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Rune Jolara

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Status Updates posted by Rune Jolara

  1. Something's broken.

  2. One small act of kindness could mean the world to someone. Thankful to those who have shown kindness in my darkest times.

  3. I want to wish everyone who celebrates Christmas a very Merry Christmas. To those who don't, have a very happy and wonderful day. Be safe and enjoy every moment with those you love. To those who can't, just remember you aren't alone.

  4. ‪Rest in Peace Carrie Fisher. A fighter and true hero on so many levels. Now free among the stars. ‬

  5. Can't live your life on what ifs...

  6. Silence is an answer that speaks volumes.

  7. Not feeling good about a lot of things... not really sure what to do.

  8. I'm going to miss having a great President with class, dignity, integrity and intelligence.

  9. Just breathe and let it go.

  10. What doesn't kill you, always comes back to try again.

  11. Life is so fragile...

  12. Thinking this one is a bust...

  13. So the universe or powers that be or whatever are working against me... 

  14. Slow down, take a breath. Everything's going to be okay.

  15. It's all a downward spiral....

  16. “Hope will never be silent.” 
                      ― Harvey Milk

  17. Does anyone else ever feel conflicted when switching primary characters? Like you're betraying them or something...

  18. Embracing change... or trying to.

  19. A little crushed...

  20. Things aren't always black and white but that doesn't matter.

  21. Some battles are best fought in silence.

  22. Another setback...

  23. Hoping for a little good news this week... fingers crossed...

  24. Hold on for one more day... or two... or three... or whatever it takes...

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