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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Status Updates posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. This morning I'm doing the bravest, most courageous thing any man can do: go to the DMV on a Saturday. Wish me luck.

  2. Why does everyone believe Schock will come out? He has no particular need to do so -- he wasn't involved in a sex scandal. He's just a run-of-the-mill, corrupt Republican. If he is gay, I doubt this will provide him with any impetus to be out.

  3. Today's DADT repeal victory is a vindication of Civil Disobedience, Direct Action, and the uncompromising pressure of GetEQUAL. Thanks to everyone (in that org, and beyond) who: worked long hours for little or no pay, made calls to their legislators, didn't think it's okay for Obama to punt on a promise, kept this at the forefront of our thoughts, and worked to make it happen.

  4. Well this day has been [...] so far. Phone stopped working the minute I walked out the door (now it's dead). Cavity is turning into a root canal tomorrow. Mailing that was supposed to send this morning never went out.

  5. I just told Hank Hedland that I thought the Moonstruck poster, with Cher, was just ridiculous, he commanded that we watch her Oscar acceptance speech for that movie. After it was done, he confided that he often gets up in the middle of the night, when he can't sleep, to watch Oscar, Tony, and Golden Globe acceptance speeches on YouTube, "crying the whole time." Oh, Henry...

  6. This is me when I drink coffee: https://t.co/EQpbjq9fto

  7. Today on WoW, I was killed by Deathwing -- got achievement [stood in the Fire] -- but I was AFK and didn't get to see it :( Evan Matthew Cobb Matt Mager

  8. Who is excited by this product-placement?

  9. This is me when I drink coffee: https://t.co/EQpbjq9fto

  10. Wendy's is across the street from our apartment, so it's our fallback on nights when Hank Hedland going to be really late after work or just doesn't feel like cooking. Last night I had a double burger and this morning I woke up feeling like someone had been kicking me in the head repeatedly overnight.

    You all know me -- I'd rather walk on my own two lips than jump to conclusions, but all I can think is that greasy hamburger hurt my brain. They should change the name from Wendy's to The Crab...

  11. I visited the ASPCA website last week, and now I'm being followed around the internet by ads with emaciated and pity-inducing puppies. Enough with the remarketing, people!

  12. I JUST had a root canal yesterday and my husband is already making me go get dinner for him. WTF Hank Hedland?

  13. I want to be this lady when I grow up.

    (From Charles Traub's "Lunchtime": http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/10/see-a-hidden-trove-of-70s-street-style.html)

  14. @Props_HQ How does Props work with Chromebox? (And why isn't this info already on your website? :)

  15. Oh god, mentioned an Oprah moment and here cones the Oprah 20th Anniversary disc so we can watch it.

  16. I don't cry at weddings. I don't cry at funerals. But the series finale of a TV show? Every time.

  17. RT @fightfortheftr: New study: Mass surveillance breeds meekness, fear, and self-censorship: https://t.co/qbU7KtcknF https://t.co/awV5SXsLO0

  18. Hank and I joined Weight Watchers today!

  19. So proud to be a part of the team at CREDO Mobile who helped make this happen. Becky Bond, Elijah Zarlin who helped lead this fight, and all my teammates: You're the best.

    This is the power of grassroots organizing and direct action. It's the reason why I never listen to the morons who argue "petitions don't do anything." A petition started this fight, and helped us build the KXL Pledge of Resistance quoted below.

  20. The maintenance guy just walked in on me dancing & singing to Bonnie Tyler's "Holding out for a hero." He had been knocking for like 5 minutes.

  21. "I'm prioritizing my songwriting my right now. You have to let it happen when it happens." -Sarah Lane.


  22. It looks like Hank Hedland and I are homeless for the next 10 days while we wait for our new apartment to be renovated. Does anyone in the Bay Area have any thoughts on affordable housing until October 1st?

  23. Spoiler alert: CDC says it's the pee. It's the god[...] pee. This is exactly why I refuse to swim in public pools.

  24. I lost 3.6 pounds on Weight Watchers in the past week!

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