning. If Liam did decide to place his option on the table it could either be used to support his actions or to [...] him to a Starfleet prison. As it stood at the moment, Alexander simply didn’t give a [...]. He would happily face prison time with a clear conscience if Vanessa were to decide to take that route were the option available. :: Richards: Computer, begin recording. :: The computer chirped its acknowledgement of the chief’s command. He cleared his throat, poured himself a glass of water, took a few sips and focused his mind. :: Richards: Chief Science officer’s log, Star Date 239109.19. Our mission to Rathos has been nothing short of an abject failure. Not only have we been unable to find a cure for the deadly pathogen that has brought the Rathosians to the point of extinction, one of my own, Vanessa Driscoll has become infected and now faces a fate I would not wish upon the vilest scum this galaxy has to offer. I fear I have failed as a department head, can’t shake the feeling that I could have done more, explained the risks to her or convinced her not to go. Regardless, the fact remains that Lieutenant Junior Grade Vanessa Driscoll will not be returning from this mission. So far, this information is limited to me, the away team, the captain, the bridge crew present during the message from the surface and Ensign Easterwood. I fear that were the information to be revealed to the rest of the crew, morale would drop to irreparable levels. :: Alexander took a long sip from his glass of water and once again cleared his throat. He thought very carefully about what he was going to say next. :: Richards: Lieutenant Victor Frankenstein has put forward a proposal for a possible Vaccine against the Pathogen which Vanessa has rather graciously consented to being a test bed for. The only problem with this is that the proposed vaccination involves infecting would be recipients with the Malo Lupo virus, a virus that in itself produces a large amount of rather nasty side effects. Unfortunately despite our best efforts we have no other viable solution. :: Another long sip and a deep breath followed. What Alexander said next would cause most in Starfleet to lash out in anger and could very well determine his suitability as a command candidate in the future. :: Richards: In the hours since learning of Vanessa’s accident I have found myself fighting an internal moral and ethical battle. Her ultimate fate as it stands at the moment is incredibly grizzly and painful. I found myself reminded of situations in Earth’s past where people who knew they were going to die sought out methods to die on their own terms in peace and with dignity. Most called such actions suicide. Weighing up the consequences of putting the option of assisted suicide on the table for Vanessa, I came to the conclusion that despite Starfleet’s, hell the Federations moral and ethics codes and laws the right thing to do in this situation was provide Vanessa the option of making her own choice. :: Yet another sip. This time a rather large pause followed. He knew that he was about to place both he and Commander Frost at the very real risk of being court martialed. In the end though, that didn’t matter to him. All he could think about was Vanessa and her life. That overrode everything in his mind. :: Richards: To that end I suggested to Commander Frost that we give Vanessa the option of taking her own life via an overdose of medication, ‘assisted suicide’ as he so graciously put it. I put out on the table as well that I would never consider asking Doctors Frankenstein and Easterwood to have any part of it. Unlike Liam and I they are bound by the Hippocratic Oath. Not only that but both would likely find the idea abhorrent. The fact that I currently find myself at my desk rather than in the brig suggests that the Commander is giving the issue some serious thought. I can only wonder on just how hard a decision this must be for him when all things are taken into consideration and can only profusely apologize for placing him in the situation in the first place. Should this be the last log i make as a Starfleet Officer, let it be known for the Record that my only regret is that I could not save Vanessa Driscoll. I have a clear conscience despite your moral and ethical code. I made the right choice and I can live with it. :: He tapped his fingers on his chair. :: Richards: Computer. End and encrypt log, authorization Richards Charlie Two Niner Niner. :: The Computer chirped its response and closed the recording. Alexander finished the glass of water in front of him and prepared to pour himself another one when the door chimed at him. :: Richards: Enter. :: Normally Alexander would have found the sight of a counselor in front of him imposing. For the first time in his life however, he welcomed the intrusion. He had a lot on his mind and could really use the company. Perhaps the Ensign would be able to help clear his mind. :: Richards: Ensign Riel. Please take a seat. Would you like me to fetch you anything from the replicator? Tag/TBC... Lieutenant Commander Alexander Richards Chief Science officer USS Gemini​
  8. ((Captain's Ready Room - USS Gemini)) :: Liam took a sip of espresso from the small cup in front of him, wincing at the sudden bitterness that filled his palate. It wasn't that he disliked the taste, but rather that he was so used to drinking coffee, sweet and with cream, that he had forgotten how raw the taste of the style was. It was a strange dichotomy that he would enjoy one style one way, and another entirely differently, despite being such similar things. It was also interesting to note that thinking about it was an incredible waste of time.:: Richards: =/\= What I am about to say completely flies in the face of the ethics and morals we’ve had rammed down our throats since joining the Academy, but I would like you to hear me out. =/\= Frost: =/\= I'm not sure I like where this is going... =/\= :: He could tell that there was something that was weighing heavily on Alexander's mind. His voice was dry, flat, and devoid of the usual optimism that he had come to expect from his Chief Science Officer. It was a striking juxtaposition, and it made his skin crawl. If there was something that was affecting him this much, then it was something extremely difficult for him to talk about. And yet it must have been important if he was going to push through it like this in order to make himself heard.:: Richards: =/\= From our own research into the pathogen, and the records of the Rathosians we know that the death from this blasted thing is, although rather swift, an incredibly painful affair. Throw in the Malo Lupo and it’s a living hell with symptoms. When Driscoll reaches a point where the illness is causing her pain, I would like to have the option of a lethal dose of medication available on the table should Driscoll wish to use it when the time comes. =/\= :: Liam regretting the sip of espresso that he had taken while Alex was speaking. What little had made it to his throat immediately stopped its journey to his stomach, causing him to audibly choke, as though he was being quite literally forced to swallow the words that he was being told. He could not believe that he was hearing the words that were coming over the comm. He wanted to believe it was some sort of malfunction, that he was not actually hearing the suggestion of assisted suicide. He wondered if maybe overwork had forced the Commander into thinking something mad. He even hoped that maybe, just maybe, Alexander was just drunk.:: Frost: =/\= Alex, I want you to think very carefully about what you say next. You are suggesting that we not only turn a blind eye to at least half a dozen Starfleet medical regulations and allow an officer to take her own life, but to actually enable it. =/\= Richards: =/\= I am more than aware of that Liam. However unlike the doctors, neither you nor I are bound by the Hippocratic Oath. We could sit here for days, hell even weeks debating the moral and ethical ramifications of Euthanasia. As hard as it is for me to swallow though, we need to have all cards on the table and surely Vanessa at least has the right to choose between seeing out the illness to its end or taking the swift way out when it all becomes too much. She surely has the right to choose to die with dignity on her own terms. She must have earned that right? =/\= :: Liam was not a philosopher. He had actively avoided taking philosophy classes throughout his education. It was not for an inability to philosophize. But the problem was is that philosophical discussions tended to leave him feeling like he wanted to punch someone. This usually had something to with the fact that his philosophical discussions tended to come after a fair amount of drink, in a phase of inebriation that Sidney had taken to referring to as "Professor Liam." For now, he had not nearly had enough to drink to get to that stage, and drinking that much while on duty was something that was frowned upon.:: Frost: =/\= I don't know. But what i do know is that we don't have the right to make that decision for her. And I also know that we have a sacred duty to make sure she doesn't have to make that decision. Not to mention the fact that Doctor Easterwood will absolutely loose her mind over the suggestion. Even Doctor Frankenstein knows that that has to be against I don't know how many regulations. =/\= Richards: =/\= That is the other side of the coin. Hell, I fully expect both of them to be vehemently against the idea and I would not blame if they were. It goes against everything they’ve been taught, all their training. They’ve trained to save lives, not take them and I would never advocate either ordering or asking them to have anything to do with the procedure. =/\= Frost: =/\= You know, the bad thing about this is that what you're suggesting is a court-martial act. What's worse is that you're actually suggesting this to your commanding officer as a viable solution. And I think the worst of all is the fact that there's a part of me that's convinced you're not wrong. =/\= Richards: =/\= As commanding officer sir, the final say is yours on whether to even present the idea to the Lieutenant. The amount of wrestling I am doing at the moment in my mind Liam. I really can’t imagine yours being any better. All of us are going to need counseling by the end of this, each and every one of us. =/\= :: He looked to the floor betraying his tough external exterior with a solitary tear streaming from his eye. He raised his heavily bandaged hands to wipe it away. :: :: Liam couldn't figure out what he found more disturbing. The fact that one of his officers was openly advocating a plan that could get them all court martialed, or the fact that it made a frightening amount of sense. Everything they had encountered about the pathogen told them that if they couldn't find a cure, then Vanessa's fate would be intolerably cruel. It was the kind of end that would be considered cruel to inflict on even the worst murderers. And yet the letter of regulation said he was bound to leave her to it. The knot in his stomach was once again replaced with a sense of dread induced nausea.:: Richards: =/\= Some of us more than others. =/\= :: He was no stranger to spending time in counselors offices. It was something that he had done a few times. And unfortunately it tended to happen after something like this. That was a ridiculous statement when he thought about it. He had never faced something like this before. Fortunately the counselors he had seen had been Frost: =/\= Just... let me think about this. In the mean time, get some sleep. =/\= Richards: =/\= Understood, Richards out. =/\= :: As the line closed, Richards once again put his face into his bandaged hands and wept. The anger was out of his system for now. All he had left were sadness and a deep sense of regret. In another life, a parallel world, it would be he, not Vanessa facing death head on. He highly doubted he would have as much courage as she was showing. :: :: Liam collapsed into the chair behind his desk, left with nothing but a sense of exhaustion, and thinly veiled dread. He couldn't imagine the kind of choice that he was going to have to make. The letter of the law was very clear on what he was to do. But to do so was to condemn someone to one of the worst fates he could imagine. He pulled one of the drawers of his desk open, pulling out a small glass and a bottle of rye. He poured himself a small measure before knocking the contents back, gritting himself against the burn in his throat.:: Frost: Computer, begin recording. :: The computer chirped it's acknowledgement as he too a deep breath.:: Frost: Captain's log. It has become all but certain that Lieutenant Junior Grade Vanessa Driscoll will not be returning from this mission. She had become infected with the pathogen that we came here to try and cure, to help a people that a few days ago, none of us had ever heard of. She is doing remarkable well considering the fate hanging over her head, a quality that I cannot help but admire in a morbid kind of way. But the fact of the matter is that it is almost certain that she will die as a result of this pathogen. From the data that we've gathered, her end will be the kind that I could scarcely wish on the worst scum of the galaxy. I cannot in any kind of good conscience do nothing while she suffers. But the only alternative is to throw every ethical rule I've ever been taught out the window. I find myself between two choices that I can't imagine having to make. I'm [...]ed if I do, and [...]ed if I don't has never been more true than it is now. :: He sank back again, allowing the magnitude of the decision before him to envelop him. A single tear traced it's way down the side of his face as he contemplated the choices he was faced with.:: Frost: Computer, end recording and encrypt priority alpha. Authorization Frost, Sierra Echo Nine. :: The computer acknowledged the command as he poured himself another measure of rye, this time taking a long look into the contents of the glass. He had no idea how he was going to decide what to do, keenly aware that if he did not decide soon, it the decision would be made for him.:: TBC Commander Liam Frost Commanding Officer USS Gemini & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Richards Chief Science officer USS Gemini
  9. (( The Otherplace )) :: Where did people go when they die? :: :: Philosophers from every species had asked this question for years. For Tan, it had always been this place. :: :: It had no real name. The Graveyard of Dreams. The Otherplace. It had whatever label was most appropriate to it at the time. :: :: A simple cottage, in a dark wood, surrounded by grass and trees. :: :: Hell. :: Alleran: Why are you doing this? :: He was seated in a warm, comfortable rocking chair, nestled up by the fire. It crackled and popped as Trill honeywood burned away, bathing the entire building in a warm, aromatic fragrance. :: :: Marlee -- aged and wrinkled, as that was how she saw herself now she was dead -- sat in her chair, avoiding his gaze. She folded her hands in her lap. :: Marlee: It's not me. It's you. You did it to yourself. :: She turned to him and snarled, her face a feral visage. :: Marlee: You were the one who hurt me! :: Taken aback, Alleran could do nothing but gape. :: Alleran: I didn't do anything to you! :: She snorted derisively, dismissively. Her anger faded. :: Marlee: Of course you would see it that way. :: Alleran leaned forward in his chair, resting his chin in his hands. :: Alleran: Tell me, then. Explain it to me. What did I do wrong? :: Words didn't come. Tan slapped his hand on the chair's armrest. :: Alleran: You need to tell me! :: Finally, her answer came out in a croak. :: Marlee: You're a broken mirror. Shards of soul all over the ground. It's better to leave you alone than hurt myself trying to fix you. :: She looked away, unable to face him. :: Marlee: I'm sorry. I'm just better off without you. I tried my best. I tried to make it work. But... the thing is, you can't be fixed. You're not a good host. :: Alleran slumped back. :: Alleran: So what? Marlee: Pardon? Alleran: So what if I'm a bad host? That I never went to the academy and I only got joined based on a random chance? Does it matter? Isn't the whole purpose of symbiosis to explore new things? You'll have a lifetime of perfect Academy graduates, chronic overachievers all of them, lining up to be a part of your life. Why not take one loser every now and then? Marlee: Because that life is pain. :: Simply stated but enigmatic. :: Marlee: You're a dreamer, Alleran. You have hopes. Ambitions. Goals. Desires. Wants. But you lack the conviction to make them happen. You don't push hard enough. You want but you don't work. You're not prepared to accept delayed gratification and earn what you want. You're talented in your own way, but lazy. And that laziness -- that lack of achievement -- hurts me. I can't just spend your lifetime being some flyboy on a rusty, outdated ship out on the edge of nowhere, getting bumped from crew to crew, constantly repeating the same mistakes over and over. I can't do it anymore. :: Alleran took offense at that. :: Alleran: The Garuda is not rusty. :: She glared at him with sour disapproval. :: Marlee: That's exactly what I mean. You didn't listen to a word I said. Alleran: I listened. ::he folded his hands behind his head:: I just didn't agree. Marlee: Well... it doesn't matter anyway. :: She relaxed into her couch and pointed out the window. Through the glass, fuzzy and indistinct, Alleran could see the world outside. The turbolift. The blood. :: :: It was a false representation. Not the world through his eyes. He could see himself slumped in the corner, a dead thing, waiting for medical technology to bring him back to life, start his heart again, fill his lungs with air. :: :: He'd open his eyes again. Speak to the others, for a time, crack a few jokes and say goodbye. He'd hang on as Alleran for a bit. :: :: But not forever. :: :: It was going to be painful. All of that. But he'd get over it. :: :: The new host would help. A fresh voice to help out. :: Alleran: So, it's you and me and whoever we get next, right? :: Marlee rolled her old shoulders and, with careful deliberation, added another log to the fire. It swelled, sparks flying out, and then settled as the bark was consumed and the heat began to burrow deeper into the wood. :: Marlee: You and me... and whoever we get next. :: They watched the false world outside, together, everything silent except for the faint crackling of the fire. :: TBC... ----- Lt. Commander Alleran TanChief of NavigationUSS Garuda
  10. (( Corridors, USS Apollo-A )) :: Sun had just gotten done saying goodbye to her brother, she was going to miss him, but finding out that he held himself back to take care of the family made her feel bad. He didn't need to put his life on hold for them, their parents were adults and she was grown herself. She had been taking care of herself for a while. She moved to her Quarters and checked up her uniform, before heading towards Jalana's quarters. Her friend needed her, and she wanted to be there for her. :: :: Once she got to the quarters, she pressed the chime and waited for Jalana to answer. :: (( Jalana Laxyn's Quarters, Deck 4, USS Apollo-A )) :: After Nyals had left Jalana had been basically sitting on her couch like a statue, with the only difference that she was breathing. Barely. She was not sure why Nyals had woken her up. She guessed that it was mostly because he had wanted to talk with her about the situation before the mission came in the way of it and added to everything. Jalana sighed slightly. Now she sat here with this mess.. :: :: First her fiancé had left for Earth to see his dying mother, then he had come back but not much time, even though he had never told her what he was doing exactly. ‘Got to take care of something’ had been usually his answer when she asked. Then when they had left the Aegis they had agreed to meet in their new quarters and there she had waited for days without a sign of him; had worried that something had happened. And it had just not the way she had thought. Sundassa had been the one to tell her, that he had been taken in custody by Starfleet, stripped of his commission and put in front of a court. Why? Because he was accused to have killed his father and some of his people and attacked the doctor who had taken care of his mother. As if lashing out at Sun and her brother had not been enough, Nyals had also told her that he loved her and then left, with new orders to leave for another ship. :: :: If she had thought that being taken hostage during land-shore and almost dying from poison during a mission and drugging herself so she could sleep and work was messed up, the way she felt right now was completely undefinable. Lost might be something, or overwhelmed. Shaking her head she brushed her hands through the fiery red locks and sighed once more. She had no idea for how long she had been sitting here, thinking about what her life had become recently, when the door chime went off. :: Laxyn: ::mumbling:: Please not another person adding to the pile. ::A bit louder:: Come in! :: There seem to be all sorts of news that her friend shouldn't have to deal with, but was, and on top of that, Nyals decided he just HAD to wake her, like it was his responsibility. Sun was still a little miffed that he did so without her permission, and part of her was glad that wasn't going to be able to cause trouble anymore. But that wasn't like her, it was just the frustration, and she knew it. :: :: She hesitantly spoke as she peaked in, unsure what condition she'd find her friend in. :: Faranster: It's just me...are you alright? :: Jalana jumped from the couch when she saw her best friend in the door and crossed the room with quick steps, not hesitating for a second and wrapped her arms around the Antosian tightly. :: Laxyn: Sun! I am so glad to see you! I am so sorry… are you hurt? :: She made a step back and looked her friend over, to check herself. :: :: After her friend released her from the bear-tight hug, Jalana had started examining her, Sun felt an awkward being examined like a patient. But since she knew that her friend was concerned about her, she stood there and let her. :: Faranster: I'm fine, a bruised tailbone maybe, but that was from tripping... And a bruised ego. Laxyn: :: Jalana felt guilty and it was clearly written in her face. :: I am so sorry, Sun. I did not intend to hurt you. :: When she had come to Jalana's quarters, she hadn't expected the reaction her friend gave, thinking she knew her friend well enough to know what to expect. But she supposed there were different levels of knowing someone. :: Faranster: I didn't expect the reaction... And I didn't like having to sedate you. Laxyn: ::mumbling quietly to herself.:: I did not either. ::Looking up:: I .. understand why you had to. Faranster: Has the Rexlin worn completely off? Laxyn: I think so Nyals gave me something to neutralize it, when he wanted to wake me up. I had some headaches but he game me something against that as well. ::Looking at Sun, she pulled her brows together, last time she had seen her she had worn a red collar. Not any more.. :: Are you wearing teal? :: Sun nodded, but there was something nagging her about Jalana's behavior when she broke the news. She never pegged her friend for a violent person, and yet she was harming herself and attacked her. Pulling her friend over to the sofa, she didn't want to have this conversation while her friend was standing. :: Faranster: I've been assigned back to medical... But I can tell you all about that in a bit... It's a bit complicated. :: She paused. :: I want to ask, you don't have a history of violent outbursts like that? :: Jalana followed her friend and sat down next to her on the couch. Looking at the Antosian who had started on the ship as a Medical Officer, and had then for a short time been Jalana’s right hand as Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Way too soon she had been taken away to fulfill her role as First Officer. She knew how much her friend had struggled to find her place in that position. To hear that she was back in Medical now did of course confuse Jalana, but she was also glad to work with her again in that manner. :: :: Then the Trill’s mind drifted to the question Sun had stated and her eyes widened with a vehement shake of her head. :: Laxyn: No, never. Not even when I had those dreaded fights with my father about my future. Faranster: So... Everyone thinks you had a lot of paperwork after that mission, that you are catching up on. I didn't want rumors to spread. Shel and Jaxx wouldn't say anything, and I am pretty sure Nyals wouldn't. So, if there's no history of outbursts, I want to know if there's something else going on with you that might provoke that kind of outburst? :: After the brief conversation with the intelligence officer, the mention of Jalana having a hard time, unless Nyals told someone, no one should know about it. Sun was playing it off as extreme paperwork, to give the CMO some time. And, since Nyals snuck into Jalana's quarters to wake her up, she figured he must be love struck, and wouldn't want anything to tarnish her reputation. :: Laxyn: I don’t know where it came from. .oO It cannot be. It must not be. Oo. Faranster: Are you sure there is nothing that is bothering you? I feel like I have been so busy lately I haven't spent much time with you, and hope you would tell me if something was wrong. :: Jalana took her eyes off Sun. She would never know how her friend knew when she tried to hide something, even if she did not show anything in her expression. It was like Sun read her mind, but of course she could not. Andrus’ Betazoid abilities were not contagious. Not even to his girlfriend. :: Laxyn: I’m sure. .oO Look at you. Lying to your best friend. And you really think that you have no problem? You would have never done that before. Oo. :: Sighing, Sun looked at her friend, she hoped the woman would come to her if there was a problem, so she had to believe that her friend thought there was none. Even so she wanted to get to the bottom of the behavior, her friend clearly wasn't herself, and she had been willing to write it off as shock, until she realized others had noticed. :: Faranster: Are you getting enough sleep? I hope this last mission hasn't taken it's toll on your sleep schedule. :: Sun didn't like the fact that those aliens had basically held her people hostage, even if it wasn't authorized by their leader. Once the computers were clear of the virus, she went about uploading a sketch she made of the aliens and Rapture, to the computer, and compiling the write ups of the officers that were involved or witnessed the aliens and what happened on either ship to ensure some sort of data survived. It wasn't much though. She wondered if the mission took it's toll on those that were on the alien ship, and she had not noticed it. :: Laxyn: ::She took a deep breath and nodded slightly. :: I do get sleep, most of the nights enough, I still feel tired, but that is expected with the stress recently. .oO And you do not let yourself dream, of course you are tired, your mind does not get the needed processing. Oo. :: She knew what she did wrong, she knew what caused it. But she could not just stop and obviously knowing that it was wrong, she hesitated to tell her friend about it. Would she understand or would she start to watch her like a hawk? Or even worse request her leave from her work? Jalana could lose her license. She could lose everything she had worked for and that thought terrified her so much, that she did not dare to say what she had done. :: Faranster: Okay... Well, if anything is ever bothering you, I'm here. Now that I'll be in sickbay, I'll be better able to help you. :: She paused, looking at her friend, knowing the mention of sickbay would bring them back to why she was in the Teal uniform. :: So... I stepped down from being First Officer, and the official line is that it was for personal reasons, which is what the rumor mill will be grinding. Laxyn: ::Looking at Sun her eyes dropped to the pipped collar and then back up with a warm gentle smile. :: So we are working together again. I like that. But what personal reasons? Did something happen? .oO Did she and Andrus have a fight or something else that made it impossible to work together so close? Oo. Faranster: Well, that's a bit complicated, there's good and bad news. My brother got his own command, and he left with the others. Laxyn: Oh. I did not know he was going for a command. :: The chain under her uniform, felt so much more present, even though it was still hidden. She knew it wasn't the only reason her brother left, but it was the reason he felt free to leave, as he no longer needed to protect Sun. There seemed to be a transfer of protection that went from Shel to Jaxx, that she didn't quite understand, maybe it was just a guy thing. :: Faranster: He said he can't wait to spread his wings, that he knowing I am in good hands, makes him feel free to do so. Laxyn: :nodding:: I’m sure your brother will make a great Captain. You can be proud of him. Faranster: I know, and I am, he'll do well. Laxyn: So was that the good or the bad news? :: The CMO understood that it could be both, since getting a command was something quite good for those who wanted to go down that line. But that he had left so soon after joining them was surely a bad thing for Sun. :: Faranster: For me, bad. But, I can't tell him not to go. :: Sun wondered what kind of sister she would be if she told her brother not to do what he wanted to, just so he could be around. She didn't need him there to protect her, but she wanted him around. She was getting to do what she wanted to do, it was selfish to deny him the same ability. :: Laxyn: ::Nodding:: And what are the good news then? :: She looked at Jalana, for Sun it was good news, but her friend just got news that meant her fiance may never return, so she was conflicted on when to tell her. Then there was the consideration that it might always sting, knowing that others are pushing forward with plans she can't, and if that was the case, it would probably hurt Jalana more to find out that she was one of the last to find out about it. Then she had to consider Jaxx, when she woke, she removed the ring from her finger and put it on the chain and hid it under her jacket, she wasn't ashamed or anything, she loved Jaxx very much, was just trying to be sensitive to her friend's feelings. :: :: Sun reached up, hesitantly under her collar and fished the chain out from underneath the jacket. As the ring slid against the fabric of her jacket towards the opening, she spoke, it would come from her now, or the rumor mill. :: Faranster: After a discussion about what direction our lives were going in, Andy proposed. :: For a moment the Trill looked at the Antosian in front of her like she had not heard the words. She had, but they took a moment to sink into her mind. It took a plunge into her stomach and for a brief moment her heart hurt more dominantly again. She had not forgotten the pain but she had been a bit distracted from it. Jalana remembered the moment she had told Sun about her engagement. It had been on Sick Bay. She had been so happy. And now, what was left of it? :: :: But then her brain kicked in. This was not about her and what happened to her, this was about Sun and Andrus, her friends. She had to push her own misery back for now. It took a moment until a smile stole its way onto her lips, not a full blown one but nevertheless a smile. :: Laxyn: That is more than good news, Sun. That is fantastic news. Faranster: Are you sure? I mean with what happened with you... :: Sun hesitated on that, she didn't want to push, but she had so many emotions that she had been going through over the last few days. There was a great deal of happiness for her relationship with Jaxx, sympathy for Jalana, then there was the sadness and loneliness for her brother. :: Laxyn: Let’s not talk about me, this is your moment. Do you already have plans? Faranster: We haven't gotten much of a chance to talk about it yet, so much has happened. But we started talking about where our futures would lead, and he talked about my career in command, but a career alone doesn't make someone happy, and I had a perfectly nice career before. Laxyn: So this is why you went back to Sick Bay. You did not want to be transferred to another ship as CO when your time would come. :: She nodded, she couldn't see herself away from Jaxx, she knew that, and she was pretty sure that Jalana had felt the same about Viktor, which was part of why she took it so hard when the news was delivered. But the sudden recovery of the medical officer also threw her off, like she was trying to compensate for something. The brave face didn't match what she saw earlier. But she wasn't going to rock the boat for her friend. :: Faranster: Pretty much, I love him, and it would be easier for him to keep me in the medical department, than have to field requests from Starfleet Command about my progression towards Command. Laxyn: ::nodding:: Understandable. Who would want to be away from their loved ones. Faranster: I would have told you this before I had to tell you the stuff this morning, the order seems all wrong... :: Jalana met the gaze of her friend, wondering if there would have been a ‘right order’ for this kind of thing. She thought that in every constellation the pain would have not have been easier. So it did not really matter. She shook her head slightly, placing her rather cool hand on Sun’s. :: Laxyn: Don’t worry about the order. If I can help with anything… Faranster: I don't want to push anything on you, I can appreciate everything you are going through. I want you to be part of it, but I want to give you the time you need before thrusting you into any role. Laxyn: ::Nodding slightly:: I won’t lie, it will take a bit for me to …::her voice cracked slightly, so she cleared her throat. :: ... process all of this that happened. But.. I want to be part of your happiness, you are my best friend, Sun. Faranster: I know. :: She smiled at Jalana. :: Laxyn: I have a file with lots of different dresses that I had compiled for myself… ::She tried to say it in a ‘by the way’ manner, not wanting to feel this stabbing pain every time she thought about this.:: … I could give you access to it if you want. If you want something that is not dress uniform that is. :: Sun thought about it, knowing what she would wear would be good, but that would depend on what customs they were going to observe, and where it would be located. Every aspect of their relationship was an adventure, their wedding, wouldn't be any different for her, it would be fun and exciting, and something she could share with her extended family on the Apollo. She didn't object to having an adventure of any magnitude in a dress, or even following any special Betazoid customs there might be. :: Faranster: Thank you Jalana, only if you don't mind, they were your choices after all. :: She leaned forward and hugged Jalana, it was something that she felt needed to be done, she wanted to hug her when she gave the news of Viktor, and ended up having to sedate the woman instead, now they were talking about planning their own wedding. :: :: Jalana was surprised about the gesture but accepted it thankfully, by wrapping her arms around Sun and squeezing her slightly for just a brief moment. :: Laxyn: I don’t mind, maybe they give you some inspiration for yourself. Unless it does not fit to your customs. Are you going for Antosian? Faranster: I somehow doubt Starfleet will allow us to observe the wedding customs of my people to the fullest... As it would be quite inconvenient to have a ship out of commission for ninety-three to two hundred and seventeen hours, and I think Andy would oppose to having to party for that long. :: She laughed. :: :: Now she remembered, that Sun had told her about the custom to celebrate an Antosian wedding for up to a week. She could not imagine that any Captain would like seeing their ship out of order for that long. She joined the laugh, but it sounded of a little. :: Laxyn: I think so too. Either way I am sure it will be a wonderful wedding. Faranster: We can talk about any of this later though, we have plenty of time as we are in sickbay together, to talk about this or anything you want to. But, you should clean up and get ready, as I believe you were cleared for observed duty. :: Sun knew Nyals said he would clear her for duty, but she wanted to make sure there was a plan in effect for watching over her friend. :: Laxyn: ::Nodding slightly:: Yes, he mentioned that he would clear me before he had to go. ::Then she realized that her friend had said earlier, that her brother had left with the others.:: Wait a second, what did you mean with ‘the others’? Who else left? :: She thought back to the goodbyes she had to say to various people, half of their senior staff traded off and a number of other crew. :: Faranster: Let's see. :: She looked upwards and started counting on her hands. :: Williams, McCleran, Big Blue, Danara, Nyals, and Baker from our senior staff. Lieutenant Cranford, Danara's husband, and a slew of enlisted. Laxyn: ::widening her eyes:: That many? :: It was quite a change for them to have to deal with. But it was the nature of life in Starfleet, the faces you served with changed, sometimes you were lucky to stay with the same group all your life, but she wondered if that was really good. :: Faranster: I haven't gotten to know the exact number, but yeah, pretty much half of the people we see on a daily basis, or at least used to. Laxyn: I see. That means we’ll have to get to know a bunch of new people. Faranster: :: Nodding. :: But, least you don't have to go through it alone, I'll be there. :: She smiled, and then remembered the request Nyals made, and frowned. :: Oh, that reminds me, Romeo told me to tell you goodbye. :: When she saw Jalana's confused expression she clarified. :: Nyals, that is. Laxyn: ::Taking a deep breath:: Ah, yes, I thought so. The way he had left and the transfer orders did not make me think he’d come back to say it to me himself. :: Sun was still pretty miffed at the counselor for waking her friend up, but she didn't know how her friend responded to it, so she had to ask to find out. Best case was the man's intrusion on her friend's sleep didn't impact her, worse case is that he'd have to contend with her when she saw him next. :: Faranster: I hope he didn't make things harder on you. Laxyn: ::getting up from her seat she sighed:: He said he loved me. I don’t really know what to think of that, he barely knows me. Faranster: Well, just tell me, I'll call Shel up and see if he can get him scrubbing the reclamation chamber, like Pierce and Raiden did after Izar. Laxyn: ::She nodded.:: Well, right now we will have to get ready for our job. So I’ll be getting into uniform. See you in Sick Bay? :: She certain did not feel the way she spoke right now. Her head felt overwhelmed by all the thoughts and feelings, her heart physically hurt and she wanted to hide in a corner and cry, or demolish that corner - maybe a mix of both. But that would not help her, she needed distraction and her work had been a steady companion in that endeavour so far. :: Faranster: Absolutely. I'll be right there for you. :: She smiled and hugged her friend again before standing up and heading for the door. :: I'll make sure Dial has the place cleaned up for you. :: With that, Sun exited the quarters, on her way to sickbay. :: :: Jalana took a moment to look after Sun. After the doors closed she was left alone with the empty quarters and her heartache. She stared into nothing, she did not even see what was around her, but knowing that these quarters would only be hers and hers alone. She realized her vision blur and quickly swallowed, forcing the tears back. It was time to get back to work, no matter how much she wanted to hide in a cave. With that thought she headed into the bedroom and changed into her uniform, before binding her fiery locks back and with another look into the mirror, not recognizing the eyes of the woman looking at her, she left for work. Everything else had to wait. :: Commander Sundassa "Bright Hair" Faranster Medical Officer USS Apollo, NCC-71669 and PNPC Lieutenant Commander Jalana Laxyn Chief Medical Officer USS Apollo, NCC-71669
  11. ((Carnivale Wonderland - Deck 42, DS26)) ::For a man who was born to a species that thrived on an inhospitable ice ball, Shar’Wyn Foster hated to admit that he was not particularly fond of snowstorms. Adapted to them? Sure. Able to weather them? Certainly. Fond of them? Not a chance.:: RENNYN: Ahh! Where are you? Wyn! ::He ripped one last piece of curtains in half, throwing one over his own shoulder, and using the other to block the blizzarding onslaught. He caught sight of the doctor's shape, and moved to wrap the material around him. The Andorian was shaking.:: Okay, if you're shivering, then we're all in trouble! FOSTER: I’m fine. ::He lied evenly and reached a hand out and pulled the Trill towards cover:: This way! Over here! ::He huddled under cover with Rennyn, thanking the gods of the galaxy that the snow was so blinding that neither of them could see much of anything. All the better to hide the fact that he was standing stock sill, eyes screwed shut and teeth clench, shaking more out of fear than cold. Because, of course, he was Wyn Foster. The well put together man this crew knew as a dashing genius doctor who had the answers they needed in times of trouble. Certainly not Wyn Foster the outcast blue orphan kid who had an irrational fear of windstorms. That would not do. Would not do at all. Still, the howling of the wind as it ran through the narrow carnival stands, the vicious slapping of the tent against the supports, the sting of ice crystals as they froze the nosehairs of anybody breathing, it was enough to dredge up hints of memory deep within his brain.:: ~*~((15 years ago, Boston, Massachusetts, Earth)) The wind picked up as the night fell. By sundown the tree tops were swaying dangerously, and the fallen leaves kept slapping against the windows with a quiet rapid-fire tapping. Wyn had been jumpy all night, just enough to keep Professor Foster wary of the adolescent Andorian, and wondering what was wrong. “Those windows could withstand a photon torpedo. They’ll survive a few sticks.” Cade Foster murmured in what he hoped was a reassuring tone. Wyn sighed, looking slowly back at his father. “You sure?” “Positive.” The older human offered a light smile. Slowly he was rewarded with an echo of that expression on his son’s face. At the tender age of twelve, Shar’Wyn knew full well that a little wind should not scare him. But, in his defense, this was the first wind storm he could remember. They simply didn’t have wind storms on starships. Still, it struck him as odd. He had grown up on a starship: survived turbulence, attacks, even explosions and he had weathered it with style. And yet wind? It unnerved him to the core. And what he didn’t admit to his father was that the fear had nothing to do with something getting broken or falling over. No. The worst part about it was the sound. That horrible, low, mournful howling that chilled him to the bone. It was almost like a voice that stirred up strange memories, things that he didn’t recognize. And no matter how many assurances his father offered, it didn’t take away the feeling that he was being haunted by something he could not quite put his finger on. He did not sleep that night. He lay down and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. But in truth he was terrified of what he might find if he slept. What sort of horrible dreams would come from the voices on the wind? So he trudged through the next day, half awake and half alive; and admitting to no one why he felt so terribly bad. Because nobody should be afraid of a little wind. It was stupid, and childish…:~*~ ::Minutes felt like hours, just waiting for the storm to clean enough to move and act. Rennyn was simply enduring, while Wyn buried his antennae into the top of his snowy hair, wishing he could blot out the howls of the wind and the feeling that it was calling to him, trying to tell him secrets that were unspeakable. Crying, screaming, yelling. Wind never had a positive voice to it. Only darkness and pain. And yet finally it cleared, and the whitewash of snow lifted:: RENNYN: Thanks. Where'd we put those Binars? ::He looked around for them.:: Under that snow drift? Or did they run out? FOSTER: I never saw them run out… ::looking frantically around:: But I don’t see them in here, either. RENNYN: They were the last ones in here. I don't want to leave anyone behind. ::He caught sight of the Vulcans helping the Binars away from the tent and pointed.:: There they go! Let's get out of here! FOSTER: Double time! She’s coming down! ::Adrenaline kicked in and both of them started to run. The combination of exertion, panic and bitter cold make their breath burn as it was sucked into their lungs, turning to an unpleasant stinging sensation deep in the chest. As they cleared the tent it rumbled and collapsed behind them, leaving both the doctor and the pilot gasping for breath:: RENNYN: Holographic snow. Press one button and we'd be back to pleasant weather. What is going on with this program?? FOSTER: I’m no engineer, but if I had to give a technical guess, I would say that it is … messed up. Bad. RENNYN: Let's find Blueheart and the others. ::Something large and furry ran past them in the dark and the lightly blowing snow. It was the source of the smoke smell. Up close, it smelled more like singed hair.:: Was that--? Nahhh... FOSTER: Good plan. ::pause:: and… don’t ask such questions, Ren. Trust me, we don’t want to know the answers. RENNYN: I will be happy to get out of this makeshift holodeck just as soon as someone opens the door. ::Ren wrapped his piece of curtain around himself a little tighter.:: Look, I see everyone over there. FOSTER: Me, too. ::looking:: Well, they look all right, let’s get over there. ::And halfway in between starting and getting there the snow stopped. It went from blizzard to clear in less time than it takes a hungry dog to beg for food. Which was strange enough… but then the whole landscape started to reform. The ground went from a flat field to rough terrain. Dark trees clawed their way up from the desolate blackened soil and scratched the sky until it bled deep orange fire. Boulders rocked the land, jutting up at odd angles and sending officers flying. Wyn shifted his stance, his antennae flickering like a cat’s tail as it tries to balance on a ledge while he reached out to steady the person nearest to him. FOSTER: I feel the earth move under my feet… Lieutenant JG Shar’Wyn FosterMedical OfficerUSS Atlantis
  12. ((Backsim)) ((Starlight Ballroom, DS26)) ::Raj accompanied Tyr closely as he made his rounds meeting and greeting members of the crew of the Atlantis, proudly showing him off like a kid at bring-your-dad-to-school day. Once everyone had been introduced to and pleasantries exchanged cordially, Raj took the Colonel aside to speak softly.:: BLUEHEART: Can I get you something to eat? ::He looked around to summon a passing waiter.:: There’s plenty of food to go around. You must be tired after your long trip. Or do you prefer to rest and shower first? I can find you a place---- WALTAS::Chuckling:: You’re fussing over me like a mother hen, Raj. This is YOUR evening and YOUR crew. I’m perfectly fine. I’m no conquering hero returning from the front. Just an old friend happy to see his shipmate take the reigns. BLUEHEART: :: You’re my guest of honor. Of course I’ll treat you like royalty! ::He chuckled.:: WALTAS: Well, there are a few things I’d like to discuss privately, once the celebration has calmed down a bit. BLUEHEART: ::nodding:: That will work too. ::smiling:: Transporters? WALTAS::Mock offense:: Why, Captain! You know that’s against regulations. Don’t tell me my attitude toward the regs has rubbed off on you.. BLUEHEART: ::laughing:: I’m totally exercising my new privileges here! ::The two officers dematerialized into a storm of particles only to reappear again in the Captain’s Ready Room on board the USS Atlantis.:: ((Captain’s Ready Room, USS Atlantis)) ::They re-materialized in the Ready Room of the USS Atlantis. Tyr recognized the design, having been on an Intrepid class ship before. He nodded at the decorations and accomodations, all what he would expect from Raj and his tastes. He sat down in front of the large desk. BLUEHEART: ::moving to the replicator:: Can I get you something to drink? WALTAS: Ice water, please. ::He returned with the drinks and placed the Colonel’s drink in front of him then realized where the man was sitting. He had been so used to approaching Tyr behind a giant desk, not seeing him in front of one.:: BLUEHEART: I’m not sure I’m comfortable with you sitting there and me over here. WALTAS::Flatly:: Get comfortable with it. I’m not here to steal your chair. Just to make sure you sit down. BLUEHEART: Yes, it will take some getting used to, I guess. ::reluctantly sitting behind the desk:: I still can’t believe it. It’s surreal! I mean, I honestly didn’t think the EC was going to pass my promotion. WALTAS: I may have my disagreements with the way certain things are done, but one thing that is undeniable and unassailable is pure, raw talent and heart. You’re replete with both, my friend. You know you deserve it, ::jokingly:: now shut up and accept it. Just never let those four pips prevent you from sticking your neck out for those who you care about. BLUEHEART: ::softly chuckling:: Yeah, I’ll remember that. No more second-guessing myself. I’ll always remember every word you say. You taught me well, Tyr. I wouldn’t be Captain today if it weren’t for you. You believed in me even during those times I myself didn’t. WALTAS::Sipping his ice water before continuing:: You always had faith in yourself, Raj. You just buried it from time to time under emotions and doubt. It was always there. I just helped you let it out. BLUEHEART: So.. ::putting down his cup of jasmine tea and leaning slightly forward in his seat:: how are you, Tyr? WALTAS: Well, I can’t complain. I thought I was done and was going stir-crazy on Ba’ku when Fleet Captain Turner sent for me. Offered me command of the Marine regiment on Duronis and a chance to make a difference again. I couldn’t turn it down. BLUEHEART: And Daisha? Tye and Sanuye? WALTAS: Daisha…took her courts martial hard. Very hard. Starfleet was her life and she was being forced out. At that point the words of a retired Captain didn’t mean much in the ears of the Federation Council, and stealing a Sovereign-class starship did. She took the brunt of what should have been my punishment. BLUEHEART: ::downcast eyes:: I’m so sorry to hear that. ::He clenched his fists underneath the desk, angry at the very organization he was duty-bound to serve.:: WALTAS: Tye is his father’s son. I’ve already gotten three disciplinary reports as well as one pleading request from one of his professors to, ::he made quote signs with his fingers:: have him cut that [...]ed lion’s mane of a head of hair”. I nicely replied that if he so much as touched a lock he’d have ME to deal with. He’s a good kid, wears his heart on his sleeve, unfailingly loyal to his friends and fiercely protects them. ::Winking:: Reminds me of you. BLUEHEART: ::surprised:: Me? I think you just described yourself! ::taking a sip of his fragrant tea, slightly hesitant to coax any further response:: And Sanuye? WALTAS::Shadow passing over his features:: Sanuye…is still very angry. We don’t talk. I don’t know how he’s doing unless I hear it from Daisha or Tye. He’s very bitter and blames me for Eden leaving. ::Sighing, he sipped his water and looked over Raj’s shoulder out the ready room window:: Maybe he’s right. BLUEHEART: No, Tyr. We’ve discussed this. None of it was your fault. Some people just need a longer time to accept the hard truth that it was Cmdr Redstone who walked out on you, not the other way around. Give him some time. And if it’s still not enough, give some more. ::He smiled reassuringly.:: WALTAS: Speaking of relationships, how are you and Emerson? BLUEHEART: ::gritting his teeth:: He can be so infuriating sometimes! Stubborn as a mule and ever ready to explode like a firecracker! ::He rolled his eyes in exasperation.:: WALTAS: Tell him that if he doesn’t shape up I’m going to knock him on his [...] like I did in my ready room. BLUEHEART: I remember that day like it was yesterday! ::chuckling:: Maybe I should pull some strings and get him to work under your command for six months or so. That’ll teach him to rein in that temper! ::Slowly his smile faded, and he creased his forehead a little.:: You know.. I have to say this or it’ll continue to eat me up inside.. ::pause, sighing:: The reason I wasn’t at the airlock the day you left the Discovery was because I was.. well.. I was never any good at goodbyes. I was also angry over a lot of things and I didn’t want you to see me that way before you left for Ba’ku. I wanted you to take with you only the good memories that we shared, not those of the last few days of the Discovery when there was a lot of anger and confusion and frustration. I’m sorry for that. I just couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to you then.. I wasn’t ready, Tyr. WALTAS: I wasn’t ready either. Not like that. It was like taking someone off life support who had a good chance to live. I feel like it was ripped away from me, and I’m sure you felt the same way. It wasn’t how I wanted to end my career, that’s for sure. But I guess that wasn’t the end, after all. BLUEHEART: I’m glad it wasn’t. I honestly thought it WAS the end, not just for you, but for everyone. WALTAS: Well, I’m a firm believer in second chances. Things didn’t go as planned when I landed on Duronis though. The previous commander of the Marines was reluctant to surrender command to a “penguin”, as he called me. A fleet officer that moves to a Marine rank. We ah…settled our differences in true Discovery fashion. ::Tyr grinned, knowing that Raj would understand what that meant. He had taken on Hannibal Parker, one of the most feared Marines in the entire Federation and a man twice his size, and both men nearly killed each other.:: BLUEHEART: ::laughing heartily:: I’ve lost count of how many ribs you’ve already broken, Tyr! I don’t dare ask how the other guy fared. ::He grinned, surprised that he found himself missing the infamous fights among the crew of the Discovery. His skills as Counselor and then First Officer was truly put to the test attending to the crew.:: WALTAS: Let’s put it this way-by the end of the fight Captain Turner shot us both with phasers and we ended up in the med ward for 24 hours. But there was an abiding respect gained through the conflict. After we paid our dues and rebuilt the office we destroyed we got to know each other. He’s a good man. Ironically he just made First Officer so now he’s a “shellback”-a Marine that takes a Fleet rank. We’re sort of the yin and yang of the Embassy. BLUEHEART: Penguin and shellback. The Marines sure have interesting terminologies. But yeah, I agree with you that there is respect to be gleaned through conflict. Sometimes we even discover ourselves through our adversaries. ::slight pause:: Remember Amman? The Ice Queen? WALTAS: ::Smiling fondly:: She’s rather hard to forget. BLUEHEART: I couldn’t stand to be near her when we were on board the Discovery. There was a severe clash of personalities as I’m sure you’re aware of. But looking back, I can’t help but admire her. Her unwavering beliefs, her firm grasp of principles, her simple yet effective definition of right and wrong – I can’t bring myself to say now that she was wrong. The valuable lesson I learned from Hsina Amman is to always believe in yourself, no matter if what you’re ordered to do goes against your principles. That will save us from immense emotional conflict. Something that I’m only now beginning to understand and appreciate, having to command a ship and crew of my own. ::pause:: Gods, listen to me! I’m getting old! WALTAS::Leaning back in the chair, almost (but stopping himself out of respect) putting his feet up on the desk like the old days:: Oh, give it time, Captain. Wait until you pin a fourth pip on a man’s collar who walked onto your bridge as an Ensign. THAT will make you feel old. BLUEHEART: By the way, speaking of yin and yang, that is a good relationship to have. In fact, balance is key to any form of relationship. Kind of like the partnership we had on the Discovery. We sure made a solid team, didn’t we? WALTAS::Smiling sadly:: The best. I said it and I meant it. We were the best [...]ed ship in Starfleet. Whether Starfleet knew it or not. But now the Atlantis has a shot at that mantle. BLUEHEART: ::smiling and blushing:: I’m following your style of command – not the throwing regulations out the airlock bit – but how you treat the crew as family. WALTAS: Looks like you had a few shakeups as well… Where’s Mitchell? BLUEHEART: ::smirking:: Mitchell and dress-white functions? I don’t think so. Knowing him.. probably at some bar lamenting his past, or in a shuttle practicing tactical maneuvers. I’ve sent word to him that you’re on board the station though. Don’t worry, he’ll show up when you least expect it. That’s his style. ::He half winked.:: WALTAS: True enough. I’m surprised he isn’t sporting a fourth pip by now. BLUEHEART: I’ve given up trying to get him to take up a Command role, never mind his Captaincy exam. He’s more than qualified and would make a great first officer, but I respect his decision. Besides, he’s a free spirit. You can’t pin him down with bureaucracy and protocol. But you already know this. WALTAS: He’d rather be doing warp 9 with his hair on fire, I’ll warrant. What about the rest of your crew? Looks like a good group of people. BLUEHEART: The rest of the crew is great. Lieutenant Rennyn, the Trill helmsman that you met a while ago? Both Mitchell and myself could swear he’s Eric Lundrigan reincarnated! And our Andorian medical officer, Dr Foster? He’s like.. like.. well, there’s really no one to compare with on the Discovery now, is there, seeing how we never could retain a Medical Officer for long! It’s like a Discovery curse! ::He laughed heartily again.:: WALTAS: And with our unerring ability to get injured we needed them. The EMH got plenty of action. BLUEHEART: ::laughing again:: Gosh Tyr! We could talk about the Discovery all night long and still not run out of tales! WALTAS: Yes, we could my friend, but a crew needs its Captain, even during shore leave. You should go be with your family. BLUEHEART: ::checking the chrono and sighing softly:: You’re right. It’s almost time for the after-party. I’ll be needed. I just hope there are no bar brawls. ::He grinned knowingly.:: WALTAS: Eh, if there are, just make sure they end with the right side winning. Remember that time we cleaned out that Academy bar full of Enterprise crew members? BLUEHEART: How can I forget!! ::Raj was right, they COULD go on forever. There was a lifetime of memories and stories that could keep both men there for a long, long time. But it was time for Raj to be with his family, and the Ba’ku was growing steadily more sad with the memories that had been drummed up. Before his intuitive friend sensed that sadness, he would take his leave.:: WALTAS::Standing:: I should go, Raj. You need to be with your crew. Go get drunk or something. BLUEHEART: ::standing up with the Colonel:: Sure you won’t join us for the after-party? We might need you just in case Emerson starts another brawl. WALTAS::Grinning:: I think you can handle it. Besides, you’re the keeper of this ship, not me. BLUEHEART: I understand. ::nodding:: So.. ::His face grew sad again over the impending farewell.:: Any last words of advice for a newbie Captain? WALTAS::Smiling, looking into his friends eyes:: Trust your heart, Raj. Not orders, not regulations, not others’ opinions and definitely not an enemy you know in your heart is an enemy. Trust in yourself and your family. You’ll never go wrong. ::Pausing, chuckling:: But you may end up in the stockade. BLUEHEART: ::grinning:: Thank you, Tyr. I will always cherish those words in my heart. You taught me all I needed to know about being a Captain and you taught me well. More than any Captain’s handbook ever could. ::He walked around the desk to stand in front of the Ba’ku, his eyes moist again.:: I’ll walk you to the docking bay? WALTAS::Shaking his head:: I can find my way. If you don’t join your crew soon there WILL be a brawl. BLUEHEART: Oh, it’s no trouble at all, it’s on the way to---- ::But the Colonel interrupted him and insisted.:: WALTAS::Lowering his voice to a commanding baritone:: Snap to, Captain! BLUEHEART: Yes, Sir! ::He smirked playfully. Then he extended his hand and shook Tyr’s hand firmly before clasping it in both of his.:: Thank you for tonight, Tyr. ::He touched the fourth pip on his collar.:: I am so very happy and honored to see you again! WALTAS::gripping the hand tightly:: The pleasure was mine, Raj. ::He paused:: And watch your aft quarter. ::He paused, and turned to leave:: Captain. BLUEHEART: I will. And perhaps one of these days I may just pay you a surprise visit on Duronis! WALTAS::Turning to his old friend:: You’re always welcome. ::Raj embraced Tyr tightly, blinking back tears. This time though, they were not bitter tears of a sorrowful farewell, but rather, tears of sweet memories and everlasting friendship.:: WALTAS: Releasing his friend and wiping away a stray tear himself:: Oh, there’s one more thing.. ::Tapping his communicator:: Computer, energize. ::Raj’s old desk de-materialized, to be found in his quarters, and a large desk made of pure, crimson-colored wood appeared in its place. The surface was polished to a brilliant sheen, shining from the starlight in the window. The desk had been modernized to accommodate a Captain’s needs, complete with a pop-up LCARS display, comm terminal, and a weapons storage locker within easy reach. It had been his desk all those years on Discovery, traveled with him on so many missions and was the meeting place of so many private discussions when he took the Captain’s chair. It was only fitting for him to have it.:: WALTAS: I thought you might like it. They were going to scrap it. BLUEHEART: ::He gasped.:: It’s your old desk! I can’t---- ::shaking his head vehemently:: I can’t! I won’t! WALTAS: I insist. A Marine doesn’t need something like this. And the wood will last longer than any material Starfleet can dream up. Besides, I like to think a little part of me lives on with you. Oh, and check the drawer. You can hang it on the wall for decoration, but I suspect it’ll be better suited at your side. ::Without waiting for a reply, he tapped his comm badge again:: =/\= Computer, one to transport to Runabout 4. =/\= ::Raising his hand as the beam took him:: Goodbye, Captain. ::When the drawer was opened, the starlight in the dim ready room fell upon a long, slightly curved blade that rested within. The pommel was wrapped in black leather, lovingly crafted by the Ba’ku himself during his exile on Ba’ku. The blade was almost a meter long and held a gentle curve, and was razor-sharp. It shone in the darkness, ready to serve its new master as the blade it was copied from had served Tyr for decades.:: FIN ==================================== A joint post by: Colonel Tyr Waltas Marine CO Duronis II Embassy / USS Thunder & Captain Raj Blueheart Commanding Officer USS Atlantis NCC-74682
  13. ((USS Victory - Guest Quarters, Deck 5)) ::Ben squirmed in his borrowed uniform. It had been brought to him by an overly helpful nurse, as his own clothes were a bit...bloodied. Not to mention dirty. He'd been on duty for about a month since the last of his medical staff died, with barely a moment to sleep. Laundry had not been a high priority.:: ::The shower had felt heavenly. His...mother...had taken him to a small set of guest quarters to clean up. Then she'd left, promising to meet him at the meeting. Ben had showered and shaved, then walked out of the bathroom in his towel. The shy nurse was there switching the clothes. She had taken one look and ran terrified from the room, taking his own uniform with her. He wondered vaguely if she had been frightened by his nudity or the massive scars crossing his chest.:: ::So now he wore an old-style uniform, mere cloth and thread that would protect him from nothing stronger than a sharp breeze. And possibly timid girls with too little life experience. He missed his armored jacket. At least the medical teal was familiar.:: ::Ben looked at the clock and picked up his bag. It was habit to carry his kit with him eveywhere, and he disliked the idea of leaving it behind. He headed for the conference room, comfortable in his knowledge of the ship. He ran into a problem, though, when he tried to enter the Jeffries tube system. The computer wouldn't allow him clearance.:: B. Kaji: Computer, how do you suggest I get to deck two? Fly? Computer: There is a turbolift on Deck Five, Section A. B. Kaji: ::embarrassed:: Oh. Right. Turbolift. ::Chagrined, he turned around to find the turbolift. Those had been offline for years in his universe to save power for more necessary purposes. Like shields. And life support.:: ::He was one of the last to arrive in the conference room. It was very different from the one Captain Faranstar used for her briefings. He saw Talia Kaji in a corner, waving him over. Shedet was near the front, guesturing to him as well. He felt torn, then decided Shedet would understand better. He caught her eye, pointed to his mother and waited for a nod. Then he joined Talia in her corner. They found a couple of comfortable chairs there. Ben leand back and reveled in the unfamiliar sense of calm that surrounded them.:: ::His mother smiled at him, but a familiar voice started to speak before they had a chance to talk. Ben spun around to see his old beloved crocodile. Seeing the Gorn hurt almost as much as first seeing his mother. Nugra had taken him in when Talia died, had raised and mentored him until he left to join his first ship. Ben had been half a universe away when he had heard of Nugra's death, and it had felt like a second orphaning. The young man had grieved his "Zilla" as much as his own biological father, long long gone by then.:: ::Ben refocused on the present as Shiarrael began speaking.:: Shiarrael: ::tapping panel:: Let me start out by letting you know all how bad this is. The future we came from, everybody that we know of is dead. The galaxy is filled with barren worlds sucked dry of any biological molecules to feed a monster we know as the hunger. :: The screen lit up to show a grotesque vessel of ill-proportions floating in space. Thousands of littler ones of different shapes zoomed around it. :: Shiarrael: The Hunger are an extragalactic, hyper-advanced race that descended upon our galaxy like a swarm of locust killing everything in sight. The most advanced starships that the Federation had did not even slow them down. Only the sacrifice of Vice-Admiral Jaxx at the battle of Anubis gave us some breathing room. It did not last and by 2414, everything we knew was gone. We have come back into the past to try to stop this from happening again. ::Ben's face hardened as he focused on the mission. They had come here for a reason, a purpose bigger than seeing loved ones long dead.:: Faranster: The hardest part of our journey was coming back here, our ship was badly damaged, and I appreciate your hospitality. However, having gotten this far, I feel certain we can nix the word try. :: She looked at her First Officer. :: These pests aren't going to get a foothold here, and they won't do the same thing they did in our future. :: Pausing, she looked back at the rest of the table. :: As my XO has stated, they aren't from here, they come from another galaxy, through a gateway. We need to locate and destroy the gateway before they take over the area. Faranster: The gate, is a Yeltan gate. Finding the gate proved impossible for us once the Hunger arrived, and before they arrived we didn't know we needed to look for it. There is a Yeltan listening post that should have coordinates to all their technology, including the gate. However the Hunger destroyed it before we could find it, and once we got there, there wasn't much left. ::Ben remembered that raid. Several of his friends had died there, including his half-sister Iria. That battle was also the source of the scars on his face and head. There hadn't been much there, but their enemies had fought hard to keep it. A console explosion had taken half his face and skull.:: Faranster: What we are going to do, is get to that post, get the coordinates and destroy the gate. ::Nugra took back over the briefing.:: Nugra: For those of you where we're not here for the original briefing, the USS Victory has been tasked with the top secret mission to find information on the Hunger. This is the most we have had since we started. Nugra: Some of you might remember our clash with the Yeltan defense system in an ancient temple on Til’ahn. I am quite sure that we will be facing the magnothropods, small machines about a foot in length able to integrate with others to create much larger machines. T. Kaji: ::singing softly:: Trans-form-ers! B. Kaji: Robots in Dis-guise! ::Ben was shocked at himself. He'd responded without thinking, singing the second line of the old theme song. He'd forgotten those long ago days, watching Old Earth cartoons with his parents. :: :: Nugra straightened and nodded to have the lights brightened. He resisted the urge to blink away the spots that appeared. :: Nugra: Lieutenant Commander Rossh will be leading the away team to the surface along with Mr. Vess, Captain Faranster, Mr. Santucci, and Mr. Zh’Eriss. Are their any questions? Rossh: Do we have any information on exactly what we are looking for? Records from the future vessel's computer? Faranster: Like I said, the station had been destroyed before we could find it, I couldn't even tell you what it looked like. ::The discussion continued, but Ben didn't hear any of it. The calm, the comfortable chair, and most of all, a child's trust that his parents would handle everything, overcame The young man, and he drifted off into a much needed sleep.:: MSNPC Lt Benjiro Kaji Chief Medical Officer The Victory As simmed by Lt.JG Talia Kaji Chief Medical Officer USS Victory
  14. ((USS Excalibur-A, Bridge - Mindscape- )) :: Lieutenant Commander Luna Walker looked on in shock at the downed Captain. Everything around her seemed frozen, locked in the moment. It had happened again... which was impossible. She'd followed the rules.. to the letter. She'd ignored her instincts and did everything right... so why was the Captain hurt because of her? :: Pink Walker: Nice job. I mean this is totally better than doing things my way. :: Luna looked up to see herself... well the "old" her.. perched on the console. Her uniform was stained and spotted, and was obviously ripped. Mockingly, the pink haired version of herself saluted. :: Pink Walker: Yep... rules are great. I mean let's count things down shall we? You've lost the respect of your team. I mean who is going to listen to a Chief who says "don't fix that"? And it's been brought to the FO... who was once an Engineer.. so you've burned that bridge well enough. You drove a HUGE wedge between you and Danni James.. much less Mobius...who has the drive to do great things if you'd let him. And what was that other thing... hrmmm... :: She pointed to the downed Captain:: Right.. and you got another Captain killed. Really.. way to go! :: Her anger and frustration boiled over at the sarcastic, biting comments. Without pausing she lashed out.. catching her "self" and sending her crashing into the center of the bridge. She stalked towards her... not nearly done yet. :: Walker: And what did you do little girl? You abused the rules and system.. and snuck off to find who killed your father. Which left you so far out of contact that the only way Ben even FOUND you was that the Tal'Shiar thought you'd die after the torture. :: She picked up the still stunned half-romulan and punched her again, driving all of the pain, anger, and self-loathing and sending her once again flying. :: :: The pink haired officer caught herself so when the crazed chief engineer came to her, she struck first, staggering the blonde. :: Pink Walker: You let your ship down.. your crew down.. and now your Captain is downed. Don't lie to me... we could have been ready to go... :: She gestured to the still frozen Captain:: THIS wouldn't have happened! :: She turned back to her opponent only to feel the back of her hand crack against her cheek:: Walker: And what about Captain Nicholotti? You know.. where you worked on repairs to the point you were confined to quarters for several days? And what happened then? That's right.. when she needed a solution.. you weren't around. So to make up for your rule breaking.. she sacrificed herself! And you want to keep doing that? Keep being the "fun" person who no one can rely on?!? :: The pink haired woman was screaming back now, her voice quickly becoming hoarse from the effort. :: Pink Walker: Don't you DARE! People ALWAYS relied on me and I always came through! I may have broken rules.. but always for the right reasons! And you know the situation with Dad... I had a lead.. :: A booming voice interrupted the argument.. looking around both noticed a shimmer to the air.. The pink haired woman frowned and held up her hands in surrender.. however temporary. :: Pink Walker: They need us. Now. This isn't over.. and you'd better get that stick out of your behind. You know what's needed... :: The other woman rolled her eyes:: Walker: Of course.. miracle solutions delivered just in time. Engineering motto... :: She shook her head:: I can't be like you anymore Loony... Pink Walker: And I won't let you become Lluneh either... we couldn't survive that... :: She chuckled:: So break the rules again.. make it work anyway.. :: ((USS Excalibur-A, Bridge)) :: She leaned down for a moment, covering her face and wiping the tears out of her eyes before responding:: Walker: I'm sorry, what did you say? And is she.... Lt. Cmdr Luna Walker Chief Engineer USS Excalibur-A
  15. ((OOC: for the new ensign, Talia Kaji is my main character, and Ben Kaji is her little boy, but the adult Ben came from the future with the other mission npcs. Sorry, I know it gets confusing.)) ((USS Victory - Sickbay)) ::Benjiro Kaji watched his mother walk away, and it nearly broke his heart. He was relieved to see Captain Faranster approaching him.:: Faranster: I'm ready. :: She looked at the man, hoping he was ready to look her over. :: If you have a moment, Lieutenant. B. Kaji: Oh, now you want medical assistance? Faranster: I know what you think of my little declaration, hopefully our crew didn't shy away from you tending to their wounds. B. Kaji: ::rolling his eyes.:: The only reason any of them has survived this long is pure stubbornness. ::The flip side was that stubbornness got you killed. Especially when you ignored little things like broken ribs. Ben let her remove the jacket. It was designed to put pressure on the torso, so that wounds would bleed less. It was a uniform designed for a war zone. His captain winced as the pain flooded the area. :: Faranster: Get it over with before people start asking about my scars. :: She said to the man, quietly. :: I am sure the straps and that blasted armor, played a part. ::Ben used a tricorder to confirm his suspicions.:: B. Kaji: Yes, it looks like they cracked a rib in the crash. Faranster: :: She gave him a hard look. :: How many concussions and broken arms and legs, or worse, have you seen from people not using them? B. Kaji: ::nodding agreement.:: Many more. ::Ben picked up an instrument from the equipment cart. He hadn't seen an osteogenerator in half a decade. He examined it in wonder, then set to using the miracle device. In his own time, he would have set the bone and wrapped it securely. Then he would have had had to let it heal for weeks, watching closely for internal bleeding and infection. This process took about fifteen minutes, and she didn't even have to remove her shirt.:: ::He finished up and handed her back her jacket. There was still about forty minutes before the briefing, so he went looking for his mother. A terribly odd thought to an orphaned boy. He found her in her office, and leaned in the doorway, watching her for a minute. He had seen her at this desk hundreds of times as a child. She would sit hunched over, staring at the computer and mouthing words as she read. He wondered that she was so similar to the mother he remembered, then realized with a start, that she never had a chance to change. The vibrant woman would perish early in the war, falling with her home world.:: ::Talia Kaji looked up when she noticed a gaze on her. She was suddenly swept into his memory.:: ((Flashback)) ::Breathing hard. Running through fields. Stalks whip Ben's face, and he stumbles. Mom grabs him around the waist, pulling him up. She takes his hand and keeps running.:: ::Lights flash. A shuttle lands. They join a group of crying families, and Ben wants to cry too.:: Ben: Mom, come with me! Please! I don't want to be alone! ::The children are being herded onto the shuttle. Mom kneels and hugs him tight. He feels her tears on his cheek.:: Mom: I love you baby, I love you so much. I don't want to leave you -- ::A scream cuts her off. More screams. People at the edges of the crowd are pushing toward the shuttle. Mom starts shoving children into the hatch, and she grabs Ben. He fights her.:: Mom: ::sternly:: No, Ben. Go. GO! ::She tosses him a small, screaming child. People are falling, and Ben sees a glimpse of a monster from nightmares. Mom pushes him and the little girl through and slams the hatch. She bangs on the outside, and he hears her yelling at the pilot.:: Mom: Take off NOW, [...] you! You save those babies! You save my son! ::The engines whine and Ben runs to a window. He sees his mother pull out her phaser and start pushing buttons. The shuttle races away and he pounds on the window, screaming. A light blooms below him, swallowing everything. Then he only sees black.:: ((End Flashback)) ::Talia flew across the room. She clutched the man to her, crying for the boy he'd been. He had his own tears and he wrapped his arms around her. After a long while, they released each other. Talia laughed wearily and wiped his face with her cuff.:: T. Kaji: You're a mess! Let's find you a place to clean up. TBC MSNPC Lt Ben Kaji Chief Medical Officer The Victory As simmed by LtJG Talia Kaji Chief Medical Officer USS Victory
  16. (( Place: not here not there )) (( Time: just now and never )) :: Darkness was everywhere but he could hear treble noises just ahead. The feeling of solitude was present. Dizziness too. But that sound was more powerful. It was attracting him. So… he stood up and started to crawl toward it. But he couldn´t see himself, just feel his movements. There was an energy of joy coming from that sound. People were clapping their hands, whooping. It had become more and more intense at each step he made. The fun, the joy were contaminating him. He was feeling different. He was feeling capable of everything. The sound subsided and a terrific beat remained still. He was now walking completely upright and at each step he regained consciousness of who he was. Then someone with a beautiful and powerful voice began to speak. :: VOICE: Ladies and gentleman. :: Long pause.:: Welcome… Welcome to a dream! :: He could hear people getting crazy. Yelling. He could feel the fun and the excitement everywhere, and that feeling was making him more and more strong. It was like if he was returning to life. It was as he was resurrecting. He was returning to some place he cared most. Where he was extremely happy. :: VOICE: Where we experience a culmination of a long road. That one individual… who dare to dream… who dare to be different… that individual who gave us his art… art we feel… art we can´t get enough of… :: As he approached the end of tunnel he could see that there were a lot of people in colorful seats close by. They were all stand up dancing with the music. :: VOICE: This dream is now… the moment is here… where you are no longer a visitor… but simply a part of this dream… :: long pause while the music level is increased. :: Soooo…. :: At the center there was a person, dressed in yellow uniform with blue shorts. He was tall, bald, a little skinned but strong. He was dressing some sports uniform with a number 12 on it. Green colors. He was with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his right foot resting over some spherical thing, made of white and black patterns. He was looking toward the tunnel exit. Waiting for someone. Waiting for him. :: VOICE: Dear dreamers… I gave you the legend… FALCAO :: All that beat and music was for him. The light increased and he could see he was inside some beautiful and technological gymnasium. The music was wonderful and he couldn´t resist to it. He started to dance showing his Brazilian swing… following with the beat and vibration. The crowd got even more crazy and happy… that was his show… he was the Falcon. :: FALCAO: oO I remember now. I am Falcao. But who is that guy over there? Oo :: As he approached from the court center he could see better the person dressing in yellow. He was wearing his uniform, the canary uniform. He was wearing his t-shirt and his name on it. When the tall person raised his head he got scared. It was… It was Tarsii!!! The beat changed and the Angosian started to sing... the lyrics appeared around the gymnasium and the crowd repeated his words. :: ASMARA: :: Smiling and pointing both hands toward Falcon :: I got a vision. :: The music filled the air and the Angosian showed the same swing. :: Can´t be touched. Can´t be stopped. Can´t be moved. Can´t be rock. :: He was connected to the sound which was spread around the entire gymnasium. Everything he spoke was transmitted loud and clear. His voice was increased with special effects on it. He sounded as Rap singers from old times on Earth. It was everything a great and well planned show. :: ASMARA: Can´t be shook. We hot. When will you learn? :: The Angosian moved his left foot over the black and white ball and touched it just at the exact point to promote a gentle rolling toward his right foot. Without rest the left foot on the ground he kicked the ball with his opposite foot and raised him up. It had started... the freestyle battle to decide who would be the truly Falcon. :: FALCON: oO Oh! Impressive. But this is my domain. Oo :: The music ignited everybody who was clapping in its rhythm. The bald man had impressive skills but he would be match for Falcon. :: ASMARA: I will say again. Can´t be touched. Can´t stopped. Can´t be moved. Can´t be shook. We hot. When will you learn? :: With that saying, after some kick-ups, he throw the ball toward his opponent. :: :: Now the other man could be clearly seen. He was much smaller than the Angosian, with short black hair and white skin. He was still wearing the yellow uniform but the letters FALCAO were glittering, as well as the man. He was enveloped in some kind of golden aura. :: FALCAO: oO I will show you the real Falcao. Oo Came to get crunk. Came to bring life. Came to get it started. Came to get it right. :: He received the ball on his chest and moved his spine the exact amount to amortize it completely. It was like it had hit a pillow. Then he turned his body back so quickly that the ball was transferred to his nape. He moved his head and threw it to the air. All the spotlights followed the ball in the air and forgot the Falcon for a couple of seconds. When the ball returned to the ground Falcon was sat down and he received it with his shin. The crowd got crazy again and the music increased the rhythm. The Falcon domain of the ball was fabulous. Even laid on the floor the ball seemed to be attached to him. It was like he was the gravity center of the ball and it always searched for him. He passed the ball several time from one shin to another moving his legs over it so quickly that was almost impossible for the people to believe on those movements. He balanced the ball at his head and slowly stood up without losing it. After that he look to the Angosian and let the ball slipped slowly on his back until he hit it with his right foot from back, throwing it toward his opponent. The crowd started to cry out his name. FALCAO. FALCAO. FALCAO. The Angosian smiled back. He raised his both arms, and as soon as he did that, the whole court changed and several other players appeared. It was the first time that the lights were completely turned on and it was possible to see the whole gymnasium filled of people. :: ASMARA: I mean what I speak. I do as I say. I hustle, I grind. Don't get in my way. Cause I ain't gonna budge. :: The music returned and the challenged changed to a new level. Now a complete futsal squad against Falcon. But he was not alone. Other legends were with him. Players from several eras were there. But the Angosian had the ball and he was thirsty to meet Falcon on the court. :: TBC ((OOC: This are just happening in Tarsii’s dreams, since the opening event of the Tournament didn´t happen. These are the musics I based this sim on: I am Hardwell Intro – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GleSC5g6rd0 Can´t be touched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R9u2CX0qEs )) ----------- Lieutenant JG Tarsii Asmara Science Officer USS Atlantis NCC-74682
  17. ((First Minister's Office - The Citadel)) Zim: What. :: A moment ago, Arvin had watched one of his oldest friends destroy a the glass he had been holding, seemingly by sheer force of will. It was something he had only seen once in his life before, and it had scared the hell out of him just as much. Zim's tone didn't help the matter any either. It wasn't a question. It was a simple statement of disbelief, an declaration that he refused to believe what he was being told without something else to back it up with. It wasn't entirely surprising. Arvin had nearly refused to believe it himself. If he hadn't seen the numbers of dead, he would have denied it to his own grave.:: Zagan: Someone at the Board of Science authorize this pathogen as a weapon. Laybrim was a part of that project. Zim: No. No I heard you brother. I... :: His voice trailed off as he became lost in the implications of what he had just been told. It was something that he had struggled with himself. To think that there was somone who was willing to defy not only the law, but basic decency, and create a weapon of such indiscriminate lethality, and then release it intentionally on an ostensibly civilian population was beyond his ability to process. They would claim it had only minitary targets, but there was no way that Arvin could conceive of that would allow them that kind of control. Perhaps that was why they had abandoned it. Maybe there was somone with enough moral fiber left to point that out and put a stop to the project. Perhaps that had even been Jorgen himself. But he didn't have the time to ask about it.:: Zim: I just can't believe it. This? All of this, because of him? Zagan: Among others. He's just the only one we can link to it with any certainty. Zim: I'll kill him Arvin. :: Arvin didn't have the slightest doubt that Tyrek was serious. they had both been soldiers, they had taken lives on the battlefield. But that didn't make them monsters. Taking a life was not something that was done lightly, on a whim. And it was never done when not absolutely necessary. And most importantly, one did everything possible to prevent the deaths of civilians and non-combatants. They were the rules that made the difference between soldiers and murderers. And a biological weapon with no cure and a 100% mortality rate flew in the face of every one of those rules. And Arvin new just about as well as anyone that there was one thing the Tyrek Zim would not abide; those who broke the rules. As far as he was concerned, Jorgen had just admitted to being a war criminal. And the law afforded him only one fate.:: Zagan: The law affords only one punishment for what he's done. But we need him alive... Zim: I'm going to- oh... you're right. :: Arvin reached for the decanter on the table, pouring himself another glass of drisa as he watched his friend clean himself up, pulling what he assumed were a few shards of what had been the glass from his hand with barely a wince. He took a long pull from the glass, suppressing a slight cough as it hit his throat.:: Zagan: I don't like it, Tyrek, but we need his knowledge to have any hope of solving this. Any knowledge he has dies with him. Zim: You're right, of course. You always are, old friend. But when this is over... Zagan: We'll do what we've always done, my friend. We'll let the people decide his fate. :: He knew already what they would likely decide. And he had a suspicion that Jorgen knew what was coming as well. The law was very clear on what would happen to him. But it was important to Arvin that he let the justice system do it's work. No matter how heinous the crime, Jorgen was entitled to the process. It was how they would prove how far they had come since the Great War. No matter what either of them felt, he was entitled to the process.:: Zim: Deal. Zagan: Starfleet has sent down a team of researchers. They've set up a temporary lab in Talisa Park. Zim: Yes I just received a progress report from their surface team. I have my men patrolling the park and keeping the riots clear. But we're spread rather thinly. Zagan: I understand they have their own security as well, hopefully that should be enough to keep them safe. :: There was a troubling truth to the situation around the lab that Starfleet had set up. The park was a difficult place to guard properly, especially under the circumstances. It was a huge space, and easy to get lost in. If the rioters managed to find the lab, they would tear the place apart. But most frighteningly of all was the fact that it wasn't a matter of if they would get there, but when. If the people knew the lab was there, they would do the same thing that they had done to every other unprotected facility conducting research. the best hope for the moment was to try to make sure they didn't find out about it.:: Zagan: I would have liked for them to be working a little closer. Zim: We can't risk the Citadel being breached though, Arvin. You and the few thousand people left inside might be the only uninfected Rathosians left in existence. Zagan: I know. And that thought frightens me more than any other that we've faced so far. Zim: I'll keep the park teams on high alert, but I'm not pulling soldiers from elsewhere yet. Give me five city blocks from the south end of the park. Is that fair? The riots reach, :: He looked down at a detailed road map of the city. :: Brindala Avenue and I'll relocate more men to the Federation quarantine from the Citadel. :: It made him a little uncomfortable that they were going to potentially allow a large group of angry and frightened people to get that close to the best chance they had at developing a cure for the pathogen, but Tyrek was right. If the Federation couldn't find a cure for the pathogen, there was still the chance that the people still in the Citadel might be able to ride it out. It would be thir entire civilization in the hands of only a few, but it was better than no civilization at all. This of course, all assumed that they could keep the Citadel quarantined.:: Zagan: That sounds about as reasonable as we're going to get. The federation researchers have reqeusted access to a few of our samples as well as a few... cadavers. :: It felt so impersonal to refer them to cadavers. They were the bodies of his people. The people he had been elected to lead, the people that he had failed. He would have time to mourn them later. As impersonal and undignified as it may have been to them, they were the best hope of a cure.:: Zim: What? :: This time it was a question. :: They haven't received them yet? Of course! :: He furiously tapped at his control window and called up the necessary orders. :: Fates Wheel I can't believe they haven't been sent yet. I'm giving my formal permission now. Send them whatever they want from the labs and morgue. Give them everything! Zagan: What have we got for them? Zim: I'll authorize a transport for half a dozen cadavers and as many samples as we've got. Do we still have a primal sample? :: Arvin had authorized the board of science to put a lot of effort into finding one of the original samples. Something that had survived without mutation, or at least minimally so. But it had taken dangerously long for them to figure out what was happening. by then, most of the bodies had been disposed of in a number of ways, and even those not dealt with by families had been burned in the early mass disposals.:: Zagan: I'm afraid not. The originals were set loose, and the bodies all disposed of. Zim: [...]. My people tell me that would have helped. Zagan: So have the researchers. :: He lifted the glass again, draining the last of it's contents. He felt a slight burning as it hit the back of his throat. It was a sign that he was hitting the wall that came when he was exhausted; a state that he seemed to be perpetually in of late. He debated the merits of another in the hopes that it might help him get to sleep. But he knew it was only likely to make things worse.:: Zim: Do you think they can fix this, Arvin? Zagan: I honestly don't know, Tyrek. But it's the only hope we have. First Minister Arvin Zagan First Minister of Rathos Rathos Prime as simmed by Cpt Liam Frost & Lord Commander Tyrek Zim Rathosian Admiral RSS Longbow as simmed by Oliver Weston
  18. (( Sick Bay, USS Apollo - A )) :: Jalana leaned back in the seat in her office. She was catching up with paperwork that had piled up while she had served as First Officer. While the EMH had been in charge of Sick Bay, she still wanted to know what had happened, not to forget messages from the outside that had come in and news in the medical field. But after such a long time reading she had to rest her eyes and raised her hands to rub over them and massaging her temples. :: :: For a moment the Trill closed her eyes. She still had not heard from Viktor and was getting really worried, wondering what kept him. She really needed to keep her mind busy so they would stop wandering to the worst case scenarios her brain tortured her with. Sighing she opened her eyes and looked at her screen. Nyals. The message he had sent her was highlighted on her screen, so she would remember that she needed to answer him. :: :: Shaking her head Jalana raised her hand to tap her badge. :: Laxyn: .oO Let’s get this over with Oo. =/\= Laxyn to Nyals. =/\= :: After he and Sherana planted his Rub'ratya Aristo, Nyals went to gym near his quarters on deck 4 to stretch. He checked the size of Gymnasium and figured there cannot be so many people using it. Nyals replicated both German and Cyr Wheels and after he changed into Leotard and stirrup pants, he started assembling them. Just when he was done with a puzzle of German Wheel and moved to assembling Cyr wheel, his commbadge whistled. Nyals got up from the floor and moved to answer. :: Nyals: =/\= Ensign Nyals, how can I be of assistance. =/\= :: He responded in calm even voice, though he was pretty annoyed by the call in time he wanted to play. :: :: A little piece of her had hoped that he was not on board, but she was not that lucky. So she really had to go through with that. She hoped deeply that he did not want to talk with her about this stupid incident. :: Laxyn: =/\= You sent me a message about wishing to talk with me. I would have time now. =/\= Nyals: =/\= Now, as right now, Sir? =/\= Laxyn: =/\= Yes, now. Of course if you don’t have time… =/\= .oO Don’t have time, don’t have time Oo. Nyals: =/\= No, I just planned to exercise I absolutely do have time. =/\= :: He hoped she need him for just a moment and he will be able to return to his workouts soon. Nyals did not exercise since he left Academy almost a month ago and he knew it would bear badly on his performance. He was a gymnast and was supposed to exercise regularly. :: Laxyn: .oO Darn Oo. =/\= Good, then meet me in my office in Sick Bay =/\= Nyals: =/\= On my way, Sir. Nyals out. =/\= :: The line closed and Jalana sighed as she dropped against the backrest of her chair. No turning back now. .oO Really, stop behaving like a child. You are a grown woman and are able to talk to other people. Get it together, woman. Oo. Sadly the mental finger wag did not work all too well and she raised from her chair and stepped to the replicator. :: Laxyn: Jestral Tea, hot. Slightly sweetened. :: The blue light began to form and soon embraced a cup of steaming tea. The scent of it floated into her nose and she sighed relishing it. Her father had introduced her to the tea from Betazed and since then she always drank it to calm her nerves. She took the cup and raised it to her lips for a sip and the warmth began to fill her. :: :: Nyals attached a commbadge to his chest and moved to the nearest turbolift. He was happy how good he was in going into right direction on the parts of the decks he knew, like the deck 4 with his quarters and the deck 13 with his ward on the right from turbolift and Medical Bay on the left. He passed through the center of the main part of the bay and chimed at the CMO’s Office door. :: Nyals: Commander! :: Hearing the voice behind her she almost dropped the cup but caught herself just in time. To spill only a little of the tea over her shirt. She still did not wear her uniform as she was not officially on duty. Turning she looked at the giant of a man, who only was topped by Tal’s height if she wasn’t completely wrong. She offered him a slightly nervous smile, hoping it looked not as bad as it felt, then her eyes dropped to what he was wearing and she raised one hand to her mouth, covering it, but not able to hide the snorting sound.:: Laxyn: Don’t tell me ::snickers:: that is all that is left :: chuckles:: after I ruined your robe. Nyals: What? No! :: He was so used to these clothes, Nyals never before felt wrong wearing it. Even during Academy, he was changing in his quarters and walking through the campus to Gym. :: Beg your pardon? :: Still very calm. :: oO Those spots are mesmerizing, especially those on her forehead. Oo :: She had to put the cup to the side and out of her hands because she could not hold it back any longer and began to laugh. She knew that this was probably a bad thing to do, but he looked too funny in this leotard and those leggings. Usually she was not one to judge anyone by what they were wearing but she could not help but laugh and laugh. Pressing her hand on her belly she tried to stop it, covering her mouth to press it back but nothing helped. Her face was tomato red by now as she tried to speak. :: Laxyn: I hahaha am soohohoho sohohohohorry. :: Nyals looked down. He was aware how ridiculous his clothes must look here in the sickbay. He was feeling… insulted? Nyals was breathing deeply as he taught Williams to do. :: Nyals: You do not look sorry, you seem pretty amused, SIR. :: It was not so loud as it was firm. Nyals was trying to reach his inner calm, but even when he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate it was impossible to get rid of a picture of Doctor holding her belly laughing… laughing at him. If he was naked, he would be just naked. From her reaction, this was worse. :: Laxyn: ::chuckling:: What do you want me to do? Cry? ::She cleared her throat, trying to focus on not laughing but it was not easy. The whole stress she had been through for months, ever since looking up that rifle on Izar, seemed to become cracks, just in the worst moment.:: So… what is that get up for? Nyals: I am a gymnast; I was getting ready for exercise when you called me. :: He coughed preparing to continue. :: Gymnastics is good for whole body; developing strength, balance and flexibility. It helps developing healthy lifestyle and prevents numerous health ailments. ::sigh:: It should also raise the self-esteem, though sometimes may drop IT, too. oO I am not a clown. However, from her reaction it looks like I am. Oo Laxyn: ::Her laughter had stopped by now and she listened fascinated.:: Really, a Gymnast? I always thought that those are small. Nyals: I was Academy champion in Cyr Wheel. :: He pouted looking up to avoid her gaze. :: I am equally good in German Wheel, but there were better than me in that discipline. Laxyn: That is quite impressive. I mean that. Nyals: You sounded as it is emergency, Sir. :: He finally nailed that light in his chest and started to calm crazy beating of his heart. :: I regard my job seriously, Sir. Laxyn: I could say the same. You sent the note that you wanted to speak with me. So.. ::She gestured towards the seat in front of the table. :: .. what can I do for you? Nyals: I wanted to talk to you, to see what makes you tick and how you think. You are my direct superior and we are going to work closely together. :: He had to stop and breathe deep again few times before he could proceed. :: We obviously did not start well; I thought talking might change that. :: He stood straight and rigid, still looking up and avoiding her gaze. :: :: She took the saucer with her teacup and headed to the desk, noticing that he had not looked at her, so he hadn’t seen the gesture. Placing the tea on the desk she sat down in her seat and leaned back. :: Laxyn: Please, sit down. I wouldn’t want to get a stiff neck. ::smiling:: Nyals: Yes Sir. ::He sat as ordered. :: Laxyn: ::Watching him, though avoiding his eyes and thought about his request. And he was right, that they really did have a weird start, one she would want to forget about, even though she had not been responsible for how she reacted to that gas.:: Well the first thing you should know about me is that I am not very formal, despite my rank and position. Nyals: Yes Sir. oO Can you see me, really see me, Lieutenant Commander? No woman ever touched me the way you did in the turbolift. She is engaged, I must not think like that. I cannot tell her what I feel... how I feel. Oo Laxyn: That means I prefer to be simply called Jalana, especially in Sick Bay but also generally. We are colleagues at first, the rank is just some extra metal. That whole ‘Sir’ thing makes me feel incredibly old. Nyals: Yes… :: Cringe :: Jalana. Ma’am, I wanted to ask you, how old are you. :: Nyals cringed again, but it was impossible to retract the words. :: Laxyn: ::smiling:: If you are relating to Trills being ‘older’ than they look… No, I am not joined at this point, so I am the age you see in front of you, 30 Earth years. Nyals: Do you plan to join? Do you have a wish? oO Am I too direct, will she notice? Oo Laxyn: Yes, I have a remote Mentor. She was on the Apollo before, but got transferred, we keep in touch though and continue the mentorship until the commission is satisfied with her reports. Nyals: It is good to know. Laxyn: Well, what is it you want to know, Nyals? Nyals: You are joking a lot. :: He was badly out of tact, but she was making him nervous. :: :: The Trill tilted her head slightly and couldn’t help but smirk. He was direct and blunt, she did not mind at all. :: Laxyn: I take my job serious, while I am not by the book. I know when to be sober, well as we just have seen not always but mostly, but I like to take everything with a good portion of humour. Anything else? Nyals: Are you in a hurry? oO I cannot lie. I must tell her. Oo Laxyn: No, why are you asking? Nyals: You are trying to end this conversation and it is making me nervous. oO Because I do not want to talk, but feel good close to you, cannot you notice that? I am intoxicated with her, what is wrong with me? Oo Laxyn: I’m not trying that.. Nyals: “Anything else?” as the end of the sentence or response sounds same as “dismissed”. Laxyn: Then you are mishearing. I merely asked if you want to know anything else, nothing else. :: He seemed to be satisfied with the answer, because he went right on in the conversation. :: Nyals: Let us talk about serious things first? I have a few questions about the reports. :: He paused. :: Do you believe that as counselor I have a right to keep some information out of the reports? oO Those spots at the edge of her hairline are so kissable. I want to kiss her there. Oo :: She blinked slightly, placing her hands in each other as she curiously looked at the man before her. :: Laxyn: What do you mean? Nyals: Do you expect me to report everything to you or maybe you prefer to do not know? Sometimes Officers tell counselor things that may be very personal and told to explain some reaction, but may be understood wrong if were taken out of context of the whole picture. Do I have to include it all in my reports? oO Like my juvenile record... Oo Laxyn: You are the Counselor. I am not reading your counseling files and I will read a report only if you mark it as having importance to my job. Some CMOs might do that, but I believe in the confidence between Doctor and patient.. that also goes for Counselor and their clients. I do suggest to file in your report as detailed as possible without breaking that confidentiality unless it is important that the Leadership has to know. For example if it influences their ability to do their duty or are a danger to the ship, that is something at least the CO would have to know. :: He went right on to the next question and she wondered if he was just nervous or trying to get a feel for what was okay. Since he was new, she thought that both could be a factor in that. :: Nyals: Since my job is round the clock. It is not something I will never change. If anyone needs me I am available. Do you expect me to be in my office at some exact times or it is fine with you that I am commbadge away at all times? :: Jalana was pretty surprised about that question. She never had a Counselor ask her these things so she was caught a little off guard. He possibly just wanted to make sure that he did not step on her toes or something like that, since it was his first position as Counselor and he was new to the whole process.:: Laxyn: You do your job the way it works for you. Nyals: I understand that crew evaluations must be done seriously, with some ugly questions. I will always perform them in my office. :: He sighed. :: Do you expect me to perform all Counseling sessions in my office or other parts of the ward? Laxyn: Your position is not confined to your office, just as mine is not confined to Sick Bay. If someone needs my help they need the help, same goes for you. Nyals: Do you accept meditation and hypnosis as acceptable counseling techniques? :: His lack of reaction to her answers and jumping from question to question amused her but she tried to keep that to herself, so he would not think that she would laugh at him - again. But it reminded her so much of herself when she had just come aboard the Apollo. She had been thrown right into action because the CMO back then had been on an away mission, but after Sidney had been back Jalana could almost not stop asking questions. She smiled gently and leaned forward. :: Laxyn: Nyals. You are the counselor, not me. I might be the Chief Medical Officer but I will not interfere into your job or tell you how to do it. Nyals: I must thank you for your understanding, Sir. oO I must ask her. I should tell her. Oo This is personal question, but do mind that I will ask it officially sooner or later, but right now you don’t have to answer it. I have heard that you are engaged with a member of the crew who is often leaving on the missions for Starfleet Intelligence. How do you cope with it? :: After being all business she had not expected that question. Especially now that she actually wanted to not think about Viktor still not being back. She looked down to her engagement ring, took a breath and shook her head a little. :: Laxyn: Viktor has not left for Intelligence once since we are together. The only time he had to leave was for personal reasons. There is not much to cope but missing him, thankfully there are subspace messages and such. Nyals: Do you have children or any other dependent? Do you plan to bring anyone aboard now that we have ship with civilian contingent? Laxyn: ::Laughing slightly:: No. I do not have children or anyone else that would depend on me apart from my patients. And we already had civilians before on the Apollo. ::She thought about what she had just said and added with another shake of her head.:: But of course you cannot know that since you have never been on it. Nyals: Thank you, I truly appreciate your answers. Do you have questions for me, S..:: cough :: Jalana? Laxyn: Since you know these things about me now… do you have family? Like a girlfriend, wife.. boyfriend, husband? Nyals: No family, but I have a dependent. Laxyn: And will they join us here? Nyals: I hope I will be allowed to bring somebody aboard. Laxyn: ::raising her brows:: Oh really? So, who is it? Nyals: Dosea Hosie. We lived in same orphanage… she is like a sister to me. Laxyn: So you are close with her? ::She had not seen him show much expression of emotion since he was on board so it made her smile to think that he might have this other side they had not seen yet. :: Nyals: oO Am I imagining this? Was that question sounding a bit jealous? It is just my wish. Oo I have not seen her for several years before meeting her on the party at the Academy campus. :: He cringed thinking of the day. :: She was drunk, drugged and was looking for customers. Yes, “that” meaning of customers. :: Jalana had of course heard enough and was old enough to know what he was talking about and she could imagine that it was not easy for him to see someone in that position that was like a sister to him. She decided to not ask more about her, at least not for now. :: Laxyn: Well I do hope I’ll get to meet her. ::Leaning back again.:: Tell me about P’Jem, please. You mentioned it during Dial’s party. Nyals: Well. :: He was not sure how much he was ready to tell her. :: I had trouble adapting to life in orphanage. Master Fabol knew me from before; when he offered to take me to P’Jem, government officials decided it is best for everyone. Laxyn: I am curious what would bring you to live that big part of your life there and how this experience has been for you. Nyals: At the start it was hard. :: Hard was understatement, but Nyals was ashamed of that time and did not want to talk about it. :: With time, I got used to order. :: Jalana watched the man before her and had the feeling that there was something he did not want to say. She was tempted to ask about it, but on the other hand it was not her business. Maybe he would tell her one day when they knew each other better after some time to work together, but right now she was almost a stranger to him, so she understood. There were things she did not talk about either. :: Laxyn: You mentioned that this Master Fabol knew you from before. Before the orphanage? Nyals: My… well mother probably, left me at the door of the Fana Monastery in the woods of the northern Dalar. Master Fabol was visiting the monastery often. I lived there until I was old enough for school. They were not suited to raise a child and I was like a wild animal. :: Now that was interesting. A wild animal? Jalana could hardly imagine him as such and was curious about what that actually meant. But he seemed uncomfortable talking about all this. .oO Maybe later, when we know each other better Oo. Again she left the topic and steered towards a question that sounded safer for Nyals. :: Laxyn: P’Jem is Vulcan if I’m not all wrong about it. Does that mean you follow the Vulcan philosophy? Nyals: My emotions were tamed; I mastered emotion suppression techniques needed to control my body and mind. oO Though it may fail sometimes. That is it, sensory failure. When she touched me, she caused disbalance. It caused my unusual body reactions when I am near her and that is why I have a need to stay close. I enjoy emotions I did not feel before. Oo Laxyn: Is that difficult? From your file I saw that you are Betazoid, that is quite .. different from Vulcan. Or didn’t you have much background in your Betazoid roots before going there? Nyals: It was… I did not… :: He was on a slippery ground. :: I remember my life in the woods. I remember Fana Priests fighting and me learning to follow them. I remember arrival to the city and the walls surrounding me, which were choking. I remember running away from it, but I could not escape. My first travel in the ship was shocking experience... :: He suddenly stopped talking. All the memories, together with her presence were too much. Sensory overload made him holding to the chair so tight his fingers hurt. However, his face kept calm as the night. :: :: Her eyes dropped to his hands, seeing his knuckles turn white and she knew that his face was only a facade. She apparently did hit a bad spot there and looked up to his eyes again and softened her voice. :: Laxyn: I apologize if that is too personal, I do not wish to intrude in your privacy. Nyals: Commander. :: He practically whispered it. :: It is too late. :: He opened to her as he never opened to anyone and while he wanted it, it scared him. Nyals was confused, he felt so much at the same time he could not control it. He knew his control was failing him. :: Laxyn: ::She was not sure what he was referring to and quietly asked:: Too late for what, Nyals? Nyals: There is no easy way to say that. There is no proper way to say it either. Just straight to the point. Laxyn: ::Her confusion only grew. It seemed like he was in his own little bubble that she did not have access too. She resisted the urge to furrow her brows. :: Say what? Nyals: I have a crush on you. :: He watched her with eyes wide... scared. He was scared from the words he just uttered. :: :: That she had not expected and her eyes grew almost as wide as his. Did she hear him correctly? Did he say a crush? Her mouth opened but what was she going to say? Thank you? Oh? Why?... No, nothing came out, she just looked at him, not even able to whisper a word in her surprise. :: Nyals: No woman ever touched me the way you did. It caused sensory failure and when you are close I cannot concentrate and my heart is beating fast and… :: Nyals jumped from the chair and vanished from her office and from sickbay before she could even inhale to say something. :: :: Jalana was stunned and speechless. Her mouth remained empty of words as he suddenly jumped up like stung by a bee and literally ran out of Sick Bay, followed only by her eyes. What had he said? Sensory failure.. was that what had happened when she had been under the influence of the gas? They would have to work together! It took her several moments before she finally found her voice and only one word left mirroring her confusion and surprise. :: Laxyn: What? :: Nyals was running through the ship. It was late evening and good for him was that only few engineers from the yards were still working on the ship. He entered the opened shaft to Jefferies tube and crawled through it until reached junction, then chose the way up and then crawled and climbed, until he reached Deck 4. After some walk, he reached gym where he left his wheels and when assembled both he exercised and exercised. Nyals knew he could not continue when he grips the wheel so lousy it twisted his hand until he felt a crack of the ruptured ligaments. Nyals did not care. Pain was familiar feeling, one he could control. :: --- Lieutenant Commander Jalana Laxyn Chief Medical Officer / Second Officer USS Apollo-A & Ensign Nyals Counselor USS Apollo-A
  19. (( Quarters Laxyn/Lanius )) :: As good as it was for Jalana to distract herself with work, talking with Dr. Mike and Nyals and exploring the new Sick Bay, at some point she had to return into her quarters and that point had come sooner than she had expected. Upon return she had hoped to find him in their quarters, waiting for her with an explanation why she had not seen him for a few days, but all that greeted her was quiet emptiness and that has it been ever since. :: :: The night had been short and empty and her morning walk had not helped to calm her down. With a sigh she kicked off her shoes and dropped on the couch, turning slightly to look out of the window, seeing metal bars that held the ship in position and behind it Station 1. Maybe she should get over there and try to keep her mind off things. But instead she wanted to stay here, wait, wishing that the doors opened any moment and he would stand there with his [...]y smile and tell her that he just had a few too much to drink with his buddies and got carried away. Or anything that would make sense really. What was going on? :: :: Sun wanted to wait until they had enough information regarding what was going on with Viktor before talking to Jalana. While she didn't have all the details, and she wasn't sure if she would ever have all the information, she knew that if Jaxx disappeared like this, she wouldn't be able to handle it. So the longer she waited to tell her friend what she knew, the more pain her friend was going to go through. There was a different kind of pain that came with not knowing, than with knowing. :: :: Straightening her uniform, she walked towards the quarters that were assigned to her friend, the quarters that she was sure Jalana thought Viktor would be sharing with her. Taking a deep breath, she rung the bell. :: :: When the ringer of the bell went off she literally jumped off the couch and crossed the living room with running steps. That must be him, he had not been on board yet so maybe the computer did not recognize him as inhabitant yet. She almost banged into the door, if it were not for her slithering over the ground on her bare feet. With a bang of her hand, that was still in motion, on the opener next to the door the wings of it swooshed open and Jalana's heart dropped. :: Laxyn: Oh. :: Sun could only imagine who her friend was expecting when the door opened, maybe she was thinking that the computer wasn't programmed to recognize Viktor. But, she didn't take the tone of the word personally, or least she tried not to. :: Faranster: Hmmm... Not exactly the friendliest greeting I've gotten... Laxyn: What? No.. sorry. Come in. :: Sun stepped forward over the threshold as she spoke. :: Faranster: I probably should have contacted you first, I feel like I disappointed you. Laxyn: I thought it's Viktor. Do you want something to drink? :: Sun looked around the room, she knew Jalana was waiting for Viktor, it would have been what Sun had done. But the words, made it harder for her eyes to meet Jalana's. She was delivering almost the worst news possible, and the possible reactions Jalana could have. For the moment she focused on the offer of a drink. :: .oO That's right Sun, take this visit one step at a time. Oo. Faranster: Sure, a glass of water would be fine. :: The Trill walked up to the replicator and got their glasses of water, before walking to the seating corner and put both down. :: Laxyn: Please, sit. How was your shore leave? Did you and Jaxx have a nice time? :: After carefully picking out her seat, Sun sat, and picked up the glass of water, taking a sip.. She was glad that she had decided to wear the ring Jaxx gave her, on a chain, under her uniform. Not that she wanted to hide the news from her friend, but now wouldn't have been the proper time to discuss it. Right now, she was here for Jalana, so she needed to try to steer the conversation that direction. :: Faranster: It feels short, but I enjoyed my time. I did have to share my time with him, with his new duties... :: Jalana had leaned back, just to change her position again placing her arms on her knees, holding her glass, before sitting back again, pulling up her feet and took a sip. She then looked at her friend in surprise. :: Laxyn: New duties? Don't tell me he is leaving. Faranster: Rear Admiral... Apparently that's what got us all on this beautiful ship. Laxyn: Oh! That is great news. I'll need to congratulate him. You mentioned new duties, so I take it that some things change. Faranster: It requires more work, but I've been spending some time showing Shel Earth and the ship, when Jaxx is busy and I am not. Laxyn: ::smiling slightly:: It is nice that you got to spend time with your brother. I am sure he appreciated it. :: Jalana wished she could have spent her time with someone too, but of course that someone just did not show up when he was supposed to, and her family would have not been too happy to see her on their doorstep. Or so she assumed. :: :: Sun realized she was doing a lousy job of directing the conversation towards Viktor. Perhaps it was not wanting to break her friend's heart. But she needed to get to what she came to do. Why did the jerk have to go and get arrested? Surely he knew that when they headed back to Earth, there was a chance they would catch up to him, given his crime. :: Faranster: .oO I wish I was direct like my brother sometimes... Oo. :: She put down her glass of water and looked at her friend. :: I am sorry I didn't visit with you sooner. Laxyn: It's okay, you were busy with Jaxx and Shelter. Faranster: I can tell by the way you answered the door, that something is wrong. .oO And I am not sure if I am going to make it better. Oo. Laxyn: :: Jalana sighed and dropped against the backrest of the couch.:: That obvious huh? Faranster: :: Nodding. :: Just a bit. I don't think that's quite the way you mean to greet a friend, or least I hope not. :: She let out a half hearted laugh. :: Laxyn: When Viktor and I left the Aegis we arranged to meet in our quarters here just a bit later. That has been days ago. I am going crazy worrying that something might have happened to him. Especially now that we are going to leave again.. ::looking up to Sun:: We cannot just leave without him. :: Her friend was as worried as Sun had suspected, of course Sun would have been surprised if Jalana wasn't worried. Part of her wanted to reach forward and give her a hug now, the other part told her that she needed to deliver the news, and then do whatever her friend needed of her. :: Faranster: I'm really sorry...:: She pursed her lips, they weren't leaving without Viktor, because Viktor was no longer with them, but that wasn't the way her friend would see it. :: Laxyn: ::Looking up to her friend and watching her for a moment. She had the impression that her friend knew something she did not tell her.:: Sun.. if you know something you need to tell me. Faranster: Jalana, can you put your glass down for a moment? :: When Sun spoke her request she was confused but then put her glass down on the table, shoving away some padds and other little things she had put there before she would sort them into their rightful places and looked at Sun with an expecting expression in her eyes that were filled with worry. :: Faranster: :: Sun tried to figure out the words to say. :: There were some attacks on Earth while Viktor was there, before we were on the Aegis. Faelrun Lanius III, and some associates of his were murdered in a titranium mill that was later destroyed, and the doctor that was tending to Mary Anne McCollough Lanius was attacked. :: Sun looked at Jalana, watching her reaction, this was part of what led up to the news, but it wasn't it. :: :: Listening to the words her face went pale. She had been there not that long ago and met these people. Well she had only seen his father, but the meeting with him had not been too well, but that he was dead now.. she could not believe it. His mother has not been well and the hospital she had been in was not the best, but why would the doctor be attacked? :: Laxyn: We have to tell Viktor, he will want to know that. Faranster: There was one suspect, and the authorities tracked him down. Because of the line of work of the suspect, I had a hard time shaking loose enough details, which is why it took so long to come to you. :: She paused, giving Jalana a moment to process where she was going. :: :: She pulled her brows together trying to wrap around what Sundassa was saying. If anyone should know, it was Viktor. Maybe she had thought to find him here? :: Laxyn: Why to me? Faranster: Jalana, Viktor is their only suspect, he was arrested on Starbase 1. Shel saw the arrest, but didn't know who it was. I suppose I hoped he tried contacting you, or having his lawyer contact you, while I tried figuring out what was going on. But, by what Jaxx has told me, it's not looking good. Viktor has been cut loose from Starfleet... :: It was like a huge hole opened up beneath her seat and swallowed her whole. Viktor was the only suspect? That was .. no. He could not be. :: Laxyn: That is impossible. :: Sun took a deep breath, she knew her friend would have a hard time with this. Denial was to be expected. :: Faranster: I don't know... Laxyn: Sun! Viktor would not do something like that! :: Sun wanted to believe her friend, but what she was able to shake loose on the investigation didn't allow her. For some reason, she felt like the man was off a bit, when he came back. But she didn't spend much time interacting with him since. :: Faranster: Jalana, are you sure there wasn't anything strange about his behavior, anything that might make you think he was capable of this? :: Sun spoke quietly, trying to figure out a way to get Jalana to tell her why it was impossible, or least realize that it was possible. :: :: Jalana stood up from the couch and walked up to the window. She had noticed that Viktor had been different, off from his usual self. He had been more distant and did not talk much with her, he also had a lot of these things to do he did not keep her around for or did not talk about. But could he actually do something like that? Could he really kill his own father and attack a doctor? She thought back to the visit on Earth they had made together and the way he had acted against his father and the people occupying the farm. He had been so angry.... :: ((Flashback - Earth Ireland - About a year ago)) Lanius: Where's Faelrun? He has to be here somewhere... McCready: Aye :: in a thick irish accent :: But ya can't see em. Not until I say it's okay. Not until... Voice: Mac... that's enough... :: He recognized the voice almost instantly. He knew that hard as stone voice from back in the [...]les of his childhood. It was his father. :: :: This felt strange, not at all as Viktor had described his home to her in the past. He was definitely right when he thought, that something was wrong. She was not sure why this man did not want him to see his own father, when he was apparently around. Carefully Jalana placed her hand on the small of Vik's back, a gesture she did not even think about.:: :: Then the new voice joined, authority swung in it that made her want to stand attention. Supressing that urge she turned her head to the source of that voice and the first thing she noticed was that the man had this ridge on his forehead, just like Viktor had it. Knowing it was an Acamarian trait she had no doubt that this would be his father. And that surprised her, he did not appear like a smooth talker to her as Vik had mentioned earlier. And that was not the only thing that was off to her. :: Faelrun: Boy... :: cracking a smile :: You're home... :: He held his hands out to the sides, as if expecting a hug. :: Lanius: Father... :: There were no words on the tip of his tongue. He was dressed in fine clothing, a suit and tie or sorts. Vik had thought about it on the way down, that his father must've had something to do with all this in some way, but the way things were shaping up, the way he talked to those lackeys, the way he was dressed. This was no farming man, no honest, hard working man at all. He was a thug. A want-to-be mobster from an age that died long ago along with his pride and integrity. Viktor's anger began to turn into rage. He and he released Jal's hand, realizing that he could've hurt her with the tightening of his fist. His worst fears had come true. :: Lanius: I see you've got yourself a fine little establishment here. Doing well? :: His tone was almost crazy sounding, but soft. He didn't look up to him until the very end of his statement. He looked him square in the eyes. :: Faelrun: Oh boy... enough. This had to happen. I suppose you're talking about the farm? Lanius: Right... I'm sure you throwing away your culture, your livelihood... had to happen... Didn't it. :: His voice unchanging. :: Faelrun: You know me... you know I can't finance my way out of a paper bag boy... Tallke offered me a way out. A couple actually. He said I could pay back my debt by selling the farm. Or I could keep it and work for him. I just figured... Lanius: :: interrupting him :: Where's mother... Faelrun: You're Ma... she's... Lanius: Where... is... Mother? :: He looked up again, his voice squaring up with him. :: Faelrun: She's... in a home. It's all paid for! Tallke made sure of that... I just. :: His eyes flashed over for a moment. He couldn't even process what he had just heard. His mother was... in a home? He didn't even know what that meant. He really did know what it meant, but he just couldn't fathom that the shell of a man... of a beast that was standing in front of him, had done that. It took everything in him not to pull that phaser, point it straight at the man's head and press the button. His eyes narrowed... He was inches from losing his mind. :: Lanius: Where... :: voice still stern and low :: Faelrun: English quarter. Weatherly Place. Lanius: :: turning to Jal, :: Let's move. I've seen enough. :: The Trill was not quite sure what to make of all that. She did not know Faelrun, but she was quite sure that he was not the man that Viktor knew. Instead of the expected farmer's clothing he wore a suit and the way he talked.. somehow it sent chills down her spine. She nodded to Viktor and turned to head back to the shuttle.:: :: And just as he turned away, he heard the withered frail soul behind him speak. :: Faelrun: Oh, come on boy? No hug for dear ole dad? Lanius: :: he turned, keeping his hands near his sides. He moved within inches of the man's face, the goon guards coming in a bit closer, he leaned forward over the man's shoulder and whispered into his ear. :: You're dead to me... deader than your pride was when you sold out our name and our integrity. :: in Acamarian tongue :: Tu'lale Viocadre unt vio... :: He never spoke Acamarian... especially the words he had just spoken unto the man in front of him. :: :: Turning back to them when she heard the voices she saw Viktor getting right up into his father's face. She knew how angry he was, it was like a dark aura around his whole body, deep and flaring like a forest fire. She did not understand the last words, but she didn't have to. Before Vik could do anything he might regret later, even if he would not think so now, she stepped over to the men and placed her hand into his, reminding him that she was here with him, without looking at his father.:: Laxyn: ::Quietly:: Come. Let's see your mother. :: He could do little now but turn from him, and as he moved away he could feel a hand land on his forearm, trying to pull him back. He threw the arm away, heading for the shuttle. Jal needed no que to follow. He was dancing an awful ballet of anger, sadness and hatred at that moment as he walked towards the shuttle, the look of pure hate in his eyes... his long coat blew in the wind, with Jal at his side. It was raining now, the rain flowing off of his face. Faelrun stood at the entrance to his world, watching all that he had left of his family leave in an argo. He did little but turn and walk back into the compound. :: ((/Flashback)) :: The memory brought her a nagging thought she did not want to have. But the voice kept whispering .oO Yes, he could have done it. He hated his father. He hated that his mother had to be in such a situation. He he said that his father was dead to him. If you would not have been there who knows what he had done. Oo. A dark knot formed in her stomach, pulling her being together in its iron fist. Why... why did he do that? She could not bear that her conviction of him being innocent suddenly had changed into the doubtless thoughts that he had done the unthinkable.:: :: Moments passed, and Sun had been watching her friend from the seat, before standing and walking across the room. The quiet was disturbing, and she didn't have Jaxx's ability to sense her friend's emotions. Instead she had to rely on how she would feel in a similar situation and what she knew of her friend. :: Faranster: Jalana... Are you alright? :: Sun's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, but she kept staring out into the darkness of space, only interrupted by the metal of the claw holding the ship. She had to close her eyes when a wave of anger washed through her. How could he do that to her... to them? They had their whole life planned out, together as a family, even getting kids at some point and now he had gone and done something that stupid. So reckless without thinking about anything but his revenge. He had *killed* his father. Her hand clenched around the hem of her shirt, forcing herself to at least appear calm and whispered. :: Laxyn: I am fine. :: There was something about the way her friend was holding herself that told her something wasn't right. Adding the tone of voice when Jalana responded, Sun wasn't convinced. Sun stepped closer to Jalana, watching the fabric on her friend's sleeves move slightly as her fingers tightened on the skirt. :: Faranster: You don't seem alright, are you sure you are alright? :: It was not the words or the repeated question, but the whole pressure of the recent months, the worry, the stress and what Viktor had done crashed over her like a Tsunami, crushing her fragile being under it, making her want to fight, not only the wave but everything that had happened. Without really being able to control herself her arm slung itself backwards against Sundassa, hitting her in the attempt to push her away as her other arm got caught in the plant podest at the window which was then thrown through the room with her lashing out. :: :: Sun had started reaching out to her friend, when suddenly things changed. Whatever was going on in Jalana's mind, caused her to twist hitting Sun in her side, pushing her to the side. Quickly stepped backwards, tripping over her feet and falling on her butt, to avoid any further strikes, which luckily allowed her to not get hit by AFOs (angrily flung objects). :: Laxyn: ::screaming:: I SAID I AM FINE! Faranster: .oO You are not fine... Oo. Okay... :: The sudden jerk around twisted her leg in a way that she dropped down on her knees, shaking as she tried to contain the anger she felt raging in her veins, clenching her hands to fists on the rug that she began to drum on to let out her feelings. :: :: Standing, Sun watched her friend take out her rage, on the floor, she wished she had thought ahead to bring something to calm her friend. Sun was banking on her friendship, and realized that might not be enough with the way her friend reacted. Right now she was okay beating on the floor, but she wasn't sure how long Jalana would be okay with this, and wanted backup. :: Faranster: I'm just going to... :: She pressed her commbadge. :: =/\= Sundassa Faranster to Shelther Faranster, :: She lowered her voice as she stepped towards the door. :: I need something calming, at my current location... =/\= :: She didn't let him respond before closing the comms, and stepping back towards her friend. Hopefully he understood the cryptic message, as she had discussed the situation with him briefly. She might need a tranquilizer, but medkits didn't have them. When she got close, she sat down on the ground next to Jalana, just out of immediate reach. :: Faranster: Jalana... :: The Trill's fists hurt as they kept slamming against the rug on the floor, brushing over it with the coarse material, leaving reddish rashes on her skin. Her muscles grew tired but her anger had not subsided, just pushing her to continue as if the ground was the source of the endless pit of pain in her stomach. :: Jalana: NO... NO... NO... :: She kept repeating, with hoarse voice, that grew weak the more she said it. Her face reddened and wet of the tears that left her eyes. Tears of pain, of fury and loss. It hurt in a way she could have never described in words. :: .oO I can only imagine what you are going through... Oo. :: Part of her wanted to say the words, but she didn't know if they would actually provide what she needed. :: Faranster: Jalana, talk to me... Please? :: When the doors opened and her brother walked through, she felt relieved and stood to move over to him. He held up the hypospray and she nodded. Least he understood the message, and if he didn't, it was clear the way he looked at Jalana. Sun took the hypospray and held onto it as she watched Jalana. :: :: The usually sparkling green eyes were not twinkling as she looked around, searching, something to throw, to grab and tear apart.. anything. This hammering hurt her more than it helped her to deal with the pain. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard the doors open, she had not locked them and a light came in from outside, a shadow casting over the room before the light vanished again with the swooshing sound of the closing door. :: Faranster: Jalana, don't be alarmed, Shel is here... :: Shel approached Jalana, from what Sun had said about Viktor the day before, she was going through something similar, but different than what Sun had. Of course when Marseen got arrested, it was a minor thing, and Sun put on a strong and brave face once she found out that Marseen didn't appear to be wanting to come back, but he knew everyone reacted differently and Sun's reaction had ended up with her on the other side of the Universe, or least it felt like it. The thing that needed to be done, was to get the woman to calm down. :: Shelther: Commander Laxyn, can I get you something? Laxyn: Get away from me! :: Shel ducked as he moved closer to the woman, trying to avoid any lashing out. He noticed Sun moving around the other side of Jalana. They both were taller, but he didn't think Sun would be much stronger than the angry red head. :: :: Sun had moved to the other side of Jalana, worried about her brother's safety, not sure how Jalana's anger would be directed. She realized that she didn't actually know what to have expected, she thought her friend would be upset, but for her, that was crying. Now, if Jalana had Tel-ar's strength, she'd be certain the ship would be destroyed. :: Faranster: Jalana, I'm not going anywhere. You're my best friend, I am here for you, whether you like it, or not. That's why I brought you the news. :: As Jalana had not found anything as a substitute and folded her body so her forehead touched the floor, her arms wrapped around her head as her body shook, washed over by the tornado of emotions.:: Laxyn: I want to be alone! :: With Sun trying to talk to Jalana, Shel moved into a position that he could grab the woman and hold her long enough for Sun to use the hypospray. Hopefully this would happen without getting hurt, but the woman was smaller than him, and he didn't know how flexible or determined she would be. :: :: The Trill did not see that they shuffled and moved around. Instead she felt that she had trouble keeping all those feelings at bay, they teased and laughed at her, threatened to burst out and take everything with them. Her fists dug into her hair, pulled at it but the pain did not help her to focus on that, too much tumult kept her in the whirlwind. And then the whirlwind packed her to pull her away from everything. :: :: No, that was not a whirlwind. These were hands, pulling her arms back and her body upwards. Her eyes jumped open, looking around like a hunted deer, seeing the tall man hovering over her, constraining her arms. Shelter! :: Laxyn: Let me go! LET ME GO! :: Her voice sounded foreign in its shriek, she did not even know why she was filled with such a panic as he grabbed her so tight, that she could not even wiggle out of it, no matter how much she tried. :: :: Sun watched Shel grab Jalana and wrap his arms around her from behind as she kicked and thrashed. This wasn't the way she wanted things to go, but least now she could give Jalana something to calm her down. She checked the vial to confirm it was Rexlin and then doubled programmed the proper dose to sedate Jalana. :: Faranster: Try to keep her from kicking me, Shel. :: Sun approached toward the side, and tried to dodge her friend's legs as she pressed the hypospray to Jalana's neck and administered the medicine. :: :: When she felt the cool metal and heard the hissing sound, Jalana's green gaze jumped in the other direction, looking at the bright lilac hair of her best friend before her body grew limb without her control and she had the urge to close her eyes. She tried to fight against it, but lost before her mind drifted into darkness. :: :: Once Jalana relaxed in his arms, Shel moved her to the sofa, unsure what his sister expected to do with the sleeping CMO. :: Shelther: Is here alright? Faranster: Yes. :: Sun said while nodding. :: You can go back to work, I'll stay with her for now, I now need to contact Nyals and Jaxx and tell them what happened. :: Sun sighed, looking at her friend, sleeping there peacefully, at least more peacefully than she seemed in a while. She heard the doors close and assumed her brother left. :: ----- Lieutenant Commander Jalana Laxyn Chief Medical Officer / Second Officer USS Apollo, NCC-71669-A & Commander Sundassa "Bright Hair" Faranster First Officer USS Apollo, NCC-71669-A Also writing PNPC LtCmdr Shelther Faranster
  20. (( Botanical Gardens, Deck 12, USS Apollo-A )) :: She knew she could do the job, if she wanted to. But truth was, if it led her from him, she didn't want to. And there were different aspects of her career, he only seemed to be focused on one part, but before she became his First Officer, she was Assistant Chief Medical Officer, and she liked the job. :: Jaxx: And you have done so, masterfully. Faranster: I missed you terribly while I was in Command of the Aegis, while there was a part of me that liked it, it wasn't right without you. I know there will be times when our adventures have to be separate, but what I want, is to have as many of my adventures, be with you. And if that means that I have to take care of the crew and you in a different capacity, I will. Jaxx: We can talk about that capacity tomorrow. :: Things always seemed to go fast for them, but she couldn't deny that she felt better near him, than when she was away from him and she wanted him to know that she would do what she could to stay close to him. He was home to her, she had told him that before, but until this conversation, she didn't realize that he thought she might just visit home for holidays and vacations. She supposed that her admitting that she wouldn't push her career in a direction that separated them, would require further conversation. :: Faranster: Okay. Jaxx: For now... :: Sun watched curiously as her uniformed boyfriend, and Admiral moved off the bench, putting his knee in the grass. He said he had a meeting later, although they were going to their quarter's after this, so she could make sure he had to get changed. The following words filled her heart with the same warm feeling she always felt when he told her that he loved her. :: Jaxx: Sundassa Faranster...I love you, and will continue to do so every day I am alive. :: Her lips curved upward into a smile, lately she had felt like she was missing a lot, constantly being surprised with something she thought she should have known. But there were the good surprises too, the ones she didn't need to know about beforehand. Even though she was curious why he was getting grass stains on his uniform, she let herself trust his reasons. :: Faranster: I hope so, because I love you too. Jaxx: :: Sun watched as a ring was presented before he spoke. :: Will you do me the honor of being my wife? :: At some point she lost control of herself, because within moments she had her arms wrapped around his shoulders, on top of him in the grass kissing him, it took a moment for her to re-register the scents of the plants around them. She stopped kissing him, and looked down at him, into his dark eyes. Even though it was a public location, there weren't many people on the ship at the time, but she could still feel her cheeks slightly burning. She realized that she didn't actually say anything, just assaulted him with affection. :: .oO While he could, he won't read your mind to know your answer is, yes, you know that. You have to make words, Sun. Oo. Faranster: I would love to call your arms, home, for all our lives. :: She leaned her head down, touching her forehead to his. :: Yes. Jaxx: Good. If you said no, I think I might have had a security detail arrest you for attacking a flag officer. ::laughing:: :: Giggling, she moved off of him, pretty sure her dress was going to have some grass stains with the way she moved. Standing up, she brushed her skirt, inspecting to see how bad the stains were, however she could only imagine the back of his jacket. :: Faranster: Another elemental victory. :: She grinned at him, a joke that went back to the beginning with them, as she pointed to his knee. :: Jaxx: ::smirking:: Yeah, I think we were due. Faranster: I usually do well to control my impulses...I would have done the same, if I had a moment to think. :: She paused. :: But if you get any reports of a lilac haired woman, wearing a yellow dress, looking a lot like me, running and squealing through the halls, earlier today... Try to bury them. :: She couldn't help but giggle some more, it was something she wanted to do in the moment, something she thought she could get away with because of how empty the ship was. Now she was in another mood like that, having tackled Jaxx to the grass before he could even slip the ring on her finger. Now she held her hand straight, giving him the opportunity. :: Jaxx: There. Faranster: I am glad we put our quarters last on the tour. :: She smiled at Jaxx. :: Jaxx: ::smiling:: Yeah, I think this uniform has had it. ::moving toward the door:: :: Sun took his hand again as they headed towards the exit of the Botanical gardens, with their quarters being the next destination of their tour. :: Faranster: Do me a favor... Don't look at the back of your jacket... Jaxx: Luckily, I have some uniforms ready in our quarters...for moments like this. Commander Sundassa "Bright Hair" Faranster First Officer USS Apollo, NCC-71669
  21. ((Tamaiti Scott’s Quarters, USS Atlantis)) ((Ren's dream)) ::Navin was floating in space, dressed like he used to, like a Trill would, not like the Borg had done him up ten years ago. He was carrying a purple trident that glowed with terrific mystical power. He smiled broadly.:: ::Ren scoffed.:: REN: You said no more dream visits. What the hell? ::A song played around them. Sound in space. It was a familar voice, but an alien song. Something from another world.:: EMERSON: Your heart is not open so I must go The spell has been broken, I loved you so Freedom comes when you learn to let go Creation comes when you learn to say no.. ::Ren looked down and realized he was tattooed head to toe. Tattoos of Borg implants on every inch of his body. It was disgusting.:: ::Navin pointed the trident at him imperiously. He didn't say a word.:: EMERSON: There's nothing left to try There's no place left to hide REN: Why are you haunting me? NAVIN: Haunting you? ::Navin floated closer, letting the trident go. He took Ren in his arms, tenderly.:: I haven't haunted you, Ren. Don't you see it yet? I'm not here. I've been gone for years. Only you're here, only you. Alone. EMERSON: There's no greater power Than the power of good-bye.. NAVIN: You've been haunting yourself all along. EMERSON: There's nothing left to lose There's no more heart to bruise ::Ren struggled to get away. This wasn't the Borgified Navin he'd been dreaming of for years, the enemy of sleep, the stuff of nightmares. This was worse. This was Navin as he should always have been remembered, a vibrant, kind-hearted Trill, who never would have hurt Ren. Who never would have haunted him. In some ways, it had been easier to blame the fear all these years, for holding him back. It kept him from facing the loss, the despair. How good it could have been between them, if Navin had lived.:: NAVIN: You know what we have to do here, don't you, Ren? You know why I'm here in your dreams one last time. ::They weren't in space anymore. They were by the stream at the back of Uncle Wavern's fallow field, that last golden summer, when the war was over, and their lives stretched forward together into eternity, all things possible. Navin was leaving tonight, one last short tour with the Trill Defense Force. It was only a month. Nothing was going to happen. Then he would come back, and be Ren's forever.:: ::They held each other, standing there by the stream, the sun setting gloriously over Arnmere. Their kiss lit the world, chasing all fears from the burgeoning night. Only a month, then eternity. Ren could wait that long.:: ::He waited ten years.:: REN: I don't want to see this! Our lives were beginning. You shouldn't have gone! NAVIN: I couldn't have done anything else. You've punished yourself for nothing, all these years. For one little word. ::Ren had told Navin that night that he didn't want to say goodbye. It was bad luck. It was a jinx. No goodbyes.:: NAVIN: You never said goodbye. EMERSON: There's no greater power Than the power of good-bye.. ::They were in space again. The voice faded away in the dark, black night, it's song of pain finished. Navin held Ren close again. The tattoos were gone. No sign of the Borg anywhere. Their kiss lit the galaxy, and chased away every bad dream.:: NAVIN: Say it to me, Ren. I know you want to. REN: Don't go. Please, don't go. NAVIN: Not that, Ren. I'm going. You'll have to let me. ::The trident reappeared. Navin gripped it tightly, and it began to pull him away from Ren, into the vast eternal night. With his free hand, Navin caressed Ren's cheek in one last moment of togetherness. He floated backwards and away, mouthing a word Ren couldn't hear in the cold of space, until he said the same word himself. With every ounce of courage he could find, after ten long years of regret and self-doubt, Ren said what he'd always wished he could.:: REN: Goodbye, Navin. Goodbye. ::Before he floated out of sight, an electric streak of purple blurred by eyes filled with tears, Navin's whisper reached Ren's ears.:: NAVIN: Goodbye. Goodbye, my love. Goodbye. ::Ren woke on Tama's couch, maybe much later.:: ::The room was darkened. Ren, still half sitting, had curled against Emerson, his head resting awkwardly on the Terran's side. It was a little inappropriate, yes, and he thought of moving. He stayed. In that brief moment of consciousness, he knew he was safe, and relaxed for the first time in years, finally at peace with the past. He let himself sleep again, slipping easily into a deeply restful slumber he hadn't known in a long time. It was the sleep of one who no longer fears the coming of dreams.:: LtJg Rendal Rennyn Helm Officer USS Atlantis NCC-74682
  22. Polling closes at 11:59pm on Sunday, October 5th. This is a run-off poll, where our general membership will choose from the top sims of 2014 Rounds 14-20 to find the best sim that will proceed to the final round of the contest. Please read the sims below, which were chosen by a panel of judges (one from each ship) to find the best sims from each round of Set 3: Round 14: Toni Turner & James, "Dinner"Round 15: T'Lea & Dade Adarnis, "A Fitting End"Round 16: Tyr Waltas, "When the Demons Come"Round 17: Della Vetri & T'Lea, "You're hired, so deal with it."Round 18: Alleran Tan, "Missing This"Round 19: Quinn Reynolds & Roshanara Rahman, "Explanations, Or the Absence Thereof"Round 20: Rode Mitchell, "Memories"Vote for the sim which is best written. We recommend looking for strong characterization and evocative or descriptive scene-setting. If any crew is found "stuffing the ballot" -- having everyone on the crew vote for the same sim to ensure it proceeds to the final round -- that crew will be eliminated from the contest for the remainder of the year. Good luck to the nominees!
  23. Ambassador Della Vetri - Extreme Babysitting ((ZSC Supreme Vigilance, Turbolift)) :: Having left the bridge, Della was using the ride in the turbolift to indulge in what were by this point probably at least fourth thoughts about what she was about to do. Her comment about her mental shielding hadn't been an idle one, and now here she was about to shove herself head-first into what promised to be the emotional equivalent of a fusion reactor.:: :: Not, all in all, one of the things she would have put on her list of "things I'd love to do today".:: :: On the other hand, she wasn't doing it for her *own* sake, and if there was one thing she was reasonably sure of, it was that a horde of children, fresh from whatever nightmare experience they'd just been living, were going to need someone around that quite plainly *wasn't* involved in the business of hurting people.:: :: She had no doubt that at least some of the marines they had around would be utterly brilliant when dealing with kids - it was just not the time to start experimenting along those lines.:: :: The lift doors opened, and she took a deep breath to try and steady herself, shoving every ounce of mental effort she could summon into shoring up the barriers between her psionic senses and the outside world as she started heading down the corridor the short distance needed to reach the lounge.:: :: It didn't help as much as she might have liked.:: :: Even before she'd reached the door, she could feel the emotional blaze on the other side, and it took a concerted effort of will to force herself through. What greeted her on the other side of the door was about what she'd expected, though in far more luxurious surroundings than she might have counted on. It seemed senior Suzerainty officers got to enjoy quite a bit of the high life when off duty...:: :: Far more important than that, though, was the fact that there were quite plainly two groups of people here. Near the door, trying to look as unthreatening as possible, were a pair of Starfleet marines who gave the impression that they'd much rather be a lot of other places. Occupying a large portion of the rest of the room was a, well, horde of Zalkonian children of various ages, giving off an almost living aura of fear, distrust, and perhaps more tellingly, almost totally hopeless resignation.:: :: Another thing that struck her was the fact that apart from the sounds of breathing and the occasional rustle of movement, the room was utterly silent.:: :: Time to bite the bullet...:: Vetri: Okay, first thing I need to ask - is anyone hurt? :: She kept her tone brisk and businesslike, with none of the exaggerated cheer or cuteness that people often put on when talking to children. The merest glance was enough to tell anyone with half a brain cell that these kids had seen too much of the dren life could throw out to be impressed by such a tack.:: :: There was no answer from anyone, but it was impossible to miss the way attention shifted to focus on her even more than it already had. being on the receiving end of that much scrutiny was... uncomfortable, but she pressed on.:: Vetri: No? Good. In that case, we can try and skip forward to the nicer bits. :: She made a deliberate show of shooing the two marines into a corner, away from the kids and hopefully making the point that the guys with guns were not the ones in charge around here. Somehow, and she had *no* idea how it happened, what resulted was an odd little pantomime that had both of the marines sloping off into the corner looking sheepish and for all the world like they were being sent to sit on the naughty step. For that matter, the Caitian one of the pair managed to make his eras and tail droop in a truly spectacular display of fake dejection. :: :: Given the flare of amusement - grim as it was - she sensed from a couple of the kids, the fact the pair of them were playing along without any sort of hesitation at all was definitely helping.:: Vetri: Right, you two sit there, be quiet, and behave yourselves. ::turning back to the children:: Just so you all know, my name is Della, and I'm here to make sure that you are all as comfortable and looked after as we can get. I'll apologise straight away for the fact that things are a little... unsettled, right now, but we're working on fixing that. :: No response at all, which she pretty much expected. At least they seemed to be *listening* to her, though.:: Vetri: Somewhere in this room, I know we have one of these... ::pointing at the commbadge pinned to her jacket:: ...that one of you was given. Now, I'm not wanting it back, I'd just like to know where it is - my friend Hella would probably like it back eventually. :: A subtle shift in the group drew her eye, and she was a little disappointed to see that it was a few of the kids pulling away slightly from one of their number. The reason for it was easy enough to spot, though, glinting in the child's hand. Just as easy to see was the rather disturbing fact that apart from the commbadge the only thing the little girl had was a Starfleet uniform jacket wrapped tightly around her - one she strongly suspected had been donated by one of the Marines, given the colouring.:: :: Any thought at all as to *why* such a donation might have been necessary ws ruthlessly shoved aside, and Della made her tone stay casual as she addressed the little female.:: Vetri: You have it? Great. Keep hold of it for me, would you? You've kept it safe so far, so I think we can trust you to keep doing it. ::looking around:: Also, I think I should say thank you for taking such good care of it. After all, if you hadn't kept hold of it, I wouldn't have been able to scoop you all up and get you here. :: This time, when she looked around the room, she made a bit of a show of just how tacky she thought the overblown decoration really was.:: Vetri: And just as soon as I can, I think I'll see about getting the bits together for you to redecorate in here. I know *my* girls love doing it... especially the littlest. ::smiling at the smallest of the children she could see:: She's about your age, actually. Child: What are you going to do with us. :: Outwardly, Della just glanced at the boy, one of the eldest in the group, as she listened to his question. Inside, however, she practically jumped for joy at the fact that his challenging demand for answers was coming her way at all.:: Vetri: You got a name, kid? Doesn't matter much if you don't want to give it to me, just thought I'd ask. :: With a stubborn set to his jaw, he stayed silent, and Della just shrugged amiably once again.:: Vetri: Probably wouldn't answer that myself, if I were you. No worries, was just being curious. To answer your question, though... ::she pointed at the replicator on the wall:: I'm declaring open season on that thing, just don't make yourselves sick. I'm also going to see about getting some stuff in here to make it a little more homey, so if there's anything you want then let me know and I'll see what I can do. We're not planning to be on this ship for long, though, so I apologise in advance if I can get everything done for you. :: There was some quiet muttering among the group, and Della waited for a minute or so before speaking up again.:: Vetri: I *am* going to need to start getting names soon, I'm afraid. *But*, that's so I can arrange something else for you. You know how grown-ups always seem to be the ones in charge? Well, *this* time, it's the other way around - we have a cargo bay full of adults, and I would *very* much like to be able to find some kids they belong to. That way, I can put them in the care of people who have a decent grip on what the next little while is supposed to be about for you guys. Child: Which is what? :: Somewhere along the line, either she'd gotten used to it or the emotional pressure around her had actually eased. Either way, Della felt a lot less buffeted than she had been when she walked in, and that in turn let the laugh that came out of her mouth sound smooth and easy as she wandered over to the replicator.:: Vetri: You tell me, kiddo. I'm just here to make sure you stay safe. :: Calling up the menu listing on the replicator, she browsed it for a moment, then looked over her shoulder at the children.:: Vetri: Could someone tell me what the heck Vethaberry caramel pie is, and whether it's as tooth-rottingly cakey as it sounds? Girl: It's really nice... but we never get anything more than boring plastic dinners. :: With a sly grin, Della pointed at the young girl and beckoned her over. With obvious reluctance, she obeyed, looking more than a little nervous about what opening her mouth had let her in for. As a matter of fact, that turned out to be far less daunting than she might have feared.:: Vetri: You just volunteered to be in charge of cakes. Go nuts. ::to the rest:: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we need to at least *pretend* to be organised around here, or this is going to get horribly messy. ::pausing, and pretending to think about it:: Actually, who cares about the mess. Turner: =/\= Turner to Vetri, is everything alright?=/\= :: At the sound of the voice over the comm, everything went still again, apart from Della, who tapped her commbadge to respond.:: Vetri: =/\= That depends. We seem to be trying to decide whether we should work the replicator into a meltdown. =/\= Turner: =/\= We will be leaving soon to rendezvous with the Thunder. =/\= Vetri: =/\= Good. The sooner we're not here, the happier I'll be. I didn't go to all the time and trouble of arranging a planet for these guys to take over just because I was bored. The sooner we get them on their way there, the sooner they can get to the serious business of being *kids*. =/\= :: And the mention of the planet had been quite deliberate. A whole other kind of stillness settled over the children as the import of what she'd said started to sink in, and she could only imagine what the response of the *adults* was going to be.:: Turner: =/\= Do you think you can go organize the adults soon? =/\= Vetri: =/\= Hell no, I'm staying here. Get someone else to organise the grown-ups. I'm staying with the important people. ::pausing for a beat as she gave the children a thoroughly cheeky grin:: They have cake. =/\= :: Or at least they would do if she could get them to actually start raiding the replicator. She'd given them enough hints that it was fine to do so, but so far there had been little sign they really trusted her enough to follow through.:: :: Hardly surprising, really.:: Vetri: =/\= Oh, speaking of cake. If you could arrange for a medic to show their face at some point, that'd be nice. *Someone* is going to make themselves sick, probably me, so having a little help on hand when that happens would be appreciated. =/\= :: And, whilst they were at it, maybe that medic could take a few moments to discretely check the kids for any problems that would need attention...:: :: Actually, that thought triggered another one - one that made use of some very large blunt instruments to get her attention. Given just how raggedy and malnourished these kids looked, what she'd been trying to get them to do was probably a truly idiotic idea. Possibly the very *worst* thing she could do to a bunch of kids so drastically underfed was put rich food into them.:: Vetri: ::muttering:: Crap... Turner: =/\= I'll send the Marine medic. He should be able to take care of them until we can get them to the Thunder's sickbay. =/\= Vetri: =/\= Something just occurred to me. Look, I need to try and figure out what needs doing around here. If you'll excuse the method, I'll just give you a peek at why... =/\= :: Closing her eyes, she concentrated, filtering her way past the various auras the clouded her sense of the ship around her until she locked in on the one she was after. Carefully, she reached out to it in a particular special way, and slipped an image of the children as she'd first seen them into Toni's awareness.:: ::Toni soon envisioned the images of hollow-eyed terror, gastric distension, lethargy, and malnourished and bruised bodies. Tears blurred her eyes, and her medical training kicked in.:: Turner:=/\= Yes, stay with them, but take cake off the menu. Start them on a nourishing broth. It will be easier for them to tolerate food better. I'll be down to check them as soon as the teams are beamed aboard. =/\= Tag Ambassador Della Vetri Diplomatic Officer Embassy of Duronis II
  24. ((Blueheart’s Quarter’s, USS Atlantis)) ::Despite not having had a good night’s sleep, Emerson swung his legs over the side of the bed, stood up, and stretched to the ceiling with a satisfied sigh. Then he plopped himself back onto the soft, downy bed, a faint smile spreading across his face, as he picked up a PADD from the bedside table and typed a message for Raj: Hey, Hope you’ll be back in time for dinner. I’m cooking. See you soon, baby. XOXO Em He hit the Send button and then flinging the PADD aside, he dropped backwards onto the bed, arms spread out, heaving another sigh of satisfaction. Seconds later he leaped out of bed, scratched his bare bum, and headed to the replicator to get himself a strong cup of coffee. It was going to be a busy day, he told himself, but a meaningful one too.:: ((Three hours later)) ::Having replicated all the raw ingredients that he would need, including basic cooking utensils, using his very own personal collection of culinary subroutines that counted among some of his most cherished and valuable possessions, it was now time to commence cooking for a boyfriend. He decided to make Escalivada as starters. He placed whole eggplants, sweet red peppers, red tomatoes, sweet onions, beetroots and sweet potatoes on a grill. The trick was to make small, elongated incisions in the vegetables to prevent them from bursting when grilled. Once well cooked, he removed them from the grill and peeled and sliced them into strips, before dousing them with olive oil and a dash of sea salt, roasted mustard seeds roasted minced garlic. To accompany the escalivada, Emerson prepared Escudella. For the rich stew, he brought pasta, cabbage, white beans, chickpeas, turnips, onions and carrots to a slow simmer, and substituted the traditional “feet and bones” with botiffara sausages instead. The escudella would go well when eaten with mollete, he told himself and promptly replicated some of the bread. For the main course, he decided to make a special seafood paella, arroz negro. Replicated squids rarely contained ink, so he replicated the cephalopods and the black ink separately. First he cooked the cut up squids, cuttlefish, shrimp, mussels and fillets of cod in the cephalopod ink in a frying pan before throwing in some bay leaves. In a paella pre-heated beside the pan, he stir-fried some chopped onions and then added the round grain rice and stirred it constantly until it browned, after which he added some parsley, pepper and salt to taste, a half-glass of chardonnay and one liter of fish broth. After about ten minutes, he added the cooked seafood and the remaining broth and allowed it to simmer for ten to fifteen minutes until the rice was done. Next, he prepared the fat-trimmed pork skin strips for the traditional pork rind-style chicharrónes. After having boiled the skin and cooled them down, he rubbed some ground cayenne pepper onto the strips before deep-frying them in oil until they puffed up and started to float to the surface. The chicharrónes would go very well with almogrote, a delicious cheese sauce made with goat cheese, paprika, red chilli pepper, olive oil, garlic and tomatoes. After thinking for a few minutes, Emerson opted to prepare Tarta de Santiago for dessert. After baking the ground-almond pie within the replicator itself (which he modified after learning the trick from one of Discovery’s former engineers), he dusted a generous coating of powdered sugar over a cut-out of St James’ sword. He later removed the piece of cut-out and admired the design it left behind on the pie. He replicated some vanilla ice-cream to go with the pie. He wiped the sweat off his brow and checked the time. Almost six hours had passed. From the store room, he removed a Gran Reserva bottle of Rioja and two wine glasses and brought them out to the dining table which had been draped with a blood red tablecloth with the various dishes laid out on top. Remembering to authorize the computer to turn off the fire alert, Emerson lit two ivory candles and placed them on either side of the central floral arrangement of red roses interrupted by sprigs of lavender. He stepped back to admire the presentation and sighed for the third time that day.:: RAVENSCROFT: Computer, play romantic harp instrumental playlist, Emerson 2T. And dim the lights down two degrees. ::As the computer chirped and complied, the flame-haired linguist almost skipped into the shower to dress for the occasion, humming a cheery tune as the sonic shower came on.:: TBC ==================================== Lt Emerson Ravenscroft Xenolinguist USS Atlantis NCC-74682 as simmed by Commander Raj Blueheart
  25. (Corridors - USS Atlantis) ::Mitchell yawned as he made the trip up to the bridge from the Runabout dock on Deck 9. He’d been sitting in that runabout for such a long period he’d decided to walk from the dock at the aft end of the deck forward all the way to the forward pair of turbo lifts. It wasn’t the extreme hike it would have been back on the Lady since the Atlantis was a smaller Intrepid, but it was a good walk to loosen up all his stiff muscles. It had been a long time since he had put himself through the gut wrenching effects of combat flying.:: oO And this was only a runabout, not Valkyrie or even a Peregine. It had a better SIF then both fighters. Oo ::As he walked, he let his mind wander back to some of the fights he’d been in. The first that came to mind was the fighting with the Romulans over the base.:: (Flashback in Mitchell’s Mind) ::Every fighter the base had was now streaking toward the decloaked Warbirds. Nine Rogue class interceptors lead the way, with the six Valkryies lead by Mitchell right behind. Eight Peregines were on one side, with twelve who had not gone out with the Discovery, on the other side. The four surviving Maul gunships brought up the rear, tucked in tight behind, between,and slightly under the others.:: ::But this time there was no chance for a surprise like at Daris II. All of the Romulan ships were on impulse, and this time, there had the oppurtunity to use the best form of anti-starfighter defense in the galaxy. Another fighter. And the new Romulan Warbirds carried the newest "fighter" in the Romulan's aresnal, the Scorpion class, as Starfleet Intel had taged it. And as Mitchell and his fellows had expected, they were out in force today.:: ::Now since only Jean Luc Picard of the Enterprise E was the only Starfleet officer who had flown a Scorpion, there was exactly much known about how the new craft would handle. But according to Intel data, the Scorpion was a ground attack craft, essentially a modified shuttlepod design, with limited capabilities as a fighter. They were the exact opposite of the craft under Mitchell's command, which according to Starfleet guideline were all special designed and built fighter craft. So it was going to be a contest between a small number of true fighter/interceptors versus a large number of "wannabe" fighters. And those wannabes were forming up for a break through strike of their own.:: ::The range scrolled down fast and his targeting cursor went red with the familiar growl. It was time.:: MITCHELL: =/\= All craft. Break Now! =/\= ::Immeadiately the Rogue interceptors went to max power and opened fire with pulse phaser cannons, then pulled up hard, clearing the others line of fire, just as Mitchell and the others each clamped down on their own triggers. Each of the Valkyries spat out a pair of mini-quantum torpedoes and the Peregines mini-photons, but the Mauls each fired two external full sized photons. As soon as the torps were inflight, both squadrons of Peregines broke wide, while Mitchell slammed his stick over hard, putting his bird into a crash dive, the others Valkryies following. The old fashioned spitting flower trick.:: ::Each squadrons finished its manuevers to keep clear of return fire and rolled back in. But despite the barrage, not enough Scorpions were taken out for Mitchell's taste. But the Rogue's again lead the way back in, spitting pulse phaser fire, nailing several more of the Romulans. Then as the Scorpions used their limited ammount of manueverability to break after the Rogues, it was Mitchell and the Ghostriders turn. The Valkyries came in using their own pulse phaser cannons, catching the Romulans from the oblique. Two exploded under the volley as the others tried to break free. But the Valkyries superior manueverability let them stay right with the Scorpions, pumping phaser fire into'em. The remaining four quickly disappeared in blazes.:: ::Mitchell finished off his bogey and racked his bird around to pick up another target. Around him, the other fighters weaved, turned, climbed and dived, juked and jived, doing what ever they could to keep their more manueverable birds behind the Romulans and out of the weapon arcs of the Warbirds. He rolled out of his turn and dropped in behind another Scorpion from above. He glanced at the sensors to see that several Warbirds were making a run on the doors to Spacedock. That meant they were trying to break in and invade.:: MITCHELL: ::switching to the wing com channel:: =/\= Ghost One to Marauders. Get those troop carriers. We gotta stop'em. Aces, help'em out. =/\= ::The gunships had been the only fighters not involved in serious dogfighting, which made sense since they were their to kill the Warbirds. They were making runs, but their were only four of them so they could only do so much. The eight Peregines of the Black Aces would help, but all of the fighters would really be needed. But first they had to finish off these Scorpions, especially this one that Mitchell was chasing now. MITCHELL: Can't get his guy. Go for a torp lock! NOVA: Locking on. MITCHELL: Come baby, lock it up. Lock up...... ::then suddenly the cursor went red with a lock.:: Fire it! ::He squeezed the trigger and mashed the launch key at the same time. One of the two launchers built into the underside of the fighter, spat a single mini-quantum. The torpedo raced out, tracking the fighter it was following through its manuevers. It caught up with the fighter as it tried to slid out of the torpedo's path, and detonated with a flash.:: (Corridor - USS Atlantis) ::He shook his head to clear it before he walked into a wall. He reached one of the turbo lifts, tapped the key, and waited for a car to arrive. That mission had gotten rather painful for him. He reached down to rub his knee.:: (Flashback) ::Lt Mitchell was grogily drifting in and out of consciousness as the escape pod containing he and his WSO drifted through space. At least the periods of unconsciousness kept down the oxygen use. And it was starting to really get cold in the pod, or at least he thought. It hadn't been that long since they had ejected or so he thought. Someone should have come to get them by now, but he couldn't be sure how long it had been.:: ::He wasn't sure of Nova's condition behind him, but she didn't answer when he yelled. And yelling through the mask was all he could for now. The pod had lost all power at some point so he couldnt be sure how much air they had left other than what was around them and in their pressure suit emergency bottles. Thus he couldnt afford to risk removing his own mask, in case the pod had a leak in it somewhere. He would have unstrapped and tried to turn around, but his leg had smashed into the console and some point and his left knee wouldn't change positions now. He would probably loose his leg if they hit a planet and had to eject out of the pod. But at least at some point, either he or the pod's automatic systems had stopped the tumbling caused by the rocket motor that had gotten it clear of the dying Valkyrie. That was a plus at least. All he needed now was to be space sick as well.:: ::Suddenly he felt light playing across the darkness his eyes were used to. He opened his eyes to see another Valkyrie floating there, right outside the pod. Someone had come after all.:: oO Yes. They found us! About time. Took'em long enough. Uh no. With no power there's not a way to let them know we're alive.... Wait I got a way. Let's see what they think of this. Hope no one gets offended.Oo ::He lifted his arm and put his gloved hand right against the canopy. Making a fist, knuckles against the canopy, he rotated it so his palm was down, then he extended a selected finger.:: (Corridors - USS Atlantis) ::The hiss of the lift doors opening drug him from his thoughts and he stepped into the empty car.:: MITCHELL: Bridge ::As the car rose, he thought about the aftermath of that mission.:: (Flashback) ::Lt Mitchell hurt all over. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around, trying to see what he could see without moving his head. From what he could see and smell, he was in a starship's sickbay, and a nearly brand new one at that. That meant he was on the USS Fearless, since she had been on a test cruise right out of the yards when she had been diverted to join the rescue fleet heading for the base. He tried to lean forward and ease himself up into a sitting position, but when he tried to use his left arm, it felt like fire was burning through his side.:: LEE: ::hopping up from the chair he was sitting in and coming over to help.:: Whoa. Easy there Mitchell. Your busted up pretty good. ::With Lee's assistance, Mitchell got into a position sitting up right.:: MITCHELL: Ugh! What did I do to myself this time? LEE: Well, you want the short version or the whole list? MITCHELL: ::grunting:: The short version, please. LEE: Well, the main three are that you dislocated your left shoulder, bruised several ribs, as well as your right knee. MITCHELL: Ouch. No wonder I hurt all over. Ever heard of pain killers around here? LEE: They shot you full when the shuttle picked you up. You just came off them. MITCHELL: How long since you picked me up? Last thing I remember was giving a Valkyrie the finger. And where's my WSO, Nova? LEE: Yeah...nice signal. Been a long time since you last shot that at me. Its been about two hours since we picked you up. But Nova, well...Nova's still in surgery. MITCHELL: Surgery? For what? LEE: A lot. Multiple internal injuries. Well, here's what I can determine from the little I got from the medics in the shuttle, and knowing the Valkyrie's [...]pit. Nova managed to trigger the command ejection sequence to punch you two out. But as the pod seperated from your fighter, that took you out of the effects of the internal compensator. So as the pod started tumbling and tried to stablize itself, the only thing holding you both in place, were you harness straps. MITCHELL: Skip the excess details. So we got thrown around. That would account for how I feel and my injuries. But what about Nova? LEE: Apparently her harness either didn't lock properly or failed altogether. She was thrown around her portion of the [...]pit like a rag doll. So in addition to the physical external injuries like yours, she recieved significant internal damage, including damage to her spinal column. That's why the doc's are in there still, working on her now. MITCHELL: How's it look? Will she pull through? LEE: I think so. But her returning to flight status is nil. Maybe in a while, but for sure it won't be any time soon. MITCHELL: I know. She's a good WSO, be tough to replace her. ::Mitchell sat there slightly for several minutes, and Lee let him, before continuing the conversation.:: MITCHELL: Did you report finding me to Cmdr Waltas? LEE: Yes I did. He told me that if you pranged up another fighter, he'd bust you back to petty officer. MITCHELL: Funny. There any other messages for me? LEE: One. There's to be a staff meeting of the base's senior officers coming up. I guess that means you since your their flight ops chief. MITCHELL: Yeah it does technically. But how much of a department/flight wing do I have left? We took every fighter that would fly out with the Discovery before we fled. And of those, how many came through the fight in combat ready shape? LEE: Well, when the Fearless is done here, we're headed back to the fleet yards to finish fitting out. So I don't see the need for fighters for that. So...if need be, I'll transfer all of my working fighters over to your wing to replace your losses. MITCHELL: What about pilots? More fighters can be built a lot quicker than good pilots trained. I'l probably need some more pilots too. LEE: That would require me to discuss things with my Captain. But I'll say that if you would have it, I'll take leave, and come fly on your wing. MITCHELL: Thanks. I appreciate the offer. Now get me some crutches or something, cause I have a meeting to get to. (Turbolift - USS Atlantis) ::That had nearly been one of the various ends to his flying days but been the end of Nova’s. He got off with relatively minor injuries beside the knee, but Nova, the docs thought they could save her. But the spine damage had been too great. She’d been one of the hundreds of casualties lost in that battle. :: oO And I haven’t flown combat with a WSO since either. Oo ::He felt water on his face, and reached up to touch it and found his eyes were emitting tears. Some would call it crying. But he’d stick to calling it a by product of being awake and at the helm for so long. He wiped his eyes as the car stopped and the doors opened. He set himself and stepped out onto the bridge.:: tbc Commander Rode Mitchell Chief Tactical Officer USS Atlantis
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