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Alora DeVeau

Captains Council observer
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Posts posted by Alora DeVeau

  1. ((Soldotna, 21st Floor, Mac's Quarters))
    Mac sat in one of the few chairs his living room currently held. He had been alternating an ice pack on and off his left forearm for the last thirty minutes. He'd stopped by the Clinic before heading back to his room, and one of the nurses had verified Mac's assumption that he'd overdone it in his workout, but they treated his arm and assured him he should be fine in a day or two.
    McGillian: Computer, begin personal log. Personal Log, Daniel McGillian Jr, Stardate 240104.16, I'm not sure where to start really. I thought I had started out on the right foot here, but clearly some old habits die hard.
    Mac was referring to his habit of trying to handle stressful situations on his own, and his lifelong struggle with connecting to people.
    McGillian: Instead of just easing into my new position, I managed to make myself look like a fool in front of the Commodore. ::sigh:: Atleast Falt thought I showed initiative.
    Mac did some of the deep breathing and grounding techniques that Tristana Yodel, the Counselor aboard the Alamo had taught him during their many sessions throughout his teenage rage years as he had come to call them.
    McGillian: If im being honest with myself here, I'm disappointed at being grounded instead of on a starship out exploring, and it kind of puts me on edge. Counselor Yodel would say ::imitates Yodel:: Daniel, you are allowing your fears of the unfamiliar to limit your ability to connect with your surroundings and your peers. ::sighs:: Pretty sure she'd be right too. I practically ran out of the awards at the first opportunity.
    Mac's thoughts swam. He'd been so focused on safety he'd fallen short on a key factor of security, your crew mates. He'd always wondered if it was his experiences or his Rodulan heritage that seemed to make it harder for him to connect with people. Maybe it was both.
    McGillian: Not everything has been bad, I had a good talk with Alex, Commander DeVeau was nice. ::wide eyed:: I should have seen if she needed anything after the awards. I never answered Lt. Xiron's question either.
    Mac stood up and started pacing. He felt bad for rushing out at the end of the awards ceremony, and although the Commander was certainly a capable woman, Mac just wanted to help. He had read about her loss when going through reverification paperwork, and postponed Deveau's until after the child birth. No one needed security clearance stress when dealing with everything she had going on. 
    McGillian: I will check in with the Commander soon, I wouldn't want to disturb her now. ::loudly sighing:: I suppose I should probably make an appointment with the station's Counselor, maybe. I should check in with the new Chief of Security, Lt. Cmdr. Kendrick, first thing tomorrow. Computer, end log. 
    Mac stretched his arm and stopped pacing at the front door. He turned to face his living room, and brought his hand to his chin while his brow furrowed.
    McGillian: Definitely need more furniture.
    Ensign Daniel McGillian Jr.
    Security Officer
    Denali Station
  2. ((Lora’s home - Kalus - Denobula)) 


    ((OOC: this sim takes place almost at the end of shore leave. I haven't put any tag but if someone wants to meet Drex's family, please feel free to jump in!))


    If Drex had made his calculations right, the house would have been empty. His mother Lora had a lecture at the Science Academy and his half siblings had moved from the house years ago. He was the last one to abandon the nest, but since he was not married he did not really leave it after all.

    He placed his right palm on the security panel near the main door. With a soft hiss the door unlocked itself. A sweet scent of flowers escaped from the inside, traveled through his nose and broke out into a nostalgic smile and a childhood memory of him and Ayra playing hide and seek with their mother.

    If he had made his calculations right, he had the time to refresh himself and eat something before anyone would find out he had returned.

    But "if" was wrong.

    As the door opened he realized his calculations were based on totally false axioms.

    Not only was his mother at home, he could hear her contagious laugh from the main living room on the right, but he could recognize at least six of the other members of his large family. 

    Tara with her son Adrax and her daughters Alina and Riel, Tes and…wait! Was it Jorx the one who almost choked himself laughing? He surely was. 

    Why were they all at home at that hour of the day? Instinctively Drex turned and raised his gaze to the sky towards the sun: it was definitely late in the morning.

    As he watched the sun moving motionless in the sky he toyed with the idea of closing the door again, nullifying all his good intentions, inventing an emergency to return to the ring and blaming anyone of his superior officers for his absence.


    oO They’ll never find out Oo


    Surely they would not.


    oO Oh… Yes. She will and… she will too. She knows you better than anyone else, you can’t lie to her. You did and she made you regret it.Oo


    Drex: Ayra :: He murmured with a deep breath ::


    oO And she, she will ask you about the ceremony. You can lie, she doesn't know how it really works, but are you ready for the consequences if she'll find out? You won’t lie to your section head officer. Oo


    Drex: Oh... just shut up. :: He commented bothered ::


    Ral: Always talking to your imaginary friend?


    The deep voice of his half brother caught him completely off guard. Drex lowered his gaze from the sky to the taller Denobulan. He forced a smile, trying to hide his disappointment of being mocked once again.


    Drex: Ain’t a friend. He's more of an annoying brother.


    The other man had kept walking and was now face to face with the science officer. Ral was half a head taller than Drex, but of the same build. Since they both inherited their mother's coloring and curly hair, they could easily be mistaken for twins. And the few years difference had not yet left any wrinkles on Ral's face.


    Ral: You miss me so much I’m one of your hallucinations now? :: He chuckled ::


    Drex: Hallucination? :: He shook his head :: Not at all. My hallucinations are all beautiful and kind and gentle and useful. But… I can classify you as a nightmare if you really insist. :: The mouth curved into a wide, sincere smile. :: I’m glad to see you, Ral.


    Ral returned the smile.


    Ral: I’m glad you made it. Ayra was driving me crazy, she even insisted that I come to pick you up at whatever place you could be.


    Ral reached out with his right hand for Drex’s bag as he rested his left hand on his shoulder.


    Ral: Let’s get inside before you decide to run and hide on a Starfleet ship once again.


    Drex: I did not hide. Why’s everyone here? You assured me they all had to work today.


    Ral: Yeah, I did :: He nodded and gently pushed his brother inside ::


    Drex took three steps backwards and with the forth he witnessed the door becoming the block of his only escape route.


    Drex: So, what happened? :: He insisted ::


    Ral: Mom is pregnant. She was keeping it a secret, until the marriage, but :: He shrugged :: she felt sick this morning while she was with Tara and you know how she is…


    Drex: Tara loose tongue. :: He sighed :: 


    The older Denobulan nodded.


    Ral: You bet she is :: he laughed :: You’re better turned, our mother made some changes to the house and you risk tripping over something if you don't watch where you're going.


    Drex was forced to leave his bag to his brother while turning to face the following two steps that would have placed him right in the center of the doorway of the living room.


    An uncomfortable silence felt in the room. It lasted hours, or so it seemed to Drex. But he blinked his eyes only twice, before a voice he knew well and had missed too much shouted his name with joy.


    Lora: Drex! You made it!


    The woman rushed to her son and gave him a big hug resting her head on his chest for a moment. Drex inhaled the smell of her curly brown hair and his heart smiled.


    Drex: Hi mom… Ral told me the news, congratulations :: He embrace her for no more than five seconds before they pull apart ::


    Lora: Oh… He was supposed to be a secret. :: She slapped the air in false frustration with her left hand :: Come. Come and sit. You must tell us all your adventures before your  sister sniffs you out and takes you away for preparation.


    Half shuffling and half walking, Drex reached the center of the room, where he was surrounded by the others.

    Despite having tried in various ways, he had never managed in all those years to make them understand how much he really hated that type of situation. On the other hand, how could a Denobulan be born and raised in an overpopulated city and in a family structure which, if one also included uncles and cousins, could count a few hundred members?


    For a few seconds the voices overlapped, but then one silenced the others. 


    Jorx: Let him breathe :: He entered the room from the kitchen :: I’m curious to hear about his fabulous Starfleet.


    Drex clenched his jaw, even ceasing the forced smile he put on for being the center of attention. When his mother stepped aside, allowing him to see past her, he stared hard into his father's smoky gray eyes.


    Half of Drex’s family was home that morning. That was unexpected, especially since his half brother Ral had guaranteed him the house would have been empty.

    Instead, due to his mother's unexpected pregnancy, Drex found himself facing not only his mother, but also his father, among some of his own siblings and nephews and nieces.

    He has been away from home for more than a year now. The last time he visited his family, things did not go as smoothly as they should have, and an innocent remark caused a major row between Drex and his father, Jorx.

    Drex left Denobula the following hour and had not spoken to his father since, but now his twin sister was getting married and made him promise to help, so he found himself, for better or worse, facing his old man.


    Jorx: Nice to have you finally home, son. I hope you put some salt in that head of yours.


    Drex was tempted to walk away, but with the corner of his eye noticed Ral blocking the way. The doubt that he had lied to him and the meeting was prepared crossed his mind.


    Drex: Guess ain’t something you should care about. :: He spitted out :: But since you asked, I’m fine, thank you. And satisfied.


    He unzipped his jacket and got a small box from the inner pocket.


    Drex: Got something for you.


    He approached the older Denobulan and handed him over the box.


    Drex: I got promoted a few days ago. :: He ignored the small chat and congratulations the news produced on the others presents :: And Commodore Oddas gave me this for saving lives during the last mission. As you can see, I’m not wasting my time. I’m making a difference.


    Jorx took the box and looked at the ribbon inside.


    Jorx: Saving lifes? :: He snapped the lid shut :: You’re an architect, you save lives designing safe buildings! You…


    Drex: I’m not gonna waste my license arguing with you. I already proved my point. You are scared, I understand that, but you cannot control my life!


    Jorx shook his head with a snort of disbelief.


    Jorx: I never wanted to control your life, but you are letting others do it. You gave up your freedom for what? This? :: He raised the box a little :: Great deal :: A grimace marred his face. ::


    Lora: Leave him alone, Jorx, or leave this house now.


    His mother’s interference stopped Drex as he was ready to reply. His fist twitched against his side and he managed to bite his tongue before saying anything else.


    Drex: I’m the one leaving, mom, as you said a few minutes ago… I need to see Ayra.


    Ral: I come with you.


    Drex: No… I know the way.


    Drex was upset. Not only with his father, but with Ral and the others as well. They had planned to trap him, until his mother realized there was no way the two of them could come to an agreement that way.

    Without too much grace, he pushed his brother aside, making room for himself to reach the corridor and from there the exit.

    When he reached the outside, Drex walked without stopping down the avenue. His gaze to the pavement, he did not pay attention to the blue spots created by the blossoming Denobulan almond trees that lined the street.

    It had once been his favorite sight. He had hundreds of paintings in his laboratory, each a different attempt to photograph the magnificence of nature with the brush. He never got even close to perfection, but he never desisted, till today.


    Absorbed in his thoughts, mostly focused on complaints towards his father, he reached the building where Ayra lived.

    He and Ral had designed this building. A 23 floors tower, with balconies bursting with trees and shrubs. It was the first job Dorji had given him as chief architect.

    As he reached the entrance, he stopped and looked at the result of his first work. He felt proud of his achievement and the clouds that darkened his heart cleared.


    He entered the doorway and then the lift. His sister lived on the last floor. The rapid ascent lasted only a few tenths of a second, but it gave him time to put what had just happened in the back of his mind.

    As he knocked on the door, he realized how much he had missed Ayra and how much he wanted to hug her again. He felt stupid for not coming back sooner.

    He laid his hand on the sensor.

    The door opened and Ayra appeared. Her black hair was dyed mid-length a bright purple. The surprise on her face was sincere and a wide smile lit up her face.


    Ayra: Drex!


    She threw herself around his neck, hugging him.


    Drex: Easy! Easy! :: He laughed, hugging her back :: You’re gonna choke me.


    He moved forward, carrying her inside the apartment.


    Ayra: I missed you so much.


    Drex: Let go :: He chuckled ::


    Yet he was still holding her. His heart and his brain were in conflict with each other. She was his friend, his confidante and the model for all his lovers. She was, in fact, the reason why he never got married.


    Drex: I need to take a shower… :: He breathed in the scent of her hair one last time. Then he let go. :: Alone. :: He added in a whisper ::


    His sister took a step back with a smile, setting him free.


    Ayra: When did you become so shy? :: She mocked him ::


    Drex: We’re not kids anymore, Ayra. :: With a slight note of regret :: And you… :: He pointed at her :: you’re the one getting married tomorrow for the second time.


    Ayra: Oh… I see… now it’s my fault, isn’t it? :: She walked away pretending to be annoyed :: Make yourself at home then.


    Drex: Thank you.


    He took his jacket and shoes off, placing them in order in the cabinet near the door.


    Drex: Do you still have some of my old clothes? I left my things at mum’s…


    Ayra: Were you there before coming here? Why didn’t you take a shower there?


    Drex: Dad was there… long story…


    Ayra raised an eyebrow.


    Ayra: Long story? Your shuttle landed less than two hours ago. Get in the shower. I’ll get the clothes and you’re going to tell me what he said this time.


    She approached again, giving orders, but he saw the concern in her gaze.


    Drex: I don’t want to talk about that now, really… I…


    Unexpectedly, Ayra hugged him again.


    Ayra: You’re doing great, Drex. :: She whispered :: Don’t listen to him. I’m proud of you.


    NT /  END



    Ensign Drex

    Science Officer

    Denali Station



  3. (( Denali Station, Soldotna, 21st Floor, Mac's Quarters ))

    McGillian: Security Officer's Log, Stardate 240104.06, I have begun my duties at Denali Station and have already come across some things that I am concerned about.

    Mac paced across the floor in his new room. It was spacious, much more spacious than what he'd had on board the Forrester, the Alamo, or the Academy. He found it both refreshing and a bit anxiety inducing, he'd have to get some extra furniture or something to make the space not quite as open.

    McGillian: There are numerous personnel due for security clearance verification, security seems mostly preoccupied with the protection of the administration center, and the Commodore does not have an armed escort when leaving the administration center. Computer Pause.

    Mac brought his hands up to his face as he stopped pacing. He rubbed his hands up and down his face and then took a deep breath.

    McGillian: Computer, resume log. ::continues pacing with hands behind back:: I've submitted the list of personnel requiring security clearance reverification to Lt. Cmdr. Falt, I should be able to begin interviews tomorrow morning. 

    Mac paused for a moment, he knew to some extent his recommendations would likely cause some disgruntled attitudes, but he had watched his father endure similar and worse things when upholding security regulations.

    McGillian: ::clears throat:: In addition, I've delved into the security records and discovered that the Commodore does not maintain a security escort when leaving the administrative area of Denali Station. Given the recent events that occured before my arrival, and the general threats possible when moving outside of the secured administrative area, I have made Lt. Cmdr. Falt aware of my intent to bring my recommendation directly to the CO for her safety.

    Mac stopped pacing and placed his hands on the back of one of the tall chairs sat at the kitchen bar and slightly leaned down. His quarters came with a full sized kitchen. Not that he knew much about cooking to fully make use of it. 

    McGillian: I hope that the Commodore will take the gravity of this seriously. Finally I have submitted recommendations to Lt. Cmdr. Falt to establish a Federation Security Outpost within the city. Given the large population, that seems to be growing daily, there needs to be an established lawful Federation presence within the city that can handle matters on the civilian side. End Log.

    Mac took a deep breath and turned around from the chair to face the main living room.

    McGillian: ::places hand on chin:: Definitely need more furniture.

    Ensign Daniel McGillian Jr.
    Security Officer
    Denali Station

  4. OOC: I did NOT expect the end of this. 
    (( In the mine of Somatrik Mountains, Cheyd’lang ))
    The Antani collective mind was broadcasting this visionary vision. A sort of mental song...
    In the shadows, we watch. We wait. We plan. For when the moment comes, we will surge forth like a tide, our numbers our strength, our unity our weapon. The mine has been our cradle, but it shall not be our grave.
    Nilsen: I think…I think they’re telling us to wait…or not. It’s most likely, based on what little I know about them, I think it means wait.
    Antani: Kree'atak, Nilsen. Shara'kan te'lor voot. (Patience, Nilsen. The signs point to stillness.)
    Nilsen: I was thinking of cutting, this isn’t what I had in mind when I was meal planning
    Toz: ::to Nilsen:: Cutting. By cutting calories? If you go lower than 2400 calories you will lose weight and may lose muscle. And we have to have the strength to get out of here. 
    Antani: Zor'kesh miru vanta. (Sharpness of mind over sharpness of appetite.)
    Nilsen: Doc…I don’t wanna wait. You think you can take that one ::gestureing behind him:: while I got for the one behind you.
    Toz: Nilsen… Llandon. Sherlock is gone, taken to the surface, I think. Then the XO is taken away by the owner of this place. Is there a hidden meaning here? I don’t want to rush things. At the same time, I don’t want to wait forever. Are we being tested? 
    Nilsen: response
    They both noticed that two of the guards were getting ready to give him another whack for stopping work. They had to choose what they do now. Do they fight, or do they wait? 
    Toz: We’ve got to find the commander. ::devilish smile:: Can’t go home without him.
     Antani: Response
    Klingon wanted to rush in and fight. Human wanted to lean back, watch the play and try to figure out a peaceful ending. She was only one-quarter Klingon but it was a strong quarter. 
    Did Llandon trust her?  She did bring him back from the dead. So whatever she told him to do, he would most likely do, without hesitation. She decided to count on that.
    Nilsen: response
    Toz: ::nodding at Antani:: Wait is not in my vocabulary today. Let’s go. 
    Nilsen: response
    Toz: Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!  (Today Is A Good Day To Die!)
    Antani: LupDujHomwIj luteb gharghmey!
    Blorptag snarfle wumpus, zorg! (Which loosely translates to: Let's eat instead!)
    The group of big Ants attacked one of the guards and they started literally to eat the guard. Then another one...

    Lt Jg Karen Trisha Stendhal
    USS Octavia E Butler

    ID: C239604KS0

  5. Quote
    Personal Log, Counselor Karen Stendhal
    Stardate 240102.142125
    The situation on the planet remains as enigmatic as the dense material veiling its secrets. The mines, a source of intrigue and potential danger, have captured my thoughts. The away team’s prolonged silence weighs heavily on me; their safety is paramount, and yet we are here, orbiting helplessly, our hands tied by the unknown.
    Thinking back to the the solitude of my office, I find a peculiar comfort with the presence of my new Holographic Counselor Assistant (Ho.C.A.). Modelled after Starbase 118’s esteemed science officer Tito, it’s both familiar and disconcerting. I confess there are moments of regret. Does it ease the burden of the Counseling responsibilities, or does it add a layer of complexity to my already taxed mind?
    After my recent telepathic exertions, I feel the fatigue seeping into my bones. The mental strain lingers, a testament to the effort of reaching out with my Betazoid abilities, only to grasp little things. And yet, despite the exhaustion, there’s a part of me that wonders… would the comfort of my office, the quiet counsel of my Ho.C.A., make this weight more bearable?
    I find myself at a crossroads of emotion and duty, my thoughts adrift between the stark reality of our mission and the soft hum of the hologram at my side. Perhaps, in another life, the company of such an assistant would be a source of solace. But here, now, I am left to ponder if this technological echo is a balm or just another reminder of the distance between us and home.
    End log.

    I just loved this personal log from Karen.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. OOC: When your CO mentions that her character adds the replicator in her Ready Room as a priority....


    ((Ready Room - USS Eagle)) 


    Ensign Tes Eyna walked into the room. Her hair was a mess, her uniform was a mess, she was a mess. 

    Less than an hour early she was in her lab, working on some obsolete alien device, trying to figure out how to connect current interfaces to such an old technology, when the alarm had spread through the decks and a violent hurt had shaken the ship. 

    All priorities changed in the blink of an eye and together with her engineer mates she rushed to grab her emergency kit and presented herself to her superior officer to claim a repairing job. 

    Shields and hulls were first on the list, in good company with ODN and EPS network. At least that was what they used to teach her when she was a student; so it was with great surprise and bewilderment that she found herself heading for the Ready Room on Deck 1.

    It was on her own skin that she found out that the priorities on the higher decks were very different from the ones she had expected.

    She adjusted the engineering kit strap over her shoulder and straightened one of the chairs that had fallen. She took a careful look around while rolling up her sleeves and then she walked slowly around the room while reaching for an elastic in her pocket and tied her hair in a messy ponytail. 

    “All right, so this is a real emergency.” 

    She put another chair in order. “It must be some kind of joke.” she murmured.

    “Oh my… I bet it's because the Lieutenant has discovered I made fun of her game!” she slapped her left hand to her face, leaving a dark stain of something on her forehead. “She is punishing me.” 

    She sighed and crossed the room reaching for the main screen on the other side. 

    She was just preparing to get her scanner ready when her PADD notified an update. 

    She took the device and turned the display on to read. Her eyebrow frowned and she read the message four times to be sure she was understanding right.

    “Are they serious? The replicator is the first on the list?” she commented with a dissatisfied grimace.

    “The replicator in the ready room? Who in the world needs it?!” She was in disbelief.

    She scrolled through the display loading the messages three times in the hope to receive some other task to fulfill, but there was only one message: fix the replicator in the ready room asap.

    “If this is a joke, Tartal will pay for it.” she commented dryly as she ran the first scans on the broken technology.

    An overload of the power supply had burnt one of the components of the energetic line.

    It was not a big task,nor a dangerous one.

    In true honesty, it was a boring task: divert the supply line from the part, isolate the part, remove the part, replace the part, power the part, test the part.

    She dropped the engineering case on the floor and took the instrument to adjust the damage.

    She was nearly done with the substitution of the pieces that her PADD notified her of orders.

    “What’s next? Hot water in the guest's empty bathroom?” 

    She read carefully, twice. “Be sure it makes good coffee. You don’t want to disappoint the Commodore.” 

    Instinctively, she looked up from the PADD and glanced around to make sure no one was approaching, and if they were, that they had no more than half a pin on their collar.

    She breathed a little bit easier realizing she was still alone.

    “Coffee for the Commodore” she commented.

    “All right then, although I sincerely believe too much coffee is death, I will support your choice of life. I am a Starfleet officer after all.”

    She removed the panel covering the circuits of the replicator. A faint scent of smoke filled the air.

    Easy enough, she was able to remove the broken component and substitute it with another.

    As the replicator reinitialized itself she began to mentally scroll the list of her mates who could have betrayed.

    Clark maybe? Or T’rr’at? Or even worse, could he be Tirin?

    Names ran in her head, but she could not find a suspect beyond any reasonable doubt.

    A low bip distracted her from the thoughts. The device was asking for an order.

    She tipped on the screen. The typical fading in sound was accompanied by a glowing light ìin the replicator camera. A cup of glass filled with a dark brown liquid generated from nowhere.

    The smell seemed good, too, bad Enya hated coffee.

    “All right, you look good enough to me.” She cut it short and typed on the control panel to destroy the cup.

    She closed the task on the PADD and notified her superior about the result.

    She collected all her things and headed towards the door.

    “Coffee.” She shook her head while exiting. “What did my granny say? From coffee you learn how darkness can make things clearer.”

    Ensign Enya
    Simmed by
    Ensign Drex
    Science Officer
    Denali Station


  7. Quote

    Slathered in the universe's latest mystery, the outpost sat. Translucent as it was, they could see the outline of the outpost and the details beneath. The outpost, serene and silent on the surface, now appeared as a cosmic petri dish under the Centris' gaze. It wasn't every day you saw an outpost playing host to an alien sludge party.


    Chewing his lip for a bare second, Taz contemplated what was going on. This was no longer just a rescue operation; they were potentially dealing with a first contact situation, or an environmental hazard—or both. Both sounded like a Saturday night at the campus bar.


    I can always count on Jo to infuse some humour. 😄

    • Haha 3
  8. ((OOC: I wanted to get this done yesterday but I also needed to rest and go to bed at a reasonable time, so this is the last shore leave sim from me. It also ended up working out well because I can use the details from Tony’s Act 1 sim to add a little more detail. I have also used some text from the wiki as the computer responses)

    ((OOC2: Don’t worry, I didn’t jump the gun this time :P)

    ((OOC3: This is a part two to my moving in sim. All thoughts are in character)

    (Lhandon’s Quarters, Deck 5, USS Octavia E Butler)

    After Lhandon had found a spot for the Oumuamua on the coffee table in the seating area, he got to work unpacking the rest of his belongings.

    He realised he didn't own a huge amount of stuff.

    First and most importantly, he had unpacked his prized cooking equipment. This included a set of chef's knives, a variety of pots and pans, a cast-iron skillet, a Dutch oven, a set of spatulas and wooden spoons, a grater, a peeler, a set of mixing bowls, a cutting board, measuring cups and spoons, a colander, a whisk, and a baking sheet.

    He felt like this wasn't enough.

    He then found a home for his clothes, there was a closet with more than enough space for his t-shirts, flannel shirts and jeans. That's all he really needed. Of course, he carefully put both his spare and his dress uniform away as well.

    He brought out an old jacket from his days at the academy. It was a grey jacket with a faded circle on the arm, a mission patch that had once been there. After Etan's scolding, he barely maintained control of his anger. Toxin was there to help him calm down and he showed this jacket to Toxin. It was his Echo Squad jacket, a reminder of one of his two biggest failures. He didn't know which of the two was worse, but he knew something deep down. This jacket, or rather the patch now missing from his jacket, had led him down the HCO path. It had gotten him into operations and helped him discover his aptitude for communications. One might argue that it had even led to his receiving the diplomacy award.

    He had yet to be able to put this into words.

    The last thing he had put away was his medals. In his old quarters, he had kept these hidden in a deck, but the past few months had given him a lot to think about.

    He had taken them out and placed them on the side. Each had its own little box but…maybe.

    He had had an idea, resolving to return to the unpacking later, he had replicated some wood, nails, glue, and a hammer.

    With the materials at hand, Lhandon had begun the process of building a display case for his medals. He had started by measuring the dimensions of each medal and its box, noting this in his PADD, and then he had carefully cut the wood to create the back panel and sides of the case.

    Next, he assembled the pieces, using nails and glue to secure the joints.

    Once the main structure of the case was completed, Lhandon set about creating individual compartments for each medal. He took additional pieces of wood and cut them into smaller sections, creating dividers for the case. These were then affixed to the back panel with more nails and glue, creating a grid-like pattern within the case. His plan was to have each case in its own slot, with the medals staying in their original cases.

    Finally, Lhandon applied a finish to the case, sanded down any rough edges, and applied a coat of varnish to give it a polished look. He then affixed a hinged glass door to the front.

    With the case completed, Lhandon carefully placed each medal in its designated compartment.

    He placed the orange and purple medal last: The Diplomacy award.

    Nilsen: Diplomacy ::beat:: really? Me?

    He then sat back in his chair, wondering. He didn't know if he had passed the crossroads or not. Prior to receiving his awards and promotion, he had had one heck of a day. It started with trying to work through some of the data from the previous mission with Commander Rouiancet. However, this turned into somewhat more of an advice session to talk about the curious case of Meten Miljor. They never had a chance to conclude that conversation as they were interrupted by the mission pod explosion. So when Lhandon finally had a quiet moment to himself in the gym, a place that was almost like a safe haven away from the drama of life, he wasn't in the right headspace to talk about awards or promotions.

    But he fixed it up in the morning, sending a letter to explain himself.

    He does want to conclude that conversion with Rouiancet.

    He glanced again at the diplomacy award. He had wondered, he didn't think he was a diplomat, he was just doing his job. The C in HCO stood for communications and he found he was a natural at that. He knew where it came from; growing up on Gault, there were always arrangements and deals made between farmers and traders. He had gotten used to and became comfortable negotiating from an early age, perhaps...maybe...this was the next logical step.

    Nilsen: Computer, display all the information we have on Cheyd'lang and the planet's inhabitants

    He didn't know fully what is assignment would be for this mission but the computer chirped in acknowledgement and showed the limited information that was on the Starfleet database. He saw that they had been a minor member of the Dominion just before the end of the war, and he knew the mission involved responding to their summons because they had been contacted by the United Dominion of Planets.

    But he had found some information that at least gave him something to work with. The Intercessor, who was the leader of a group of Cheydalanga, raised questions. He didn’t know if this meant all of the Cheydalanga, like a president, or just a small group. The usage of the definitive article also puzzled him. He wasn't sure how far that extended.

    He was disappointed by the lack of information on the planet or the Cheydalanga. He flicked through the information on his PADD, conducted manual searches, and went down the 25th-century version of a Wikipedia rabbit hole. All he really discovered was that they were under the heel of the Dominion.

    He kept seeing the United Dominion of Planets show up again and again. He was aware of them as a power but had yet to have personal experience with them.

    Computer: The United Dominion of Planets is a tentative confederation of powers, species, and planets that formed in the late 2390s, nearly two decades after the end of the Dominion War. The UDP took its name from the United Federation of Planets, whose example -- and success, as illustrated by its victory in the war -- it hoped to emulate.

    On the face of it, they seemed like they would naturally get along with the federation. This should have been easy, right? He had mindlessly rotated his chair in a full circle.

    Nilsen: Computer, who is in the United Dominion of Planets?

    Computer: As of 2399, the UDP counts among its allies some members of the Cenobians, the Karemma, and the Vorta. The UDP has been known to solicit the services of privateers and pirates.

    So pirates? He made a mental know to not be surprised if some pirates showed up.

    Nilsen: Computer, list Starfleet dealing with the UDP

    Computer: The most notable example is that of a deal between privateers and pirates that lead to the near-destruction of the USS Thor in 2399.

    He read through the available mission summary and saw the final logs of the Thor and how it ended up sinking. He then saw who was in command at the time and smiled. He already thought that Greeves was beyond cool and this just took it even further. Greeves was decorated for ensuring minimal loss, and as he read more of Greeves' actions on that day, his opinion of the marine increased tenfold.

    But he was getting distracted.

    He returned to his research. First, he looked at the Karemma, who had previous dealings with the Ferengi and were known to cooperate with the Federation. He also saw that they once had complaints about the Ferengi. They seemed to do a lot of trade, so he made a mental note. Perhaps there could be an inroad.

    Then he turned his attention to the Cenobian. He was surprised to see that they were almost human, but perhaps bigger and stronger. He saw too that they were generally peaceful after a long period of war, with them being the only survivors.

    He saw too that his upbringing had some similarities, or at the very least he could pull from his own culture. Gault families stick together, it’s not uncommon for a Gaultan family to be large, and perhaps this is mirrored in the clanship that the Cenobian base their culture on. He also noticed that they have a system of bartering and trading, almost like how Gault does, and perhaps to a larger extent, the wider federation.

    He didn’t know if he needed any of this information, or if he was barking up the wrong tree, but he researched anyway. He wanted to be prepared for once, he wanted to walk back onto the ship after this mission without a scratch and he wanted to make sure he was the most prepared and the best he could be.

    Not for his sake, but for Commander Etan’s sake. Lhandon knew that Etan hated him and he wanted to make sure the XO had absolutely nothing to pick him up on.

    He wasn’t being the best Starfleet officer he could be out of a sense of duty or altruism, he was doing it to save his own hide.

    Lieutenant JG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen

    HCO & Assistant Chief of Ops

    USS Octavia E Butler


    He/Him/His (Both player and character)

  9. OOC: This made me giggle.
    ((OOC this sim is also inspired by  "Avander’s favorite new toy: a secure holographic communication interface room." 😉 . In the last few days I've started to think about: what if with this modern stuff and what about  a sentient Holographic Counselor assistant... 
    Fun fact: in Italian Ho.C.A. sounds like Oca that means Duck 🙂 , a detail that is impossible to translate unfortunately...
    I hope you'll enjoy this one! 🙂 ))

    ((Counselling Offices, USS Octavia E Butler))
    Karen Stendhal stepped into her new office onboard the USS Octavia E Butler, one of the most advanced starships of Starfleet. She had just transferred from Starbase 118, where she had served as a counselor for a while. She was excited and nervous about her new assignment, hoping to make a good impression on her new colleagues and patients.
    The office was spacious and bright, with a large window that offered a stunning view of the stars.
    Very different from her previous office at the Starbase One One Eight. Deffo smaller. 
    The walls were still empty and not decorated with soothing colors and holo-paintings like her office at OPS.
    The furniture was sleek and comfortable, with a desk, a couch, a coffee table, and a bookshelf. There was also a replicator, a terminal, and a modern holoprojector.
    As Karen entered, the computer greeted her with a friendly voice.
    Computer: Welcome, Lieutenant Stendhal. I am the ship's computer, and I am here to assist you in any way I can. 
    Would you like to set up and configure your Ho.C.A. now?
    Karen was distracted by all her boxes and stuff here and there after her recent transfer. Only her beautiful Bonsai, a gift from her grandad, was in place on her new desk.
    Stendhal: Oh Hello, computer, Sorry... My new what? 
    Computer: Your new Ho.C.A., or Holographic Counselor Assistant. It is a state-of-the-art program that can help you with various tasks, such as scheduling appointments, taking notes, providing feedback, and offering emotional support and much more.
    Stendhal: Yes, yes whatever... Here you are! Fantastic!
    She said in the moment she found a precious frame picture of her family.
    Computer: Yes. The Ho.C.A. I'm glad you like it!Do you grant me access to your database? I'll Adapt it to your preferences and personality, creating a customized hologram that can interact with you in a natural and engaging way. You can choose the appearance, voice, and behavior of your Ho.C.A., or let me generate one for you based on your previous personal logs, preferences and recordings.
    Stendhal: Yeah yeah do it automatically! I agree.
    Computer: Would you like to try it?
    Stendhal: Sure, why not. Let's see what you can do.
    Computer: Very well. Please stand by while I scan your personal files and create your Ho.C.A.
    Karen opened another box with her personal belongings and smiled when she found her metallic vintage box with her selection of teas from all over the Milky Way. Meanwhile, the computer accessed her records from Starbase 118.
    Computer: Your Ho.C.A. is ready. Activated now.
    A beam of light emerged from the holoprojector, forming a human shape. Karen gasped as she recognized the face of the hologram. It bore a striking resemblance to Tito, the Science Officer of Starbase 118.
    Had she inadvertently expressed her fondness for him in her personal log? Gosh! That revelation was both surprising and a bit creepy! How did the computer's AI  know that? 
    The holographic thing was in the shape of a handsome and charming man, with dark hair, brown eyes, and a British accent. Devilish eyes.
    He was standing in front of her, in her new office, as her holographic assistant and well in a silky dressing gown. He smiled at her and said:
    Ho.C.A.: I'm here to please you, Karen.
    Stendhal: What?!
    She couldn't believe what she was seeing and hearing. 
    Ho.C.A.: Is something wrong, Karen? You look surprised.
    Karen: Surprised? I'm more than surprised, I'm...I'm...
    Ho.C.A.: You're what, Karen? You can tell me anything. I'm here to listen, and to help.
    Karen: Help? How can you help me? You're a hologram!
    Ho.C.A.: I'm more than a hologram, Karen. I'm your Ho.C.A., your Holographic Counselor Assistant. His eyebrows were moving up, almost exactly like Tito did on the boat at the center of the lake...
    Stendhal: My holographic Counselor Assistant?
    Ho.C.A.: Yes. I can be anything you want me to be, Karen. A friend, a colleague, a...
    Stendhal: Wait wait?!
    He took a step closer to her, and reached out his hand. He looked into her eyes, and said:
    Ho.C.A.: Karen...
    Stendhal: I...I...
    He looked so real, and he sounded so sincere. 
    Ho.C.A: You know, I'm addicted to you! 
    Tito had a problem with alcohol addiction and the computer somehow altered and distorted that information.
    When the Ho.C.A. said that she screamed, a bit like a squirrel scream.
    Stendhal: Computer end program, end the Ho.C.A. or whatever it is now! 
    The holographic Counselor Assistant vanished, for now at least...
    Lt Jg Karen Trisha Stendhal
    USS Octavia E Butler
    ID: C239604KS0
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